Remembrance Day; Thank a Vet

On this day, we honour all those who sacrificed their lives in the past to allow us all the freedoms we enjoy live and work and play and enjoy life as a society free of fear of incarceration or worse.

On this day we honour those that risk themselves today to ensure those same freedoms are guaranteed for us tomorrow, and our children for the future.

Whether or not you agree with the actions being taken today to ensure our futures...remember always those that gave ultimately of themselves so that you COULD agree or disagree openly without retribution.

Thank you to all vets...past, present, and future.


  • Amen, brother. Amen.
  • Lest we forget our fallen heros.

    Here's some pictures from my days in Normandy in June:


    Omaha Beach.


    Juno Beach, June 6th, 2007. The 63rd Anniversary of D-Day.


    The Canadian WWII Cemetery.


    Remember Band of Brothers? Here are 'Babe' Heffron and 'Wild Bill' Guarnere, 2 of the men from Easy Company! THE ACTUAL SOLDIERS!
  • :wav::wav:
    Big Thanks to all our vets.
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