Raise owned by rake?

Ok so basicly, sorry that I can't post the hand, but I dont have any of that stuff that tells you hand historys :(
I'll explain :
1c/2c NLHE
I have A4 and the flop comes 653
4 players are in the hand, check all around (the pot from preflop is at 30ish cents(
checks all around, 653[2]
i bet 10 cuz i think they will all fold, 1 call.
Alright so here I think we both made the straight, I know he dosnet have a higher straight and there is no flush possibility.
He only has around 1,30$ left. If I raise around 60 cents, he will raise me all in if he has the straight, and then we will both get rake owned.
Is it better just to check then call the smaller bet in this situation or bet just incase he dosent have the straight and then get rake owned? (when im 60-80% sure he has the 4)


  • Push it. Don't worry about the damn rake, it's going to nail you one way or another sooner or later.

    You REALLY need to get familiar with the OPTIONS function on the sites you play on and call up Hand Histories. Most sites have them, and they're easy to call up. That way, when you post, we can see position, chipstacks, callers, and what the cards are (including suits) and can better break it down for you. Also, try to include any reads on the players in the hand...are they loose...tight...aggressive...passive...maniacs...rocks...it helps alot.
  • thanks, i found it on pokerstars right after the hand..
    im like hrmm i wonder if pokerstars does this for me.. options oh its here but i had not checked the box that makes it record.
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