what a bad day

on Fulltilt.
I'm folding a hand, system freeze, then push all my chips in. 1 buyin lost.
WTF man, i'm pretty sure i click on fold.
on Mansion.
i have exprience worse day on the history of me playing at mansion.
all-in preflop. AA vs AKoff. 4 card flush. 1 buy-in gone.
had TT in a raise pot. Flop T66, some guy with KK just push all-in. my only move is to call. suckout a K on the river. 1 buy-in gone.
for the next 4 showdown
i push in with the best hand. somehow, the turn and river make it split pot. I actually lose money, because of the rake.
ie. 54 on flop A23. some guy has AK decide to jam the pot with me.
Turn 4, River 5.
I guess i should be thanksfull that Turn is not A, and river does not pair the board.
I just can't win today. so i call it a night




    Two suggestions:

    1) Stop playing
    2) Get some perspective and understand that there are worse things in the world that could happen to you than losing at poker.
  • If very first post.
    Was done in haiku instead.
    It would be better.
  • On a warm summers evenin on a train bound for nowhere,
    I met up with the gambler; we were both too tired to sleep.
    So we took turns a starin out the window at the darkness
    til boredom overtook us, and he began to speak....
  • BBC Z wrote: »


    Two suggestions:

    1) Stop playing
    2) Get some perspective and understand that there are worse things in the world that could happen to you than losing at poker.

    not about the badbeats, I have pass that.
    The rant is about:
    the amount of bad players on the table, that willing to let their money flying around.
    You look at it. with a smile
    wait for a hand and try to stacked someone.
    but due to uncontrollable factors, the best result you seem, it's a split pot. which you will lose on the rake.......
    If it were anyother night, i probly won't care.
    I found a table full of bad players that willing to gamble, average pot is $80 dollar on a .25/.5 NL50
    It's not everyday, that I can find a table with this amount of bad players and action.
    I work hard at it, and the best i got, it's a split pot.
    Usually I lose 1 buy-in. I'm done for the day.
    but yesturday, i just keep bring money to the table. because I know at the end, I will get all their money.
    split pot afer split pot, I can almost feel the tilt coming on.
  • not about the badbeats, I have pass that.
    The rant is about:
    the amount of bad players on the table, that willing to let their money flying around.
    You look at it. with a smile
    wait for a hand and try to stacked someone.
    but due to uncontrollable factors, the best result you seem, it's a split pot. which you will lose on the rake.......
    If it were anyother night, i probly won't care.
    I found a table full of bad players that willing to gamble, average pot is $80 dollar on a .25/.5 NL50
    It's not everyday, that I can find a table with this amount of bad players and action.
    I work hard at it, and the best i got, it's a split pot.
    Usually I lose 1 buy-in. I'm done for the day.
    but yesturday, i just keep bring money to the table. because I know at the end, I will get all their money.
    split pot afer split pot, I can almost feel the tilt coming on.


    It's not about the bad beats...it's about the bad beats!
  • time to dropkick your monitor out the window :D
  • sweetjimmi wrote: »

    It's not about the bad beats...it's about the bad beats!
    like i say, if any other night, i won't care.
    no, this is more like, A night, where every hot babe want to sleep with you, but you can't find a single store that sell condom.
    you get what i'm saying.
  • like i say, if any other night, i won't care.
    no, this is more like, A night, where every hot babe want to sleep with you, but you can't find a single store that sell condom.
    you get what i'm saying.

    Settle for a BJ.

    P.S. 50% of your posts are bad beat stories. DUCY?
  • no, this is more like, A night, where every hot babe want to sleep with you, but you can't find a single store that sell condom.
    Settle for a BJ.

    Apprently, Chuckie's hot babes also got teh herp so he'd have to bag it in either scenario.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Settle for a BJ.

    P.S. 50% of your posts are bad beat stories. DUCY?
    ya i know
    that is why i say, i'm pass that stage.
    you took enough share of badbeat, just matter of time, you get used to it.
    i haven't post a bad beat story for a long time.
    at start, i get so piss off, but now, just another day at playing poker.
  • This is great story about what a bad beat isn't?

    Comm'on man, fess up...you posted a bad beat story!!! Now pay the price!
  • I don't know why everyone is giving Chuckie such a hard time. We've all been here, he's just growing past it. Personally, I've enjoyed his posts... His number of bad-beat posts has decreased significantly. Also, the few times when he looks for advice on a hand or strategy, he actually seems to listen (rather than just try to prove why his pre-conceived play is correct). He's been totally transparent with his posts (which is a big plus to me), and I think it'll be interesting to see his progress.

    Now Chuckie, with that said, this is a bad beat post. You're phrasing is different now than previously and shows that you have gotten past some of your initial issues and are understanding a bit more about variance. However,
    I just can't win today. so i call it a night

    shows you aren't quite there yet. If you really can't win today, it's because you're not good enough. Don't get into this mentality. You either are good enough to win or you should quit playing altogether. More likely, you can't handle the losses emotionally and feel yourself starting to tilt, so you know your worsening play will cause you to lose. Variance doesn't change, but your response to significant variance can cause your game to change.
    not about the badbeats, I have pass that.
    The rant is about:
    the amount of bad players on the table, that willing to let their money flying around.

    If you were past it, you wouldn't have posted this. And ranting about the bad players doesn't make sense - that is where you derive all your profit. Ranting about how LUCKY the bad players are getting makes sense, but you don't really want them to start playing correctly...
    Usually I lose 1 buy-in. I'm done for the day.
    but yesturday, i just keep bring money to the table. because I know at the end, I will get all their money.
    split pot afer split pot, I can almost feel the tilt coming on.

    Quitting after 1 buy-in doesn't make sense if you can beat the game. What you did yesterday is the correct strategy - keep playing because you know that in the end you will win, and only quit when you can't (tilt, etc.). The trick here is to make sure you really are good enough to beat the game. Make sure you aren't fooling yourself. Sometimes good players run into a table which they simply can't beat (even if it is a bad table). It could just be the playing style of the other players or it could be that you don't have your A-game that night. Just remember that being a good/winning player overall doesn't mean every night or against every group of opponents. However, once you feel the tilt starting, then it's time to quit. Smart decision.

    I also have a suggestion for you which might help (or it might not ;) ). We all suffer these bad-beats and want to vent, however, this board isn't the right place to do it (criticism+, sarcasm+++, empathy--). Also, even live, most people don't want to hear it - they will either ignore it and try to get rid of you, or they will try to top your story with their own beats. I'm not sure if you've seen my previous "buddy" posts (search for them if you haven't), but I think this is the best solution. Have a couple people who you can just vent to, who will actually listen. They will help console you when you just need an outlet to get yourself back onside emotionally. They can also look at the beats critically and let you know when it really wasn't as bad as you think, and tell you that you simply need to pick up your game. If you find the right buddy, this will give you a place to vent, an unbiased source of advice, and it will eliminate all the flak you get on the forum. Just a thought...
  • Beanie = nicer than Sweetjimmi.

    I've been gone for a while but if you post (or tell bad beat stories in real life) you should expect backlash. As Beanie said you are not the only one to take beats. Chances are if you are still complaining about beats then there are probably much bigger leaks in your game. You will be much further ahead posting hand histories and asking for some advice rather than post results and complaining about not being able to pull out wins.
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