Tournament Poker Books

Can anyone recommend a good book for getting good sound tournament strategy? I'd like to invest in one, but can't decide which to get.

Poker Tournament Strategies - Sylvester Suzuki
Tournament Poker for Advanced Players - David Sklansky
Pot-Limit & No-Limit Poker - Stewart Reubin & Bob Ciaffone

I've read mixed reviews on them, and I don't trust the 2+2 forum to be unbiased with respect to book reviews. Has anyone here read any of these that would be able to offer an opinion?



  • Sklansky's tournament book is very good, and I haven't read any tournament books other than that one. I haven't hear good reviews of any other tournament book.

    Pot-Limit & No-Limit Poker doesn't have much on tournament play. Although it's a pretty good book on no-limit cash games, I'm not sure how much it would help you with no-limit tournaments.

    If you only want to get one of those books you listed, I'd strongly recommend Sklansky's book.

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