Jackpot SnGs - which site offer the best?

I noticed that CD Poker has a jackpot of $65,000 if you can win six 6 person SnGs in a roll. If you also finish in the top 2 instead of win the six in a row, you get $300. This is for the $20 SnG and they also have other pots for lower buy-in SnGs. Do any other sites have these types of jackpot SnGs? are any easier to complete (like win 3 or 4 in a row)?


  • betfred poker also has this, if you win 5 in a row their is a jackpot, and a smaller prize of 200 dollars for consecutive secind place finishes, have not played these, the best i have done is win 3 in a row.
  • You realize they are raking those higher to pay the bonus?
  • moose wrote: »
    You realize they are raking those higher to pay the bonus?

    did not know that... good point
  • Was a lot easier back when Americans were allowed on that network. Now your pretty much playing against other Canadians and decent players. I used to crush the Maui ones, even getting 5 1sts in a row and getting knocked out 3rd in the 6th one AA < 22.
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