air traffic controlling

does anyone know anyone into this or where to go to find any infrmation of where to go to school for this. or is there any courses in college you can take that would be in this area ?


  • does anyone know anyone into this or where to go to find any infrmation of where to go to school for this. or is there any courses in college you can take that would be in this area ?

    Please tell me you are not considering this Cole. Get to your local union office and find a trade, plumbing, electrical, cabinet maker, brick layer, iron worker, framer, tile installer, this list goes on ... there are enough plane crash each year without you at the helm. Maybe you should join the army. You can do pretty much do anything in you want too.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • does anyone know anyone into this or where to go to find any infrmation of where to go to school for this. or is there any courses in college you can take that would be in this area ?

    I have no idea where to look but they recruited for this when I was younger...they had a testing session at Forest Heights Collegiate Institute. You needed to score 98% or better to get called for an interview. If you are an above average student in mathematics you can pass the test. I managed a 98% and went to T.O. for the interview, it was the most difficult interview in my life and I bombed and was not called back. The tour of the Controllers building was very cool.

    I mean no offense but I think I agree with Prophet on this one.
  • Well I can probably get you more info on this. My oldest son has been an ATC at Pearson for about 10 years now. Before that he was actually at Kitchener tower for I believe a year or 2. E is right in that the interviews to accept you into the program are very stringent but don't give up just yet. Math is definitely one of the important requirements but I think the most important assets one would require would be to be organized, a team player, be able to think out logical problems quickly, etc. I don't think spelling is at the top of the list though so you should be ok there. :)

    A couple of other things, the actual training used to be in Cornwall, 9 months I think it was, now it's in Toronto. They also used to pay you during training, now you pay, I think it's $3500.

    In any case here is the website for any of you thinking of applying. It is a very high paying job with lots of perks but does require a lot of dedication and hard work to get through the interview and training aspect. Failure rate is very high.
    If you require more info I could probably get it.
  • Cole,

    If you are serious then I can ask my friend Heather if you can e-mail her. She went through the training 2 years ago, and is now working as an ATC in Sioux Lookout.

    PM me if you do want me to contact her.

    PS - If you do write to her - try and use your best English.
  • DataMn wrote: »

    PS - If you do write to her - try and use your best English.

    Can Cole do that? omg based on his posts I'd fail him.
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