mtt rebuy scenario

was playing in a low level rebuy today: $1.10 buy-in, rebuys for 1500 chips for $1 unlimited for the first hour + 1500 chip $1 add-on end of first hour. i sat down at the table, played the first hand and then used a rebuy to double up to 3000 (like i usually do). i was amazed that not one other person at the table did this.
my question is, don't most people choose to rebuy right away? are there pros to not doing so that i'm not aware of? or was my table just full of idiots?
(to be honest, i don't play many rebuys, so i don't know what's common practice.)


  • I don't rebuy until the loosest person at the table has more chips than me.
  • I always rebuy right away b/c usually people play really loose early and I want to be able to take full advantage of that right from the start. And you may get lucky and have a maniac at your table playing the push or fold game with anything until he finally doubles or triples up. Big opportunity missed if you wait for this guy to get a stack - sometimes they tighten up when they finally hit it for 6,10,12K. Seen this happen MANY times at levels from $1 to $10R. Some people simply tilt early and keep coming back.
    I don't rebuy until the loosest person at the table has more chips than me.

    I think this is off the mark. I takes a certain number of hands to put everyone at your table in a box and you're missing the early opportunities here as I mentioned above...IMO.
  • i have to agree with ante-river on this one i think. why wait to rebuy if you're willing to do it anyway. might as well have the best advantage you can as soon as you can is how i see it.
  • btw, this tourney took place at pokerroom. i started playing some sngs on there again (since i took all my cash out of there a long time ago, but still had some player points which i managed to make some free money from). the $5.50 sngs on this site are a joke. so many donks and newbs out there it's not even funny. they're all ripe for the picking if anyone is interested ;)
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