Forum Tourney Survey - Day of the Week Try#2

Ok 4 surveys coming up. This is 2/4.
1. Frequency
2. Day of Week
3. Time
4. Type of Game

First of all I'm not going to survey on cost or location. All tourneys will be $5 and located on Stars. It is just the easiest, with the farthest reach among members. I'm not looking make anyone rich, just offer fun and friendly competition, amongst players with a variety of skill levels so that the higher skilled players can practice against other good players and hopefully other players will view it as a good low cost learning opportunity.

Ok Day of the Week. What day should we have these $5 Forum Tourneys? You can vote more than once. If you have no preference, you can vote for every day. The most popular day will win, but if there are two frontrunners, we may alternate tourney days.

Please vote in all 4 surveys.
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