B&M Trip Report


Live poker suxors. Went down to Fallsview on Friday to play a little 1-2 or 2-5NL poker. Get seated at 1-2

Sit down at the most donktastic table that I have ever seen!! My fish finder was going off before the first orbit was over. 6 of the seats at the table had $500ish in front and all were terrible. Unbelievable!

My first hand at the table:

UTG raise to $18 gets called in 6 spots **this is not a typo.

Flop is Ah Qs 6s.

UTG bets $35? Calls around to button who shoves $200. UTG snap calls and the rest fold.

Turn 4c River 5s

UTG flips Qh 5h and proudly announces, “I have 2 pair.”

Button, “I have a flush,” and turns over 10s 4s.



This nonsense went on for about 4 hours before we lost a few of these guys and the table settled down. I did not see a single PP in this time. I really saw no sense in playing some of the typical hands you would play like 76suited from position. Typical raises were in the $15 to $20 range and with my $100 MAX buy-in front I could not make enough money on speculative hands to make it worthwhile playing them.

I raised Ajs and Aqo and whiffed both flops and folded before seeing a turn.

AhKc in mid position and I call UTG+1 who had opened to $18. Once again 5 to the flop.

Flop comes:

Ks 8d 6d

BB shoves $175 UTG+1 raises to $350ish and I call all-in.

Turn Qh River 9d

BB, “I turned a set of Queens! Ha ha,” tables Qs Qc

UTG+1 “I got a flush!” Shows 10d 5d


Please fucking shoot me now.

********Hand advice request*********

Please give me some feedback on this next hand because it is possibly poorly played but even now I am tilted from yesterday so my brain is not working.

UTG Raise to $15 I call in mid-position with K9s and yet again 6 of us see a flop. Pot=$90

Flop Qd Jh 10s

BB who does in fact play solid bets $25 UTG calls and I decide to just call as well and jam a safe turn card with the monotone flop and and 3 players yet to act behind me. Jackpot! They all call. 6 to the turn!!!??!?!?!?!? Pot=$240

Turn is 10c

BB Bets $50 and UTG shoves $350ish.

Now there is not a ton I am behind here but and AK and QQ, JJ, Q10, J10, all come to mind and I fold my hand. I am getting unbelievable pot odds here however I feel like this is a good fold when 2 players jam the pot in front of me.

Folds around and UTG shows K9 for the same hand as me. If I had called and chopped I win $145 for my turn call of $60.

Still a good fold right?? I nono.

Another great hand! Later when a few of the giant fish have left and the table had calmed a little.

Limps to me on the button I call with 6s5s. BB who seems to be fairly solid raises to $10 and myself and 3 others call.

Flop: 8s 7s 8d

BB bets $40 folds to me and I jam making it $140 to go.

He tanks…..counts out his chips and calls turning over Kqo. I fail to improve and GG me.

The most exploitable table ever and I can not get a single hand.other than the ones I play badly.

Oh wait… I did get a hand!!!

QQ on the button (the huge giant fish with $1000 in front who calls $25 bets with 2 napkins for pocket cards folds out of turn and drunkenly slurs, “Gotta Piss.”) 4 limpers to me and I raise to $10 four callers.

Flop is Q 8 5 rainbow
Checks to me and check behind.

Turn is another blank and it checks to me I bet $15 into $40 and everyone folds.

Nice day. F- poker.

That is all.


  • I played 1-2 from about 8 30 to 12 30 or so. My table wasn't that crazy but at times it was right up there. I couldn't really pick up any hands or hit draws at key times. Add misplayed aces and I ended up being down 3 buyins at a table where someone would bet the board (K8899) and another person called with pocket 3s thinking his 3s play. Then we had to explain why that was a chop.

    Not really sure what the best approach to this game is. I am still trying to switch from Limit to NL. But I think there is enough bad play to overcome the short buy in stack and the steep session fees.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    I really saw no sense in playing some of the typical hands you would play like 76suited from position. Typical raises were in the $15 to $20 range and with my $100 MAX buy-in front I could not make enough money on speculative hands to make it worthwhile playing them.

    While I understand your frustration at being card dead against complete donks with the 40/100 buyin....I don't follow your logic here. You should have at least $500 in your pocket and be calling every time in posistion with 67 suited etc.. in family pots looking to double or triple up with 2 pair or higher...no?
  • Good players should not play 50bb buyin games thinking there is value in trying to outplay bad players. Even the bad players know this and turn the game into shove poker at best.

