Wii Friend Codes... again

Hey all

Sorry to do this, I know there's a thread somewhere, but I can't find the damned thing.... anyways...

For those that don't know... my Wii was stolen about a month ago, along with a bunch of other stuff outta my house... so regardless, I have two things:

A: My new Wii # 4690-0888-6581-2329

B: Anyone that had my old Wii setup, please feel free to send a message and see if that FUCKER responds :smilie:

So, I'm going to go through this thread and re-add y'all


  • 1857 7549 6572 0671
  • GH3 Friend Code (apparantly you have different codes / games?)


  • (apparantly you have different codes / games?)

    Yes because Nintendo continues to fail to see the value in rippping off Xbox Live.
  • where do I find that nunmber ?
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    GH3 Friend Code (apparantly you have different codes / games?)
  • InsaneGuy wrote: »
    where do I find that nunmber ?

    The system number, you go under the message menu (where it says "1" everytime you play), click on your address book, and keep hitting the < (left arrow) until you get to the cover of you address book, it will have your number there
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Just found out that due to some problems with GH website, I had to kill my account and recreate it, so my numbers changed:
  • 5757 6999 2599 5467
  • beanie.. just got around to re-adding you on GH3.. you're missing a #

  • 7644 4790 5911 5902

    Ghiii-532 691 776 773
  • Finally got mine back/got a new one..whatever

    4503 6131 9694 7207
  • Bump this up with Mario Kart thats out!
  • I bought it... will try to find out tomorrow night when I get back to my Wii! :)

  • 1676-4100-5610
  • 4596 9873 9889
  • Hey

    Mario Kart friend code: 3652-1082-6075

  • 3695-0763-3903
  • Man mario kart fking owns .. I'm an addict now :(
    Though I can't seem to finish in any position otehr than 5 and 6 ... always 5 or 6 for some reason, I'll be last all race, something shitty happens to everyone, ends up 5th .

    bleh... I suck :(
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