Seneca Trip Report....part 1 Tourney

Well...I decided to venture out of my cave and play a live I haven't played a live tourney in a while and I think the major problem I have with moving from online to live is controlling my is so easy to get carried away with shoving with nothing just because you can....this was the biggest leak in my game this weekend after I evaluated my tourney play...the aggression was there for the first 2 hours then after that I coasted into a bleeding stack....

Ok on with the report.

Got to Seneca at around 11;45...95 people registered for this tourney all the regulars from the Toronto scene were there, plus I had 3 horses in the event as it would be a good game.

First round 25/25..not much happened here, played rather tight as I was feeling out the table, my left was an older gentleman who as the game progressed I found out how bad he my left was a player from Toronto who I have played with several times (his g/f/wife? chopped the pot in the end) so I know he is pretty solid. There was also a gentleman who was a Seneca regular who just finished day 1A and was going into day 2 I pegged him as a somewhat good reads were all spot on.

First hand of the second round...pick up J7 in the BB...3 people limp flop comes 463....I have a gutshot...checked to MP who throws out 100...into a 400 pot...I check-raise to 400, just to see where he was at. I don't believ at this point he has anything strong, I haven't really played a hand yet, so I figured I could steal the pot....well I was wrong, he calls...(whoops...), turn 5...(whoops...but a good whoops) I hit my nut card. So I check again and he fires off 400....I checkraise to 1400. He calls...river 8...I bet out 1000 he calls...and I show and he is absolutely disgusted...

I didn't think it was a bad hand....I mean I CR him twice and he can't get rid of top pair...oh well..(after that hand, the hand history went around the tourney and I was officially labelled a donkey...could have had also something to do with my HEEHAAW hat...but thats another story)

So we are not in round 3, and blinds are 50/100...I am sitting with about 9500...just cruising, haven't really played anything significant...a player that has been blinded out since the beginning finally decides to join the game..I joked that it was Phil Helmuth who was late..the dealer turned around and said if it was him he would "stretch his sack"

Another Seneca regular, loud and ready to get into pots, and he picked up AK the first hand and proceeded to shove on someone, he picks up 2500 after the flop and shows. He proceeds to call the next 4 hands in a row to any raise saying on the flop that he is pot committed. (I really liked this guy cause I know I would probably get all of his chips...)

So MP I pick up AA. I raise to 500 (figuring everyone would put me on a med. PP), two callers including mr. neverfold. Flop comes all undercards. I bet out 1250, and get re-raised 3000 by mr. neverfold. A thought crosses my mind for a second that he may have hit his set (the board was 749) so I just call (now here is my first mistake, online I re-shove and stack him). Turn is J and I figure if he has a set he will probably check the turn because he has to put me on some sort of monster pair at this point. He bets out 1500, I check raise all in for another 6500. He thinks and thinks...then mucks 10s up. I take down the pot. I eventually build my stack up to 17500 before the first break and I am sitting pretty. Picking up blinds and small pots here and there against the tighter people at the table.

After the break here is where I start my roller coaster ride. I pick up AJ in the BB and Mr. Neverfold throws out a raise. Now after watching him play I have given him some respect in the fact he has tried to make himself look like a horrid player when in fact he was very smart, so I changed my read on him to Mr. IcanfoldbutIliketotalk. He raises to 3x the bb. I put him on a range from 55-10s, maybe JJ, but nothing I call, figure if I hit my A I am good. Flop comes A89, two spades. I bet out 2100. He re-raises me to 4200. Hmmm.....I think possibly for a second that he may have AK or AQ...but I had enough chips that if I miss the turn I will throw out 3500 and if he shoves I can lay my hand down. Turn comes a 4. I bet out 3500 and he mucks his hand face up, that point I decide its better to stay away from him because I wasn't getting a consistent read from him to play up against his aggression. I play against the tighter players.

Now here is the most interesting (and poorly played hand) I did all game. I pick up AK in the BB. Min-raise by MP, button calls, SB calls, and instead of me shoving, I just call...flop comes K75. SB bets out 1500....I make it 4500 to go, folds to SB and he re-shoves all in. At this point, I think possibly he may have picked up a set, at least min 2 pair. So I am sitting calculating my odds to call (at this point it will cost me another 6K, bringing me back down to around 8K if I make the call) After about a minute of thinking he turns around and says "I have two pair, just fold, I don't want you to draw out on me...." WTF?? So I muck, and he flips over k5...what a nice guy.

That was the end of the road for me, I bled for the rest of the tourney, finally pushing my last 10K with blinds at 800-1600 with A3...get called my KK and my tourney is done.

They ended up chopping 5 ways for 7500 each....

Part 2 is the cash game report.....and what a report that is going to be....I think it is also one of the reasons why I can't ever play 1-2NL....


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