Bristol Street X Results - delayed..

Hey all,

Sorry for my not sending out the details of Bristol Street X in a timely manor, it will come soon! It was an interesting tournament where my computer decided to act all wonky and count 3 seconds for each second ticking away at the poker clock. (This made the first level of 10-20 last for about 40 minutes!)

After this we went to keeping manual time and crossing of the levels as we got to them. It was a fun tournament, (even though I busted out in 9th, just before the final table formed) and we had two new faces heads up when all was said and done.

I'll have details posted soon along with the date of Bristol Street XI and as well as changes to the format of upcoming tournaments! (Nothing too major)

And, as a bit of really fun good news, I've finally made the plunge and stuck some money into PokerStars so expect me to donate to a tournament near you!


  • It was an interesting tournament where my computer decided to act all wonky and count 3 seconds for each second ticking away at the poker clock.

    I'm not sure if you're using an XT or an AT, but this problem might be due to forgetting to push the "Turbo" button.

  • I'm not sure if you're using an XT or an AT, but this problem might be due to forgetting to push the "Turbo" button.

    Oh my, that brings back some memories..
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    I'm not sure if you're using an XT or an AT, but this problem might be due to forgetting to push the "Turbo" button.

    Raise your hands if you ever had to de-select the button in order to get some games to run properly!

    LOL. Though no one really cares, the problem is with a file called services.exe eating up more than 50% of the available CPU causing everything to grind to halt. Apparently it's a common problem. I've tried spyware removal programs and it's gotten a tad better, but I think an update to XP is in order.
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