No prob in SNG can't do anything in MTT?

So lately I decided to give single table SNG a shot and I'm doing rather good, placing in the money or winning without much trouble.

Now... why if I can win those or do good I can't get far in MTT... like, not even placing in the money?

Is there an ajustement that you have to do when you switch from one to another to be able to succeed?


  • Think about the blinds and how they differ between a SnG and an MTT.

    Also think about the difference in payouts between final tabling and bubbling.
  • Also think about the loose play in a MTT then a SnG in the early stages
  • Then think about ducks...lots of ducks
  • then think about how many more times you need to not get unlucky..
  • SNG's last an hour or so. As BBC said, blinds raise faster to fit the timeline. People are forced to play more hands or less than premium hands as their M drops off fast.

    Most MTT's (with 1000+) last 7 to 12+ hrs. Lots of time to pick your spots and players who are more patient last longer (IMO). The SNG mentality (of playing a lot of hands per hour) usually knocks you out earlier, as you'll often run into a player playing fewer, more quality, type hands.

    Just like any tourney, there will always be exceptions, like the guys who are all-in at 10-20 with 1500 chips - but typically after the first break in MTT's play settles down (IMO) and you really need to focus on picking your spots and really think twice about what types of hands you present in different situations.

    I suggest you read Skalansky and Harrington's books on MTT's.

    Also, this may seem to be a big waist of time, but I do it all the time....rail top players in the big MTT's. Watch what they do and learn. I'll open a couple of screens while I'm playing my tourney and rail. It helps my patinence factor too. We've got a few REALLY good players here that have some big scores (Sirwatts, T_Mac, All Aces, to name a few). I personally am trying to take my game to the next level by breaking the real deep barrier. I have an ITM % that's decent and relatively in line with top players (after a few hundred MTT's) but I haven't cracked any really deep finishes for the real money as of yet.
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