Quotes inside quotes

I thought that I used to be able to quote someone, and if they had quoted someone, both quotes would appear in my post. Now when I choose to quote a post, it is only the latest text that appears. Is this something new, or is there a "quote all" option I don't know about.


  • I thought that I used to be able to quote someone, and if they had quoted someone, both quotes would appear in my post. Now when I choose to quote a post, it is only the latest text that appears. Is this something new, or is there a "quote all" option I don't know about.
    I think it's just a "feature" of the new forum that it only quotes the message you're quoting. You can hack multilevel quoting but it's a pain in the ass doing the copying and pasting.

  • g2 wrote: »
    I thought that I used to be able to quote someone, and if they had quoted someone, both quotes would appear in my post. Now when I choose to quote a post, it is only the latest text that appears. Is this something new, or is there a "quote all" option I don't know about.
    I think it's just a "feature" of the new forum that it only quotes the message you're quoting. You can hack multilevel quoting but it's a pain in the ass doing the copying and pasting.

    A slightly easier way to do it is to multiquote the message you're quoting, as well as the message that that post quotes... then cut&paste the latter inside the former.

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