US Open
Roger Federer has won his first match at the 2007 US Open and looking to win his 4th in a row. I have been saying to people who will listen that he is the best ever and is still much better than Raphel Nadel. To make my point I put up this wager. Which side do you come down on? I do have to give 2:1 odds and injury does void this bet.
PS The bet is with Acid Joe
PS The bet is with Acid Joe
Yeah I want to the Cole school of grammer. LOL
I"ve already bet Brent on this at Moose's place. And I don't have Drederer. While I think Federer is better all around if I recall in my drunken state I set the 2:1 odds. Which I think is fair.
And 52 unforced errors? Federer beat himself although it was a great match...
I know when the post was made, I was just updating it. I've had my coffee Jeff, now go get yours
Nice one!