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I keep seing it in HSP but I don't get how it works.
Is it the guy on the button pays double/triple/however much the big blind, but then who acts first/what benefit does it give him?


  • they get to act last pre-flop; its a way to increase the blinds indirectly as the minimum bet is now the straddle amount (pre-flop only). Not sure if it is allowed in a tournament?
  • UTG straddles, not the button. It's effectively a 3rd blind.

    You can't live straddle in a tournament, it would just be a blind raise and you wouldn't have the option to reraise if it isn't raised back to you.

  • so if i stratle from UTG, the button acts first?
  • I'm pretty sure you mean straddle?

    If you straddle UTG, UTG+1 will act first and UTG will have option.
    g2 wrote: »
    UTG straddles, not the button. It's effectively a 3rd blind.

    Technically, you can straddle from the button. The Mississippi straddle is the straddle from the button which means small blind will have to act first.
  • what's stratle?
  • straddle my bad didn't know how it was spelt...
    anyways uhmm thanks so you can straddle from UTG and button, canyou from anywhere else?
  • fdart17 wrote: »
    straddle my bad didn't know how it was spelt...
    anyways uhmm thanks so you can straddle from UTG and button, canyou from anywhere else?

    From behind? :D

    And button straddle is so rare most people don't even know it exists..
  • http://www.pokertips.org/glossary/w/STRADDLE

    Keyword in the defn is that it is a blind bet, i.e. it must be made before the player is dealt cards (or at least before they look at them).

    Next someone can teach you about restraddling. Not it!

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