Tricky hand at a wild table

1/2NL live game. Table is loose and aggressive. Most hands are raised 5xBB+ with multiple callers. There is over 4k in chips on the table. I have the big stack on the table at 1200+ but there are several in the 400-500 range.

My image is fairly loose and aggressive. I have made a few tricky plays where I have limped in with medium-big pairs after other limpers and put in big raises ($100+) when raise comes from late position. I have also CR'd some flops and shown my big pairs. Recently I won a huge pot when my QQ sucked out on the river against a set of flopped 7s when we got all in on the flop. I have been seen to chase a few draws with poor odds only to hit and take down big pots. Through conversation, the opponents at my end of the table know I'm just there to have fun and don't really care whether I leave with a fortune or bust out. The deck has pretty much run me over for the past 2 hours.

This hand I am dealt QQ UTG+1. UTG limps. I limp behind, hoping for a raise behind. 5 more limp and finally the button bumps it to 6. I blame it on insanity. Of course the SB and BB call. Then UTG bumps it to 36. He is the tightest player at the table but has been seen to get involved in a few different spots and has built his stack to close to 400 from winning a couple big pots. He is a bit tricky though and has been caught making a few plays. He recently put in a big PF raise with 32o, got caught and made sure our end of the table saw his cards.

So, what is my play?


  • -ev wrote: »
    Through conversation, the opponents at my end of the table know I'm just there to have fun and don't really care whether I leave with a fortune or bust out.

    So, what is my play?

    Based on that comment, push all in.

    Myself, I'd raise it to $100.
    If UTG reraises all in, I may actually call based on what you had said about the UTG player.
  • I like to know where I can play 1/2 w $4k on the table; re-raise and see if he has the nuts; if he comes back all-in or a big raise, then you have to decide if he has KK AA. I hate these big pairs in cash games; make more money with 910 or 10J suited.
  • -ev wrote: »
    ... He is the tightest player at the table ..... He is a bit tricky....

    Tight & tricky.... limp re-raise... I'm with Hobbes... make it $100... if he pushes, I actually might lean towards folding.... if he just calls, I pray for a Q.... so I have easier
  • Interesting. It sounds almost unanimous. I'll give some others a chance before I post more of the action.
  • LMAO! 7 limpers and the button bumps it to 3BB! I love it.

    I'm pretty sure the tightest player at the table isn't limp/raising AK or any pair less than JJ... so UTG has got JJ, QQ, KK, or AA. Short-stacked I would fold, but with the depth of the stacks, repop it to 100. If he pushes it's an easy fold. If you see a flop I wouldn't go too crazy without hitting a set.

  • Ok, I did in fact repop it to 100 without much thought. Cool that everyone thought that was the play to make, too!

    Keep in mind, UTG had seen me do this a couple times and commented my hand must have been 77-99 when I did that before. So, if he pushed here, I'm thinking he only has to have a hand that beats the lower end of that range. But he really looked uncomfortable as soon as I put the chips in.

    Folded back to UTG (suprisingly? no I guess not). He went into the tank on this. After a minute or so, he called. He has about 250 remaining.

    Flop comes 7,8,9 rainbow. Right in my wheelhouse, according to his earlier comments. UTG thinks for a moment and checks to me. What kind of hand can I put him on? What does he think I have? What's my play now?
  • Well if tricky/tighty is gonna be all uncomfortable and all, and check it to me... I'd make a pot size bet here... but since that almost all he has, I just shove! If he's got AA or KK, well then good for him.
  • I put him on TT+ or possibly AKs, leaning more towards the higher end of that range. He had to put me on 77+. (Afterward, I ran his range against my hand and it is pretty close to even. Weighting his hand more toward the upper end of the range would make him a slight favourite) He really only has a pot size stack remaining so I can't see him folding an overpair here and I can't see myself folding here either.

    TT has 10 outs against me so it would be pretty hard imagining him folding getting about 2-1 on his remaining chips.

    JJ has 6 outs. AKs has 6 outs, maybe 7 with runner runner flush possibility.

    QQ chops. KK and AA I'm fucked but I can't see folding now.

    Since I'm not folding anyway, does it make sense to maximize against the hands I'm ahead of? I didn't want him to fold JJ or AKs. Well maybe he folds AKs to any reasonable bet but I couldn't let him draw for free so I bet 100. He thinks about it for a minute, maybe a bit of Hollywood, then pushes for 150 more.

    150 back to me in a 650+ pot. Snap call? Anyone fold here?
  • He knows button doesn't have anything (who bumps it to 6 w/ a monster w/ that many limpers?). He reraises hoping to take it down w/ his mid PP.

    If you were the initial UTG limper, he'd credit you for a big PP but not when you limped after him. Based on that, he decides he can't just fold for $64, but doesn't wanna repush for $350 total w/ a mid PP (probably puts you on AK).

    His comments about you having a mid PP is reverse psychology. He can afford to check his set on that dangerous board because he puts you on a hand like AK, no 10 so no OESD.
  • I couldn't fold with such good odds and a very good chance that I had the best hand. He flipped over AA and I failed to suck out.

    I've been trying to decide who played the hand worse - him or me? Or were we destined to get our chips in no matter what?
  • I really hate this whole -limp in EP with a monster- fad.

    You seem a clever enough player to rationalize and get away from QQ, but the fact is that you didn't in this instance and that is your mistake. I do appreciate that you were anticipating the lp raise but I'm really refering to UTG's. I think his range is probably quite a bit tighter than you suggested: JJ and the other QQ probably don't limp and 1010 is sort of a long shot. I really feel it has to be AA/KK/AKs.

    It's 1/2- no need for tricky b.s. I'll bet that most of your table will pay you off eventually anyway. Showmanship or not.

    Just let it play out like this-open to $12, bunch of folds, UTG raises to $36- You claimed he was super-tight so you fold immediately. I just don't think it's worth it most of the time. Why do you have to get $400 in on that hand? (and once you raise $100ish more you're probably getting $400 in)

    This is a table where you're looking at 6 limpers, cheap flops are an option and they are going to pay you off in less marginal situations when you're stronger than 1pr; and since you had $1200 already, I'm sure you know that.
  • Whatever you do don't reraise preflop unless you intend to get it all in, making it 100 and folding to a push is basically the worst thing you could do. Also I think you're going to reraise it should be bigger, say 125. Calling is also fine unless a lot of people are loose enough to call 30 more behind you. Once you get to the flop just bet 150 a push I guess.
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