Slow Rolling

I'm not sure if anyone has experienced this but a lot of people seem to be slow rolling these days. In general it seems to be poor gamesmanship and not very profitable in the long run.

Anyone else have thoughts?


  • slow rolling?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    slow rolling?
    This is when someone takes a long time to either call or show their cards, specifically when "hollywooding" will have no value (ie, calling an all-in with nobody left to act). For example, taking 2 1/2 minutes to call an all-in on the river with the nut boat is slow rolling. While slow-rolling is bad etiquette, diving across the table and forcing the cards down the slow-rollers throat is also considered poor form.
  • I learned a new poker term; thanks for explaining it. Can't say I have seen too many players take their time calling with the nuts before. Don't see the point. If you have the nuts, just call and take the other guys chips. That's satisfying enough.
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