Pokerstars Casino cards

Anyone ordered them with your FPP?
I was wondering what manufacturer / quality they were.


  • Hi Tie Twist,

    An email to could probably get you the answer as to what brand of cards they are. As for the quality, well, that's a different story. I hate to point people to other forums to get answers--especially to, where every answer to every question should be scrutinized by an elite hand-picked team of your choosing before you can come close to accepting it at face value--but I'd try for an answer to this. Even though 30% of the posts there are off-topic, 50% is spam, 15% is poker players calling each other every name in the book (I've learned some new ones from there), and the other 5% is somewhat poker-related, it can't be denied that they have a huge number of people who post there. In a group the size of, the chances are fairly slim that you'll find someone who's 'bought' those cards, but at, I think you'll be able to find one or two people who have ordered the cards, and would be willing to share their thoughts.

    I can, however, vouch for the hat. Looks just like Moneymaker's. I have my eye on the chip set, for spares for my home game. If you do hear anything (good or bad) about the cards, please let me know... maybe I'll order them.

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