BCC Trip Report

So Wes and I headed for BCC early today to try and represent the forum at the Fall Classic. Registration was smooth but only 30 people entered the sat this morning.

Wes was close to the chip lead for much of the tourney but ended up being the FT bubble. None of my big hands held up early and after the blinds hit 75/150, rebuying for 500 chips just was not going to cut it, so I quit early. Wes's eyes bugged out when he saw me stand up before the rebuys ended.

So I headed for 5/10 to recoup the $105 I was in for in the tourney. Nicest hand was rivering quad 7's vs broadway vs boat for a 3 way river cap and $200+. Ended the day up $500.

Most fun part of the day was sitting out for one orbit, racing over to the craps table, playing a pass, a come, and buying the 6 & 8. Hit the 8, the 6 and the come bet, to win $98 before the shooter sevened out and racing back to the table before my BB. Definitely helped my table image and the dealer thought I was crazy for sure.

Also also had reefaquarium at my 5/10 table so it was nice to meet another forumer. Unfortunately got into a hand with him, where folded to me on the button with 55, I limp, sb folds and reef checks. Flop comes 542, check, bet call. Turn 4, we go 3 bets on the turn and 2 bets on the river. Reef rolls the wheel and I table my boat.

35 seats left for the $500, and they doubt the $2k event will fill.


  • I guess I should put in my two sense.

    Driving to Moose' that early was definitely an adventure, and then driving through rural/unpaved roads was totally another animal. Tourney started with 30 players, and it ended up only paying top 2 with seats which kinda sucked. First orbit (I think 3rd or 4th hand) I get AA in the hijack. There was an EP raise to 125 with blinds at 25/25 and was called by the player to my right. I made it 450 intending to push/call any flop. Was called in both spots. Flop was 10 7 3 rainbow. EP lead-push and hero insta-calls. EP flips over 22 and AA is good. A quick double up. An orbit later hero gets AA again, this time UTG. A raise in UTG gets called by a player in MP who folded to a bet on the K high flop.

    Blinds are not at 50/100, hero been sitting tight for the last few orbits while action was fast and furious. 4 way all-in and it was AA vs. A10 vs. A7 vs. KK. A10 wins the hand with a straight. Next hand got hero in lots of trouble. Hero on the bubble. 2 limpers and hero limps with 88. Blinds come along and see a flop of 10 4 2. BB leads for 500 (into 500 pot), and this player has been leading with anything and everything. Hero decides to raise to 1250. BB calls. Turn puts another 10 on board so hero thinks he's good. A bet of 2000 pretty much commits both players to the pot, and villain is good with Q10.

    Hero donk pushed J10 on the last hand of the rebuy period and runs into A10. A double rebuy, addon, and $80 later, hero is sitting with minimum of 3000 at the break.

    Being a degenerate, I go and gamble it up at the Blackjack table. Missing 2 hands, hero comes back free-rolling for the tourney, turning a $150 profit at the Blackjack table.

    An orbits later, blinds at 100/200 hero is in the cutoff with A10 suited. 2 limpers and hero makes it 700. Seoncd limper call. Flop was A 9 4 , and checked to limper who pushed and has hero covered. Hero thinks about it and calls. Limper shows A3 and board bricks and hero doubles up to about 5000.

    Another couple of orbits, and hero gets presto in MP. A raise to 600 gets called by the button and BB (a player I recognize that regulars 20/40). A flop of 663 sees hero bets 1400 and called by BB. Turn gives hero the boat with a 5...and hero insta-calls BB's push with 44. And then it all falls apart...

    Down to about 13...hero sitting with about 11K in LP with 88. Raises to 1600 with blinds at 300/600. Button, a solid player (who ended up winning a seat), looks as though he was going to raise...but after a couple of minutes, smooth calls. SB also comes along for the ride and see a 7 high flop. Hero leads for 2400 and button pushes. Hero folds after tanking for a couple of minutes, after being unable to put villain on a hand that hero beats. Villain later says he had 10s.

    Bust out hand. Down to 11 and FT bubble. Player on the button raises to 2400 with blinds still at 300/600. He has done it for the 3rd time in 4 orbits, so hero looks down at an ace (don't even see the kicker) and pushes for about 6000. Button insta-calls and hero is in trouble with A7c against KK. Board bricks and hero is going to the cash game. In retrospect, hero has noticed the button had the "raising amount tell" and should've been able to lay down the hand easily...

    On to cash game. Up $500 from the $10/$20 table.
    A couple of big hands included flopping a set with 3s..and turning a straight with both hands paying off nicely.

    Proceeds to drop $200 at the craps table when pass line bets are met with 7-out, and don't pass line bets are met with making of points 4, 9, 10. I guess back to the BJ table, and I turned 100 into $400 while getting the dealer pissed at me...
  • for what? you didn't tell that story.
  • Every player that sat down..she was commeting to them how lucky I was getting for winning...its kinda like she didn't want me to win or something. So I just said something along the lines up "you let me play my game and you do your job"...so I made a big deal about her not paying someone enough when she mixed reds, pinks and whites in her bet...n then she just got pissed...
  • moose wrote: »

    Also also had reefaquarium at my 5/10 table so it was nice to meet another forumer. Unfortunately got into a hand with him, where folded to me on the button with 55, I limp, sb folds and reef checks. Flop comes 542, check, bet call. Turn 4, we go 3 bets on the turn and 2 bets on the river. Reef rolls the wheel and I table my boat.


