WPT $160 Satellite Hand

Was at Fallsview a couple of weeks ago and played a couple of $160 satellites. This hand came up and I think I played it right...but the friend I went with disagrees..just want to get everyone's opinion.

First blind level, 25/50, probably about 5th or 6th hand. Hero is in the BB. Folded around to a player (his first pot) on the cutoff and he raises 3xBB. Hero looks down at TT, thought about raising, but figure a raise will probably pot commit hero, so he decided to call and see the flop first. A dream flop of sort as it came 6 2 2. Hero decided that it was time to c-r. So villain fires a bet of 300, and hero check-raises all in.

Any problem with this play at this structure?


  • How many chips you have? Just reraising preflop sounds fine or this is ok too.
  • (reraising and calling a push preflop that is)
  • SirWatts wrote: »
    How many chips you have? Just reraising preflop sounds fine or this is ok too.

    Start with 1200.
  • Your committed if you call the 300 - so pushing isn't bad

    The question is is he a donkey or not?

    is the 300 into a 325 pot a scare bet or a value bet? Im assuming that there is no 2 to a flush?

    If he is a maniac AK - AQ - AJ etc are very reasonable considering the preflop and flop action.

    If he is more conservative 77-JJ maybe even QQ (but that would be leaning more towards donkey.) Betting because they are afraid you have AK - AQ and would call a smaller bet and catch.

    If he is a donkey he could have 33-44.

    A very reasonable holding would be A6, and that matches very well with preflop and postflop action.

    However; here is another consideration; your a tight player. If it was me and you called me preflop I would pretty much put you on an overpair or AK.
    That bet from 66 is going to get all of your money in with AA-QQ or most of it with 88-JJ. Small percentage but could be there.

    I dont know if you have to commit yourself here - unless you put him on maniac big cards -- anything other then that he has you beat so your not going to get a call.

    If you call you still have an M or 10 and can see what develops - even by reraising to 600 you have 450 (m6) chips if he goes all in.

    The min reraise here if called (means your much more likely way ahead) and gives you much more of a chance to push on the turn if a small card comes. If you get re-raised you can muck before the turn and still have a chance at the table.

    So yah I dont like the push. A6 or AKetc most likely isnt going to call, but anything that beats you will.

    Im assuming since your posting this he didnt have a6?
  • You don't really have enough chips to get too fancy. If I thought I had the best hand PF, I would be inclined to raise. If I just called, I would lead out on the flop for 250. If you get raised, you gotta decide if you are a 70-80% fav or a 10% dog.
  • The answer to this question lies in your assessment of the PF raiser - is he a donkey, tight/aggro, a nit, etc...

    With no assessment and information the only way to play this hand without committing all your chips is to bet 2/3 of the pot on the flop - if PF raiser has dick all (ie AK-AJ) he will likely fold since he isn't heavily invested. If he smooth calls then you'll just need to use your card reading skills and figure out what his range for raising in the CO PF and then just smooth calling.

    Like all things in poker there's never an perfect way to play a hand without COMPLETE information.
  • Calling is fine, but I probably would have reraised myself. Did the villain have a higher pair?
    westside8 wrote: »
    Any problem with this play at this structure?
  • It seems like leading the flop is the popular opinion. Here is my take since I have no read on the player...if he's a decent player...he might call with overs and see what I do on the turn since he has position. If he's a donk, well, he might just call thinking he can hit his 6 outer on me, or think his A/K high is good. Or he can have hands like 77-AA where he will probably push, and I will have to call with half my chips invested by then anyways. Heck, some players will even push with hands like AK/AQ there so its hard to judge with no reads. But by checkraising, realistically, only JJ-AA will be calling me that beats me, and I put him to a decision rather than myself. Also, any hands like Ax+ that was firing a continuation bet would fold, and I will have 1800 chips. Remember, this structure is fast and stacks aren't very deep, so chip accumulation is very important. Just my take...

  • westside8 wrote: »
    But by checkraising, realistically, only JJ-AA will be calling me, and I put him to a decision rather than myself. Also, any hands like Ax+ that was firing a continuation bet would fold, and I will have 1800 chips. Remember, this structure is fast and stacks aren't very deep, so chip accumulation is very important. Just my take...


    1) is 300 into a 325 continuation bet?

    2) only JJ-AA is the only thing that will call you. Don't you want everything else TO call you? Hence my hesitation with c/r push on the flop.

    Anyone else here agree? am I being tooo conservative? or am I giving too much credit for the non-donkey factor
  • Redington wrote: »
    1) is 300 into a 325 continuation bet?

    2) only JJ-AA is the only thing that will call you. Don't you want everything else TO call you? Hence my hesitation with c/r push on the flop.

    Anyone else here agree? am I being tooo conservative? or am I giving too much credit for the non-donkey factor

    300 into 325 could be a "I want you to fold bet"

    2) I made a mistake, I left out the "...that beats me"

    I think we need to look at this as a hand (don't assume I lost just because I posted about it) and it seems like everyone might be giving villain too much credit. Thats just me. I might not be giving players at that level enough credit...
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