WPT, CPT now too?

I have just registered and am new to this site. This is the first all Canadian poker forum I have been to (although I have one at my site www.playerforhire.com and have been at the french speaking princepoker.com). Anyhow I have just begun to follow the WPT and I will be in Borgata this weekend. I have been to other events and have met many pros and celebs, check out the pics of some of your favorite players on the playerforhire.com site. The real reason for my post is that I am interested in finding out whatever I can about the CPT. Anyone with any info as far as dates, etc... let me know! My email address is info@playerforhire.com
I can probably get some of the major pros to play in the CPT events, if they are large enough.



  • The Canadian Poker Tour website:


    and the schedule of upcoming events:


  • What a major disappointment. It is really sad to see that the "major" events are buyins of $300. How can we compete? Why would any pro come to Canada for this? I wouldn't travel too far to play in a $300 tourney, I can find those 5 nights a week here in Mtl. Are there any plans to conduct major tournaments? When I was WPT Legends, I spoke with Jim Miller at length about bringing a major to Canada and he was the one who brought it up. The Americans are interested and I know several professional players from both sides of the border who would like to see some majors in Canada. I know this isn't the best we can do.
  • It may NOT be the best we can do, but maybe it's the best we can do right now. Even the WSOP had to start small. I'm into my second decade of poker now, and the WSOP didn't hit the airwaves here until the last decade or so. Patience is a virtue.
  • Hey Poker JK,

    There are a few things to keep in mind... First, this is the first year that anyone has attempted to organize a Canadian Poker Tour, and I think it's awesome. Since this is the first year, I suspect that the organizers probably felt it was unwise to go with big buy-in (2K or more) tournaments. The future of the CPT probably depends on the success of the first one. If attendance is low in the first year due to poorly-attended big buy-in tournaments, getting a second 'season' off the ground could be problamatic. Casinos (at least for now) are probably more inclined to participate if they start off with what has worked for them in the past... tournaments in the range of $300 to $600, that sell out. If I want to play in the WSOP, I'll go to the WSOP. I did last year, and I had a great time. I also went to the 'Station Poker Classic' in Regina last year, and had a great time there, as well.

    Second, you seem to be really interested in getting 'American pros' up here to play in the CPT. I, for one, couldn't care less if they are interested in playing in these tournaments or not. Actually, the fewer pros, the better, IMHO.

    And finally, the entire 'season' hasn't been announced yet. It is possible that the Championship Event (possibly not the official name) could be in the 2K buy-in area.

  • Amen, Aces. And good luck on the tour.
  • howard lederer. creepy.
    annie duke. blah.
    chris ferguson. dresses like a knob and his suck out on the teej should never be forgiven.

    etcetctewtetctetctetc PROS suck

    All day people come up to these people and say enter this come do that etc etctetctetctetctetcttetc they all nod and smile
    i know i have met them and they nodnodnodnodyesyesyesyesyes and then move on to the next outstretched palm and yearning flash.
  • So cynical Harthgosh. Cool . . .
  • LOL harthgosh... that post had a kind of poetic feel to it... I thought you were bustin out a Haiku on all of our asses for the first bit. It was pretty damn close... I've revised it to the 5/7/5 syllable format, feel free to respond in kind. :)

    Howard Lederer.
    A good player, but creepy.
    Annie Duke. Oh wow.


    ps: Somebody please tell me if I have too much time on my hands.
  • What is this, Haiku corner all of a sudden?

    I'm in.

    Bad beats, bots, cheating.
    I read RGP no more
    Because of these things.

  • JK,

    The biggest events, to date, in Canada feature player cost (buy-in, re-buy, and add-on) of about $500. As a stomach for larger events develops in Canada I am sure that we will see some larger events (I know that some casinos are planning them).

    The CPT does not start or operate the events (neither does the WPT). We opted to use "money won" as opposed to a points system because there is pretty good parity among the biggest events in Canada right now.

    I view the CPT as the CFL of poker. Not as much money and not as many teams, but a hell of a lot more fun. Think of us as the minor leagues.
  • Dave Scharf, a question...

    I will be competing in the CPT events starting in March in Regina. Too be listed under your CPT player of the year rankings, do I need too sign up for anything or will you just track the progress of the winners of events? Let me know please... thanks. :)
  • You will need to register as a participant.

    You will need to complete and sign a CPT Player Registration form. The form will be available at the events. Soon, a printable version will be available on our website. After some investigation we were concerned about online registration and are concerned that we needed a signed form.
  • Sorry to press the point... do you need to register for the CPT on the day of the event, or when you register in advance? For example, I'm driving to GBH tomorrow to register for December. If they don't have the CPT forms, is this a problem, or will I just be able to register for the CPT part on the day of the tournament. Similar question for Regina... I'll be registering by phone, so hopefully simply filling out a CPT form on the days of the events will be acceptable.

  • Yeah that pretty much summed it up all_aces... I will sign the CPT player registration form... but was just wondering do I need too sign one every event? Before the event, on the day of the event... what is the exact proccess... hehe like all_aces said, sorry too press the point. Just want to make sure everything is in order.
  • You only need to register with the CPT once. This registration is NOT part of any tournament registration. But, once you are registered as a CPT Participant, you need to re-register.

    You can register day of (nobody has the forms yet as far as I know).
  • Okay, I see your perspective. Now it's just a question of seeing what next year holds. I will be in Edmonton for CPT this week though.

    see you at the tables.

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