Gary Bettman's Legacy to Hockey

What is it? Like, he's going to be running the league for quite a few more years..

..but at the end of it, is hockey any better off now than it was back when he started? US ratings are still horrible, they got rid of the division names (Norris et al.), scoring was down forever... etc

Like, does he think he's actually been successful? Do you?


  • Nice Lockout. Salaries are more then they were pre lock out. Gomez for 7 million plus a year you got to be kidding me. NHL is prime for a collapse due to Bettman's mismanagement of many key issues. I know a lot of people in this area are genuinely pissed at the Hamilton/SW Ontario issue that they are no longer supporting the league. I will wait and see but I will be a non supporter if Nashville goes to KC. There is a site so that must tell you what some people think.
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