Hand played well or bad? what would you do?

Full Tilt Poker Game #2912269858: Table Vista Circado - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em -
ET - 2007/07/11
Seat 1: difflediff ($23.50)
Seat 2: mkd78 ($24.05)
Seat 3: skmac_4 ($25)
Seat 4: hals ($53.50)
Seat 5: Jefecaminador ($25.85)
Seat 6: obmar2 ($50.20)
Seat 7: DrTopher7 ($25.60)
Seat 8: allyasia ($17)
Seat 9: TheDK ($28.65)
DrTopher7 posts the small blind of $0.10
allyasia posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to allyasia [Kd Kc]
TheDK folds
difflediff folds
mkd78 folds
hals calls $0.25
Jefecaminador folds
obmar2 calls $0.25
DrTopher7 raises to $0.50
allyasia raises to $2
hals folds
obmar2 folds
DrTopher7 calls $1.50
*** FLOP *** [8s 7h 9s]
DrTopher7 checks
allyasia bets $4.50
DrTopher7 raises to $23.60, and is all in
allyasia has 15 seconds left to act
ok. almost 2-1 odds
Hand that beat me, AA,88,77,99. can't really put him on JT,
Hand that I can beat, and would make this push. QQ,JJ,TT,66 AsKs,AsQs.,AsJs,AsTs,A9,A8,A7.
is calling here a +EV?
I general don't like to call a check raise All-in.
hand 2
Full Tilt Poker Game #2912486567: Table Vista Circado - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em
ET - 2007/07/11
Seat 1: dbl_deuce38 ($34)
Seat 2: mkd78 ($19.40)
Seat 3: skmac_4 ($24.65)
Seat 4: hals ($50.45)
Seat 5: Jefecaminador ($35.25)
Seat 6: obmar2 ($51.55)
Seat 7: DrTopher7 ($36.60)
Seat 8: allyasia ($26.25)
Seat 9: TheDK ($32.40)
DrTopher7 posts the small blind of $0.10
allyasia posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to allyasia [Ac Ad]
TheDK folds
dbl_deuce38 folds
mkd78 folds
skmac_4 folds
hals folds
Jefecaminador calls $0.25
obmar2 calls $0.25
DrTopher7 folds
allyasia raises to $1.10
Jefecaminador folds
obmar2 calls $0.85
*** FLOP *** [6c 9s Kd]
allyasia bets $2.55
obmar2 calls $2.55
*** TURN *** [6c 9s Kd] [7s]
allyasia bets $7.65
obmar2 has 15 seconds left to act
obmar2 calls $7.65
*** RIVER *** [6c 9s Kd 7s] [2c]
allyasia bets $14.95, and is all in
obmar2 calls $14.95

i push all-in because.
1)out of position-if i check on the river, he push all-in....then i would have tough decision to make.
2)if i bet on the river, he came over the top. i'm committed. have to call anyway.
3)i actually put him on KsJs or KsTs. but he could be slow playing two pair or a set.
what would you do on the river?


  • Hand 1, you've committed 6.50 of your $17 stack. I just can't fold here for another $10.50. That's the problem with letting yourself get shortstacked.

    Hand 2, depends on your read. Is obmar a calling station nit who can't fold top pair? Then I like the push. If he is a real weak tight who can't seem to find the raise button, then I would check and see what he does. If his post flop aggression factor is very low, he either pushes and makes it an easy fold or he checks it down. Have you seen him slow play big hands before?
  • moose wrote: »
    Hand 1, you've committed 6.50 of your $17 stack. I just can't fold here for another $10.50. That's the problem with letting yourself get shortstacked.

    Hand 2, depends on your read. Is obmar a calling station nit who can't fold top pair? Then I like the push. If he is a real weak tight who can't seem to find the raise button, then I would check and see what he does. If his post flop aggression factor is very low, he either pushes and makes it an easy fold or he checks it down. Have you seen him slow play big hands before?
    is is loose preflop
    fold alot, so i think he is tight.
    but not sure if he just had cold deck or just passive.
    Hand 1, few hands before that,i got stacked. that is why i'm shortstack.
  • Full Tilt Poker Game #2912269858: Table Vista Circado - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em -
    ET - 2007/07/11
    Seat 1: difflediff ($23.50)
    Seat 2: mkd78 ($24.05)
    Seat 3: skmac_4 ($25)
    Seat 4: hals ($53.50)
    Seat 5: Jefecaminador ($25.85)
    Seat 6: obmar2 ($50.20)
    Seat 7: DrTopher7 ($25.60)
    Seat 8: allyasia ($17)
    Seat 9: TheDK ($28.65)
    DrTopher7 posts the small blind of $0.10
    allyasia posts the big blind of $0.25
    5 seconds left to act
    The button is in seat #6
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to allyasia [Kd Kc]
    TheDK folds
    difflediff folds
    mkd78 folds
    hals calls $0.25
    Jefecaminador folds
    obmar2 calls $0.25
    DrTopher7 raises to $0.50
    allyasia raises to $2
    hals folds
    obmar2 folds
    DrTopher7 calls $1.50
    *** FLOP *** [8s 7h 9s]
    DrTopher7 checks
    allyasia bets $4.50
    DrTopher7 raises to $23.60, and is all in
    allyasia has 15 seconds left to act
    ok. almost 2-1 odds
    Hand that beat me, AA,88,77,99. can't really put him on JT,
    Hand that I can beat, and would make this push. QQ,JJ,TT,66 AsKs,AsQs.,AsJs,AsTs,A9,A8,A7.
    is calling here a +EV?
    I general don't like to call a check raise All-in.

