Tonight is the night!

Heading to the Brantford Casino with a friend for some 2/5 birthday donkedness!! Here's hoping I come home with a shirt and shorts!


  • Good luck.
  • I just realized that I never posted here how it went.

    Living that close to the Casino (I walked home) has certain benefits, for example you can estimate that if you are 3 people down the list you can probably go home and change if you need to with a few seconds to spare.

    This night, my friend and I were going. I had $60 he brought $100. He went ahead put our names on the list and about an hour later picked me up to go. Figures just as I go in, my name is up on the list, my friends just having expired (I had to walk my dog so that was my fault). So I register at the desk am told to sit at table 1, take my $60 and nervously go to the cage. I can't look the woman behind the glass in the eye and feel as if I'm doing something wrong.

    I get 60 white $1 chips (which look like a huge stack to me) and head to my corner. Side note, felt so cool walking through that room with that rack :) At first I didn't see an empty seat but eventually spotted one with no chips there and sat. I unracked and the dealer kept dealing me in even after I told I wanted to wait to post. The guy to my left had been there a few times because he kept speaking up about the fact I was getting cards even though I hadn't posted and I was fine with that.

    So I surveyed the table, basically when I sat there were two regulars (one was reading a newspaper), a couple of nervous kids from Mississauga to my right. I didn't see any people I would consider to be suckers or fish initially. But after watching a few hands I started getting the feel for the game. I posted at my turn and began playing.

    My high-light hands were flopping the nut flush 2x (almost in a row), 1 shown-down the other not (though I wish I could have). My roll was about $90 by that time, then I lost a few (1 or 2 I probably should have folded but I didn't believe he had that third queen) I went down to $45 and sat there for a while, I won one other pot which basically put me back at $60 ($63 actually) and was considering calling it a night when I got JJ in early position. I raised to $4, and was re-raised to $6. I called and had 1 other person with us. Flop came Q46 and I was ok with that, bet 2, was raised to 4. The third person folded. Now I didn't think the person I was playing with had a queen, and if they did I wasn't sure they wouldn't play it that way.
    Turn was another low blank, and I bet $5, he raised to $10, I called. River came the prettiest card in teh deck (A spades) and I thought I was done. So I checked, he bet and by that point I looked at my stack which had shrunk and called. ($5 into a big pot, in for a penny in for a pound). From the other side of the table, I heard , "Tens" and I double-checked the board and actually said "A pair of them?" and turned my Jacks and scooped the pot.

    Now at this point I felt I was running pretty well, but I didn't want to start getting cocky so I chose to leave a few hands after that. (I know probably a mistake on my part)

    End Result
    Starting Roll = $60
    End Roll (after tipping the dealer and cage) = $101

    Not a bad night considering I expected to bust out early just getting used to the game. I played a few hands wrong (overvalueing tptk), but overall played a decent tight aggressive game.

    Anyway, saw the other casino report and I thought I'd post my experience.
  • How did your friend put both names on the list. The floor hasn't let me do that for almost 2 years.
  • moose wrote: »
    How did your friend put both names on the list. The floor hasn't let me do that for almost 2 years.

    Dunno, I'll ask him. I know he's a quasi-regular and he did it in person if that's different from say over the phone? Not sure..
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