Weird AA vs KK

2 limpers, I'm on the button & raise to $30 w/ AA.
SB (LP) & BB (LA) call. 2 limpers fold.

Flop is 2 4 6 rainbow. Blinds check, I bet $65 into a $100 pot.
SB calls, BB raises to $225 ($160 more). I think for a while & call. SB folds.
Turn is a 4, LA bets $300 all-in. I agonize & call. He has KK (river is a A).

I thought he was 1 of the top players at the table but hated the way he played KK preflop. After a raise & a call, he just calls giving odds for the 2 limpers.

I hate my fish play after getting raised. I thought I was behind (75% leaning to fold) but called. I got called 'time'. I didn't put him on KK but he said 'do you have JJ' when I was thinking about his raise.

I'm very good at folding big hands but was a calling station here. Comments on both our plays please.


  • Worst hand description. Ever. (picture Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons)

    What are the stack sizes of all players involved? What's your image. Any interesting history leading up to the hand? I'm guessing the stakes are 5/5.

    I would have raised to at least 40. The blinds are calling 25 into a 50 pot and if they are loose, you can't put them on any kind of hand. A bigger raise makes it easier for you to play out the hand and at live poker, some idiots will call almost any kind of raise so you might as well build the pot a bit.

    His PF smooth call is interesting. I expect he is putting you on a steal, knows the SB is L/P and calling with little and with his image, he knows you will expect to have him dominated, which unfortunately you do but he does not realize it. He is taking a bit of a risk there for sure but maybe he had a tell on the limpers.

    When he check-raises the flop, you have to realize you are playing for stacks. That is the point you have to decide if you are going all the way with the hand. I'd be a bit concerned that the SB has yet to act and might be playing something crazy like 64, 57 or 53 but he folded.

    There is really no turn card that should leave you agonizing once you've made the call. You are getting something like 3-1 anyway so it is a no brainer.
  • Soon as he names JJ, I insta call.
  • -ev wrote: »
    Worst hand description. Ever. (picture Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons)

    What are the stack sizes of all players involved? What's your image. Any interesting history leading up to the hand? I'm guessing the stakes are 5/5.

    I would have raised to at least 40. The blinds are calling 25 into a 50 pot and if they are loose, you can't put them on any kind of hand. A bigger raise makes it easier for you to play out the hand and at live poker, some idiots will call almost any kind of raise so you might as well build the pot a bit.

    His PF smooth call is interesting. I expect he is putting you on a steal, knows the SB is L/P and calling with little and with his image, he knows you will expect to have him dominated, which unfortunately you do but he does not realize it. He is taking a bit of a risk there for sure but maybe he had a tell on the limpers.

    When he check-raises the flop, you have to realize you are playing for stacks. That is the point you have to decide if you are going all the way with the hand. I'd be a bit concerned that the SB has yet to act and might be playing something crazy like 64, 57 or 53 but he folded.

    There is really no turn card that should leave you agonizing once you've made the call. You are getting something like 3-1 anyway so it is a no brainer.

    SB only had $200 total, so I wasn't overly concerned moneywise. BB had $550 (I have $650, my AA cracked earlier by AK off).

    $40 raise is getting 0 action at this table unless someone has a monster (which he did, but I didn't know). I'm TA, only shown down goods (no bluffs shown).

    2/5 NL w/ $500 max buy-in.

    W/ the check-raise, I knew I should've pushed or folded but I'd seen other hands where he check-raised big then checked down when called. He showed good but not big hands w/ these check-raises. I agonized the turn because he didn't check this time, confused me vs his other check-raises.

    I think I got married to AA here because it was my last hand (dumb) & didn't wanna believe my AA could get cracked twice so soon.

    The whole ride home I was upset because I got married to AA & I'm usually very good at putting people on hands. Yes, I won that big pot but was pissed because my play that hand & reason for calling would've cost me big other times.
  • HP_John wrote: »

    I got called 'time'. I didn't put him on KK but he said 'do you have JJ' when I was thinking about his raise.

    Who calls time in a cash game? As soon as some one called time, I'm calling floor and then going to use that extra time to think about it.
  • I think I got married to AA here because it was my last hand (dumb) & didn't wanna believe my AA could get cracked twice so soon.

    I'm lost. Why you're thinking AA is behind a LAG on that flop is beyond me, the range of hands he has that makes that CR that you're miles ahead of is huge. I get it in on the flop. I don't want a 5 or 3 killing my action on the turn.
  • It happens fairly frequently at FV to get called 'time' (session). Last time I was there, there was an argument that broke out over it (calling 'time' too fast). This was at Rama though, I called when 'time' was running out.


    He could easily have 6 4 or 4 2, or a set. He check-raised in a spot where I bet $65, & another player called my $65. What can anyone check-raise with in that spot?

    I don't see just a 6 doing it. If he had a mid-PP, he'd probably bet out so high cards don't get a free card. I initially didn't put him on a high PP because it didn't make sense (2 limpers in, I raise & get called by SB, if he calls then the 2 limpers got great odds).

    I thought he may have a 6 with a straight draw & possibly 10s when he asked if I had JJ.
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