    It was really nice to meet you at the 5/10.

    I was totally outplayed/played bad that hand.

    I was checking/calling when I should have bet and betting when I should have called ... Congratulations!

    I think I played that hand poorly.

    What did you think of my game in general?
  • Actually I think I should have 4 bet the turn because no limit player is going away for one more bet and maybe I make 2 bets on river still.

    The way the hand played out was fine. I only limped preflop so unless you figure me for a calling station it was 50/50 to bet/call or check/call then wait for the turn and hope I caught up. I flopped a set, so if you check/raise me on the flop, I'm not going away and if I am weak, it probably costs you a turn bet and maybe a river bet as well. It was your bad luck the board paired on the turn. The only thing you might have done is check/call the river and save one bet. But there are lots of hands that you beat that raise then call your 3 bet on the turn, like any overpair, 2 pr, sometimes overcards/bluff or draw/bluff and with a wheel, it is very hard not to bet the river. I think very clearly that hand demonstrates the power of having position on a player.

    Personally I probably would have bet out my wheel, especially against the typical ATM calling stations. You notice I bet my set. Slowplaying at any time in limit is pretty much just costing you money. If I had nothing there, you run the risk of me checking behind on the flop and you miss a bet.

    As far as your game I don't really have many comments other than I really wasn't concentrating on the players to my left. The guy to my immediate left was respecting me so he rarely was in pots with me. The 2nd most dangerous player was to my immediate right and all the other guys to my right were the loose idiots. Especially the bluffer moron at the end who raised UTG with K7 and also checked his flopped quads to the river and made $20. There was a guy guaranteed to win the min on his made hands and lose the maximum on the rest.

    So basically I didn't focus on you because you weren't dangerous and not an ATM. Take that for what you will.

    My only other comment would be that it is not a good move to change seats and move to the right of a dangerous player. If a player is dangerous, you want to keep them on your right so that you have position on them for the majority of hands (and you see how much trouble you were in when you were OOP with me that one hand).
  • hehe well played.
    So moose you basicly lost money at hold'em but won money at other stuff :P
  • fdart17 wrote: »
    hehe well played.
    So moose you basicly lost money at hold'em but won money at other stuff :P
    moose wrote: »
    So I headed for 5/10 to recoup the $105 I was in for in the tourney. Nicest hand was rivering quad 7's vs broadway vs boat for a 3 way river cap and $200+. Ended the day up $500.


  • Most fun part of the day was sitting out for one orbit, racing over to the craps table, playing a pass, a come, and buying the 6 & 8. Hit the 8, the 6 and the come bet, to win $98 before the shooter sevened out and racing back to the table before my BB. Definitely helped my table image and the dealer thought I was crazy for sure.
    my bad. forgot about that part :P
    might not of been moose but someone saiad they lost money in a tourne then got 150 from blackjack.
  • That would be me. :D
  • OK, so I finally went back to BCC to play some 10-20 with a few friends and figured I'd tack on my on my brief trip report.

    Only managed to play around 5ish hours which was a pretty short session (I wasn't driving and friends were leaving), but managed to be a luckbox and turn a $530 profit in my brief session.

    Hands of note:

    In general, the table played pretty passive, but not uber loose. Blinds would be folded around on occaision, but there would also be random 6-7 way limped pots. Not the best table I've been at, but the passiveness was pretty nice.

    I was a little unsure of my EP positional play with marginal hands. I felt like limping the smaller pairs, suited aces, etc. wasn't completely out of the question due to the table passivity, but as it wasn't super loose either, I couldn't really count on tons of limpers. Probably pretty marginal either way.

    First hand of note, a fairly loose but not overly aggresive player opens in MP and it's folded to me in the BB. I've folded basically for an orbit or 2 with unplayable junk.

    I decide to defend with T9o. Flop is 874 with 2 diamonds (I have Td). I check, pfr bets, and I CR. He grudgingly calls. Turn is an offsuit Q and I lead out (I feel he's weak). He flashes AK and says "Well at least I know which guy AK is no good against" and mucks. I smile and muck taking the pot.

    I fold for several orbits with junk.

    6 limpers to me in SB and I look at KK and raise. My friend (a good TAG) 3-bets out of the BB (I know he's got a huge hand to 3 bet me here out of the blinds. I figure his range is AA-TT, AK, maybe AQs (and I probably discount TT a bit). Naturally, everyone cold calls 2 more (except maybe one decent player who folds for 2 more), and I cap. We take the flop 7 ways for 4 bets. I make some comment to my friend about how I love playing pots like this out of the blinds. Flop comes a beautiful K76 (but with 2 diamonds). I lead out (hoping my friend has a monster and will raise giving a bit of cover). He insta mucks, and to my shock, 4 of the other players muck as well (2 call). I'm actually laughing at the table, because I just don't understand how people convince themselve to limp/call a 3 bet (likely to be capped) and then fold for one bet on the flop with obvious draws in a ginormous pot. Turn is a beautiful 6 pairing the board, I bet again, one guy mucks, and a fairly loose aggressive player raises, I 3 bet and he says "You have the aces?" and calls. He calls a river bet and mucks. He doesn't show, but AK has this guy beat like always.

