did i play right, or just too donky

villian statis 47/6/2.64 200 hand
Full Tilt Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (9 handed) Hand History converter Courtesy of PokerZion.com

CO ($13.40)
Button ($5.10)
Hero ($27.65)
BB ($8.25)
UTG ($31.55)
UTG+1 ($9.10)
MP1 ($59.40)
MP2 ($24.75)
MP3 ($10)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 5club.gif, 5spade.gif.
2 folds, MP1 calls $0.25, 3 folds, Button calls $0.25, Hero completes, BB checks.

Flop: ($1) Aheart.gif, 4heart.gif, 5diamond.gif(4 players)
Hero bets $1, BB calls $1, MP1 raises to $3, Button folds, Hero calls $2, BB folds.

Turn: ($8) Tclub.gif(2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 bets $4, Hero raises to $20, MP1 raises to $56.15 (All-In), Hero calls $4.40 (All-In).

River: ($88.55) 7spade.gif(2 players, 2 all-in)
villian is LAG
he raise me on the flop, so i put him on pair A plus flush draw, or A plus straight draw or both.
since he is aggressive, so i figure, checkraise would be nice

Final Pot: $88.55


  • Certainly not too "donky" but it might be a bit too much fancy play syndrome for that level.

    The check raise certainly worked in this case, but imagine if he checked then the river was a third heart or even a J Q, K, 2 or 3 then you bet out and he shoves and you either fold mad or call hoping he has a pair or 2 pairs.

    I'd be more inclined to reraise on the flop maybe $4 or $5 more and if he calls you have him a lot more committed to call a large or all in bet on the turn. If he does that and has a draw and hits it, oh well, but at least you made him make a big error that way and you avoided any frustrating situations later on.
  • 3 Bet the flop is good advice.

    In this case he put it all in for you on the turn but you want to play a big pot with this hand so I would start building it at every opportunity.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    3 Bet the flop is good advice.

    3 bet and lead the turn...
  • what did he have? im guessin 23 or 44?
  • Don't go broke in an unraised pot.

    Taking the line you did (flat-calling a raise on the flop, and check-raising the turn) you never gain any information about your opponents hand. IMO you should have 3 bet the flop.

    Also, note the small amount that your opponent raised/bet each time. Maybe he didn't want you to fold. ;)
    villian is LAG
    he raise me on the flop, so i put him on pair A plus flush draw, or A plus straight draw or both.
    since he is aggressive, so i figure, checkraise would be nice
    Is that saying you put him on a pair of aces AND a flush draw? If so, that's not possible on this board (unless you mean runner/runner flush).

    If you mean any pair and a flush draw, then you're saying 5X of hearts. Not very likely since you have 55.

    Also, you're saying he is aggressive, doesn't that mean he would have raised an ace preflop? If so, that eliminates an ace.

    As you played it, I'd check/call the turn and the river as well (unless the board paired).

  • I was going to say the same thing... A + flush draw is not possible.

    I imagine since you are posting this, he had AA, 77 or he flopped the nut straight.

    My guess though is that he slow played AA.

    My 2 cents!
  • I was going to say the same thing... A + flush draw is not possible.

    I imagine since you are posting this, he had AA, 77 or he flopped the nut straight.

    My guess though is that he slow played AA.
    AA limped preflop from an aggressive player? doubt it
    77 raised on that flop? maybe... but i doubt it
    77 pushes on the turn? no... maybe 1010
    1010 limped preflop? doubt it
    Flopped the straight? probably

  • flopped straight from anyone but the BB gets all my chips.

    I hate every decision in chronological order. (least to most-excluding the all in call)
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