    Assuming you have better post flop skills than your opponent.

    After he checks...

    You might be way ahead or way behind, or he could have a draw...

    Should you continuation bet into a 2 suited connected straightening board?

    I'm strongly considering checking...


    If you decide to bet, I would bet around 40% to 60% of the pot, say, $2 to $2.50
    This makes it still incorrect for straight draw or top pair, 2nd pair or AX hands to call you but doesn't risk too much if you're already beat.

    Why not bet more to get rid of flush draws?????

    If someone has AXs or QJs or JTs, KJs, KQs, then it it not incorrect for them to call and they probably are going to call no matter what with their flush+gut or Flush +A or flush + 2 overcards, so no point in trying to price out those draws because they are getting 12 to 13 outs or more on you.

    Checking or betting smaller lets your position work for you, trying a smaller probe sized bet can get you some information even cheaper, say bet around $1.75 or $2. By playing small ball you let yourself make the most of your good position and evaluate what to do if the turn card is scary.

    You have Kings there are only A that can overcard you but any 5,6, T, J or spade is scary. That's 24 scary cards.
    Plus you shouldn't be too pleased if a Q comes.

    When I have position and could be way ahead or way behind or facing a fat draw on a scary board, I like to play the hand slowly and let my good position make up for my small bet sizes.

    So I would check or if you decide to bet, I'd bet smaller say $2.

    Betting $2 leaves you with $13, and puts the pot up to 6.50. pot will be $8.50 if he just calls.

    Betting $4.50 leaves you with $10.50 and puts the pot at $9., pot will be $13.50 if he just calls. In this situation your opponent figures he can negate your good position by pushing, since just calling leaves you with less than the pot size.

    hand 2
    Full Tilt Poker Game #2912486567: Table Vista Circado - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em
    ET - 2007/07/11
    Seat 1: dbl_deuce38 ($34)
    Seat 2: mkd78 ($19.40)
    Seat 3: skmac_4 ($24.65)
    Seat 4: hals ($50.45)
    Seat 5: Jefecaminador ($35.25)
    Seat 6: obmar2 ($51.55)
    Seat 7: DrTopher7 ($36.60)
    Seat 8: allyasia ($26.25)
    Seat 9: TheDK ($32.40)
    DrTopher7 posts the small blind of $0.10
    allyasia posts the big blind of $0.25
    The button is in seat #6
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to allyasia [Ac Ad]
    TheDK folds
    dbl_deuce38 folds
    mkd78 folds
    skmac_4 folds
    hals folds
    Jefecaminador calls $0.25
    obmar2 calls $0.25
    DrTopher7 folds
    allyasia raises to $1.10
    Jefecaminador folds
    obmar2 calls $0.85
    *** FLOP *** [6c 9s Kd]
    allyasia bets $2.55
    obmar2 calls $2.55
    *** TURN *** [6c 9s Kd] [7s]
    allyasia bets $7.65
    obmar2 has 15 seconds left to act
    obmar2 calls $7.65
    *** RIVER *** [6c 9s Kd 7s] [2c]
    allyasia bets $14.95, and is all in
    obmar2 calls $14.95

    i push all-in because.
    1)out of position-if i check on the river, he push all-in....then i would have tough decision to make.
    2)if i bet on the river, he came over the top. i'm committed. have to call anyway.
    3)i actually put him on KsJs or KsTs. but he could be slow playing two pair or a set.
    what would you do on the river?

    Second hand:

    Looks fine.
  • Assuming you have better post flop skills than your opponent.

    After he checks...

    You might be way ahead or way behind, or he could have a draw...

    Should you continuation bet into a 2 suited connected straightening board?

    I'm strongly considering checking...


    If you decide to bet, I would bet around 40% to 60% of the pot, say, $2 to $2.50
    This makes it still incorrect for straight draw or top pair, 2nd pair or AX hands to call you but doesn't risk too much if you're already beat.

    Why not bet more to get rid of flush draws?????

    If someone has AXs or QJs or JTs, KJs, KQs, then it it not incorrect for them to call and they probably are going to call no matter what with their flush+gut or Flush +A or flush + 2 overcards, so no point in trying to price out those draws because they are getting 12 to 13 outs or more on you.

    Checking or betting smaller lets your position work for you, trying a smaller probe sized bet can get you some information even cheaper, say bet around $1.75 or $2. By playing small ball you let yourself make the most of your good position and evaluate what to do if the turn card is scary.

    You have Kings there are only A that can overcard you but any 5,6, T, J or spade is scary. That's 24 scary cards.
    Plus you shouldn't be too pleased if a Q comes.

    When I have position and could be way ahead or way behind or facing a fat draw on a scary board, I like to play the hand slowly and let my good position make up for my small bet sizes.

    So I would check or if you decide to bet, I'd bet smaller say $2.

    Betting $2 leaves you with $13, and puts the pot up to 6.50. pot will be $8.50 if he just calls.

    Betting $4.50 leaves you with $10.50 and puts the pot at $9., pot will be $13.50 if he just calls. In this situation your opponent figures he can negate your good position by pushing, since just calling leaves you with less than the pot size.

    Thanks man
    for hand one, i don't know why i didn't think that much. i guess i'm still upset with previous hand.
    but, next time, i'll play my KK better.
  • Thanks man
    for hand one, i don't know why i didn't think that much.

    I too have problems thinking about all this stuff when I'm playing a hand.

    i guess i'm still upset with previous hand.
    but, next time, i'll play my KK better.

    It's fairly easy to spout off this stuff when you're away from the table.

    That's why I like contributing to this forum...

    I find thinking about hands away from the table and then playing them well the next time improves my game.
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