Wallet Alternatives?

Hey All,

So....i've got a problem...my giant wallet. And, it's not really overflowing with money, or anything else really important..it's just huge. I wear it in my front pocket, and now most of my jeans have this stretched out square where my wallet goes. I'm sick of it!!!
What do you guys use? I know some options..man-purse....money clip...i've tried both, and neither really do it for me....
any suggestions would be grand!!!



  • Back pocket?

    You could always remove the 2% shoppers drug mart credit card..
  • When I went to Europe, I didn't bother with a wallet. Just my ID and cash.

    Talk about liberating.
  • maybe get rid of all the ATM receipts, Cdn Tire Money, etc. Cleaning it out once in a while always does the trick. Watch the Seinfeld episode on this very topic for pointers.
  • classic episode!! I can't wear it in the back pocket....hurts my back when i sit down...but i will try culling all the crap in there..that may do it...
  • I just carry driver's license, debit card, and cash. I've never used a wallet...
  • You could always wear a fanny belt. That's what all the cool kids are doing these days.
  • Why rob that moth family living in your wallet of a home?
  • Grab a hair tie and use it to bundle your most commonly used cards. Carry cash loose.

    It's been working for me for years. :)

  • Your wallet will find its way into your wifes purse along with your balls.
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