Royal Cup Players: WCP shirts?

Hey, so PokerStars gave me 5 of the red Team Canada polo shirts we wore for the World Cup of Poker. I guess I'll keep one as a souvenir, and Pinhead has claimed one, but that leaves three more shirts I have no need of. So I figured maybe some of you guys would be interested in them. If so post here and I'll bring them to RCIV for whoever wants them. If it turns out a lot of people are interested maybe I'll think of some fun way you can compete for them. Or maybe I'll just give them to whoever I like best. Also if someone brings a dark felt pen I guess I could sign them or something too. So post here if you're interested, and I'll see you Saturday!


  • So long as they come in a REAL MAN size, I'm interested in one.
  • I'll take one.
  • possible prize for best individual point earner?
  • definitely interested. Glad to hear you are making the trip!
  • I want to win the shirt off Mike's back ;) but barring that, I'm interested in one. Glad you're making the trip out!
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    possible prize for best individual point earner?

    Sounds like a good idea.
    Autographed though.
  • Autographed please. And think of your teammates first!
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Sounds like a good idea.
    Autographed though.

    I think that is a good idea as well.
  • one to the organizer, MVP and team captain of the winning team
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    one to the organizer, MVP and team captain of the winning team
    Seconded. And autographed of course.

  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    one to the organizer, MVP and team captain of the winning team

    Well that means the Rocks get 2, one for me as capitan and one for g2 as MVP...

    LOL, this way is fine or random draws or whatever. Nice touch Mike, and like the others I am glad you are able to make it out. A lot of us would like a chance to take the shirt off your back.... kinda like a bounty... lol.
  • Yeah that'd be awesome, I'd love one.

  • Very generous. NH.
  • Looks like I'm too late, but if there's still one is available I''d like one. Or using them for prizes would be sweet.

    Thanks Watts!
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    one to the organizer, MVP and team captain of the winning team

    I already got one, but I guess I can take 2 more...
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    I already got one, but I guess I can take 2 more...
    I think you misunderstood what MVP means... it's the player who earns the most points, not the least ;)

  • g2 wrote: »
    I think you misunderstood what MVP means... it's the player who earns the most points, not the least ;)


    Keep it down or I might remind one of my teammates that maybe he should *forget* you needed a ride...

    Also, I did run the picking section so that might count for part of the organizer...hmmm maybe I'll end up with all 3 other shirts ;)
  • Before this degenerates into a begging free-for-all, how about raising some funds for a local charity. Draw for United Way, Big Brothers/Sisters or something like that? 5/10 bucks per ticket
  • -ev wrote: »
    Draw for United Way, Big Brothers/Sisters or something like that? 5/10 bucks per ticket

    That's an outstanding idea.
  • -ev wrote: »
    Before this degenerates into a begging free-for-all,
    Any steaks available here?
  • -ev wrote: »
    Before this degenerates into a begging free-for-all, how about raising some funds for a local charity. Draw for United Way, Big Brothers/Sisters or something like that? 5/10 bucks per ticket

    Put me down for 2 tickets @ $5 each...
  • OK I finally stopped playing tournaments and thought about this for a minute. The charity thing is a really good idea but I was really just thinking keep this simple. I really want to make sure a couple of them go to the people I played with all the time in KW because they're the people I've gotten to know best and for the most part have been my biggest supporters as well. And I figure most points scored is a pretty good way to decide. So here's what I've come up with:

    I'll give shirts to the top 2 finishers among "KW regulars" (or 2nd and 3rd behind me. Also pinhead obviously can't win another but I don't see that being an issue), and the top finisher among the rest of y'all. In case of a tie the winner will be determined by a game of "6 chip" which I will explain the rules to if necessary. Or if both players agree they may settle the tie in a more entertaining way such as a drinking competition or wrestling/MMA fight.

    Only two more days, looking forward to seeing if the World Cup has prepared me this pinnacle of team poker competitions.
  • By "KW Regulars" I basically mean anyone I've ever played with in KW home games, with the exception of people from out of town who came up once or something and not counting previous RCs. I think it should be fairly clear who I mean.
  • Sounds good Mike, and how come Daniel hasn't signed up? Guess your stories of the intense competition in KW has him running scared.... Jeff..
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