    For excellent donktastic times, try Casino Windor's 2/5 nl with an awesome 40bb max buyin.
  • This post is all about why live poker is so good.
  • You should have at least $500 in your pocket and be calling every time in posistion with 67 suited etc.. in family pots looking to double or triple up with 2 pair or higher...no?
    If the 500 was in front of him (not in his pocket), yes, but not when he only has $100 in front and it's 15-20 to go. Implied odds aren't there.

    That being said, I don't understand only raising to $10 with the queens with multiple limpers in front when you know they'll call a bigger raise. You can make it 15-20 there easily. And why check your set? They'll call you with A high or whatever, start building that pot. And as far as slowplaying your straight on a QJT flop, I don't know how many "safe cards" you're waiting for. Draws will call, pairs will call, you might as well start building the pot. Too many cards that will either kill your hand or make it worrysome (K, Q, J, T), or will chop your hand or kill your action (A, 9, 8 ). You don't need to slowplay hands against these twits.
  • ScoobyD wrote: »
    That being said, I don't understand only raising to $10 with the queens with multiple limpers in front when you know they'll call a bigger raise. You can make it 15-20 there easily. And why check your set? They'll call you with A high or whatever, start building that pot. And as far as slowplaying your straight on a QJT flop, I don't know how many "safe cards" you're waiting for. Draws will call, pairs will call, you might as well start building the pot. Too many cards that will either kill your hand or make it worrysome (K, Q, J, T), or will chop your hand or kill your action (A, 9, 8 ). You don't need to slowplay hands against these twits.

    You are exactly correct here sir. Unfortunately this was at the end of the session and the dynamic of the table had changed at this point. Several of the maniacs had gone broke and left, pre-flop raises had returned to the $7-$10 range and most of the players remaining knew where the fold button was.

    With out a single draw out there on that flop I was hoping for someone to make a raggy two pair or pick up some type of draw on the turn. My small bet there was an attempt to show some weakness like maybe AK or AJ trying to pick up the pot and I hoped to get reraised. No such luck. That was my thought process anyway.

    On the flopped straight hand it was monotone I had hoped for basically any A or any card below a 10 as a safe turn card. Kings are bad and any card pairing the board is bad. Anything else is gold. I did't want to re-raise the flop because I had 3 calling stations behind me itching to put some money in the pot. If any card below a 10 comes on the turn and I push my remaining $60 in and get called in minimum 2 spots (very likely) I am raking in $320 net that hand if I hold on to win and now I have the stack to play at this table. And if someone is going to suck out they only have one card to do it.

    Is this my thinking flawed here Scooby?

    This post was more of a bitch fest than anything else. Playing 7 hours of poker (5 hours of which the table was insane), paying $70 in rake and getting only a couple of +ev opportunities (which both went bad) was frustrating and I needed to vent.

    Moose. I hear what you are saying and I agree that the +ev situations can be hard to find in this type of game but there is an edge there for sure. Even if it is taking your 3-1 situations against the flush chasers on the flop or calling there flop bets on the times it isn't for the rest of your stack and putting it in on the safe turn card where you are like 6.5-1.
  • Scoob, I've had some pretty good results at Fallsview 1/2 when the tables have been almost as bad as the one described. With six guys in the pot, I'm calling everytime on the button up to $15 with 67s 8,10 os etc. and promptly topping back up my stack to $100 (or more..) when I miss.

    Most of these donks will not see a strait when you're playing one gappers and pay you off nicely with top pair. I want to get involved from the get go at tables like this, hit something and then have a chance to make some real money off these guys. It's worked for me at this level.
  • Do both Niagara casinos let you top up to more than $100? Games with stacks of only 20-50 times the BB restrict your strategies. Unless you and others in the table have accumulated deep stacks, there is no point in utilizing deep-stack weapons and tactics.

    IMHO, calling a $15 raise with non-premium hands and only $85 behind you is -EV in the LONG run. The small percentage of the time that you double up your $100 will not be enough to offset your numerous losses.
    With six guys in the pot, I'm calling everytime on the button up to $15 with 67s 8,10 os etc. and promptly topping back up my stack to $100 (or more..) when I miss.
  • With $90 in the pot pre flop and guys who can't lay down marginal hands and draws you should do far better than just doubling up.

    As for the topping up to more than $100...allowed no, does it happen..yes.
  • i sure loved your pictures you posted. They remind me of some of those hairy guys that I have seen there. FV is a push fest, i've learnt to deal with it, but I don't like it.
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