hopeless ol' brampton

Where have all the bramptonites gone....? No games? :confused:


  • Sorry, but some of us married guys don't have room at home. More's the pity. Oh well, something to keep in mind if the family ever moves. You given up on hosting?
  • but no players... :banghead:
    I want to host, but I need people. I've tried twice, and I've met with some enthusiasm...but...as you've read before, it isn't easy.
  • Any plans on hosting this friday?

    I'm looking for a game.. If I don't find one I might go to Brantford.

  • I've committed to another event. It's my 22nd birthday on friday. But I will post (and host) a game soon. I'd still need you to bring the poker chips, if a when you do come though. :) Thanks Hork for the interest.
  • Most Fridays in October should be clear for me. I am commited to my usual game on the 16th but, other than that, I should be okay.
  • Hey. Im her here, but I could prolly get about 3-6 guys to a game in Brampton. We have 1000 Clay Dice Chips too if you need chips.
  • If you host it, they will come...
  • Mississauga here; Will play; let me know.
  • i've got at least 5 guys for a game in brampton and we have chips
  • I new on this website but i am from brampton and i am looking for new games on the weekends
  • GAME TODAY! (FRIDAY) in BRAMPTON! email sativagarden[at]yahoo.com
  • I'm in. I can bring chips and Kems.
  • okay i think i'll be in for tonight ... send me directions etc...
  • I'm new here too from Brampton, and would like to join in next time around.
    Believe me, I'm just learning the game, I could use some friendly competition, see how bad I really am, and hopefully learn something too.
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