    Same laggy player a few hours later returns from dinner break. (he's bad, but at the same time, he's the only player I'd consider dangerous, because he's a bit unpredictable). He posts in MP his first hand back. I raise TT in LP and the BB and him call. Flop J74 rainbow. BB checks, and semi LAG donks. I feel he's weak and raise. BB folds and LAG 3 bets. I call. Turn is a Q and he checks. I check behind. River is a J and he bets. This card naturally makes me think it's even less likely he had a J and donked. I don't really think he's the type to donk out a monster (he'd slowplay a set till turn), and I feel a J would CR flop. I look him up because I'm curious and a showdown monkey. He shows T3o for the pure bluff. He bitches about how he should have bet the turn (which would have been tough to call), but said he was trying to CR bluff me. Why he didn't consider folding his trash is beyond me, but every now and then hotshots figure they can take shots at the "tight guy" like I was born yesterday and am compelled to fold.

    I pick up a few small pots here and there raising the odd hand folded to me in position. I generally try to iso the LP fish on my right, and generally manage to get sucked out on with every piece of trash he comes into a pot with.

    Eg. He limps in EP, I raise QQ, BB calls, he calls. Flop 832. I bet, BB calls, LP calls. Turn is a 4. LP donks.

    I've seen enough to figure he has either a turned 2 pair, possibly a straight (discounted since I think he'd CR), or possibly a pair + straight draw (I've seen him make semi bluff donks like this before. I just call here (not 100% sure how much I like this with the BB behind, but I'm not 100% sure where I'm at here). BB folds. River is an ugly 6, putting a 4 cards straight out. LP fires again. I make the crying call and he shows 53s for the rivered straight. I'm pretty confident he fires the river on a blank too (he's LP but not overly bright since I've seen him 3 barrel air before).

    A non-hand of note: My friend comments how he had 33 in EP back to back in EP and open-folded his hand (not knowing how many people would have gotten involved, and both times would have flopped sets). I can't really fault him for the play either, but knew it was pretty marginal either way. The second hand was fairly amusing too, because I had open folded 66 UTG. I'm pretty sure if I limp there, he limps behind... I'm such a tight nitty bastard... :)

    Tightest fold of the afternoon:

    New guy in EP that I haven't really noticed much yet (he's not in every pot) opens in UTG+1. A cold call, and I'm already thinking "I hate playing AQo vs an EP raiser OOP (I'm in the SB). LP woman then 3 bets. I've seen her raise like once or twice to this point preflop and she had AA both times. I figure a 3 bet from a LP woman here is AA, KK. I fold my AQo. UTG my friend cold calls 2 in BB (he later told me he had QJs which I'd almost sooner play than AQo there), BB caps and they see a J high flop 4 ways. My friend donks and is met with a raise and 3 bet, and he mucks his pair. EP makes nut flush with AKc on the river and woman indeed had AA. I'm pretty happy with my fold, naturally (although it's pretty easy IMO).

    Other big pot I get into there's 4-5 limpers to me, and I have KQo in the BB. I just check my option and we see a flop 6 ways (with SB). Preflop is debateable IMO, I'd earlier raised TT in a similar spot preflop for value (I figure that's close), I'd probably raise suited hands like KQs, KJs, ATs, etc, but 2 big offsuit cards (unless it's AK, AQ) I'm inclined to check and keep the pot small.

    Flop comes a dream AJT. I decide that flop's bound to have hit everyone and bet out. I get 3 callers. I'm beggin board not to bring flush draws or pair. Turn is a rag (6?). I bet, call, EP player raises, fold, I 3-bet, caller folds, EP calls. I bet a rag river and get called. I'm guessing he was either slowplaying 2 pair (JT) or that he turned aces up or something.

    Random live play banter that drives me insane:

    "I didn't raise my Kings preflop because an ace always comes on the flop"
    "AK always loses"

    And I was moderately annoyed at the 2nd worst player at the table that was berating the worst player at the table with "You called him down with THAT?" Naturally this inspired the bad player to get defensive and tell the jackass he was fine with the ridicule as long as he did it to everyone at the table when they made a stupid call. Seriously, don't tap the glass. Especially if you suck, it just makes you look even stupider than the so-called fish you're berating. Not that I should care, but I always take a little more pleasure in beating the people that think they are good as opposed to the general clueless tourists.

    Live play rocks. :)
  • As always...interesting post Scoob.
    ScoobyD wrote: »
    Not that I should care, but I always take a little more pleasure in beating the people that think they are good as opposed to the general clueless tourists.

    LOL. They have tourists in Brantford? The only two reasons I would ever be in Brantford are:

    1. I am going to the Casino

    2. My car broke down on the 403 while I was enroute to someplace better
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