NFL Survivor Pool

What is NFL Survivor Pool?

There are only 2 rules in an NFL (National Football League) Survivor Pool: You have to pick an NFL team to win (straight-up only, no point-spread) and you can’t pick the same team twice. The Pool will begin in Week 1 which is in September and will end when there’s only 1 participant (survivor) left. You win and you move on to next week, you lose and there’s always next year! It doesn’t get any simpler than that, really.

Why a Survivor Pool?

There are different ways to play Pools when it comes to the NFL: fantasy pools, survivor pools, point-spread pools etc. The reason I choose to run a Survivor Pool is because of its simplicity and drama. You don’t have to look at all 16 match-ups on any given week as is the case with a Point-spread Pool, if you have a feel for a particular game, you can really zero in on it and try to predict the outcome of that game. This Pool is also known as Suicide, Eliminator, and King of the Hill, and Last Man Standing.

Is there a fee for participating in this Pool?

Yes there will be a fee of $20 to play in this Pool. The reason for a fee is two-fold: It provides some monetary prizes for the winner (survivor), bragging rights certainly can only go so far and more importantly, this will make people more committed to this Pool and not dropping out of sight in the middle of the season. The Winner will be crowned 2007 NFL Survivor Pool Champion and take home the grand prize which is $20 x # of participants*. I will not take any cut for running/administering this Pool, whatever we contribute will be going towards the last man standing. And for people who are concerned about where their money is going: ALOT of members know me personally, and they know where I live, so do not worry :D.

What are methods of payment?

I prefer payment over PokerStars, as that is the easiest way and most uniform in terms of acceptance of payment and paying out the winner. I will accept PayPal and/or EMT. If you prefer another method other than PokerStars, send me a PM and we can work it out.

When is the deadline to sign-up and pay?

The first game of the 2007 NFL Season is on Thursday, September 6, featuring the New Orleans Saints at the Indianapolis Colts at 20:30 p.m. Sign-up and payment will be accepted until that time. Absolutely none after. I don’t want to be chasing people around for payment after the first game has started, that should be the time for us to enjoy the games and to plot our strategies. If you have signed up but have not paid by that time, you will be disqualified. There’s plenty of time and chances to get your money in!

When do you have to put in the picks?

Picks have to be in before the first Sunday game on any given week. It is almost always 13:00 EDT so please adjust your time settings accordingly. Occasionally, there will be games played on the Thursdays and Saturdays before and if you want to pick a team from those match-ups, you need to have your picks in before the kick-off of those games. If you are found to put in your picks after the games have started, you will be disqualified. No exceptions. I will create a new thread for each week, on Tuesdays after the Monday night games and you can put in your picks for that week there, you can also PM me or send me an email in case is down. In the worst-case scenario (no Internet access), I will give you my phone number!

What if I forget to put in my picks?, for whatever reasons.

If that’s the case, you will consider to be *eliminated*. As stated above, I will update the thread for each week starting on the Tuesday after the Monday night game (or Wednesday latest on the rare occasion I am busy on a Tuesday night), you should have enough time to put in your picks. I will also make every effort that I could make, time permitting, to remind members who are still in the contest to put in their picks, either by posting in the thread or PMing those participants. I will also let you know my personal email address as well if you can’t access for whatever reasons. So, really, there is simply no excuse not to put in your picks.

Can I edit my picks?

You certainly can! As long as it is before the respective deadline, I have no problem with it. The NFL is pretty good when it comes to disclosing players injuries and things like that so once you have done research into a particular match-up and you like what you see, by all means make the post. Later on during the week, if you have doubts and/or find out something that you don’t like, go ahead and change it to something else if that’s what you feel more comfortable. This Pool is designed so that everyone will have fun and enjoy the games, I am not here to nitpick or set strict guidelines, you can be rest assured.

What happens if there is more than 1 survivor at the end of the regular season?

There are 17 weeks for this NFL 2007 Season. There is a chance there will be more than 1 Survivor at the end of the regular season; if that’s the case, the prize will be split accordingly. We will not continue the Pool for the Play-off.

What happens if there is a TIE game?

Although this is rare (only 1 Tie game in the past 3, 4 seasons if memory serves me well), it does happen and when it does, it will be considered a *WIN*, no matter what team you choose and you will get to move on to the next week.

Can I have more than 1 entry?

You certainly can give yourself more chances to win. If you have more than 1 entry, I will simply name your team westside8_1, westside8_2, so on and so forth.

Will there be an option to get back in after Week 1?

Some Survivor Pools allow players to pay some more money (usually half the original fees) to get back in after they have been eliminated from Week 1 (which is usually the most competitive week). I will not have that option for this Pool, unless requested by the majority.

Is there minimum/maximum # of participants?

There will be no maximum # of participants, as long as you get paid, you are in. Bring in your friends/co-workers/relatives as well, it’s all good. The more, the merrier and most definitely, the bigger the prize. With respect to minimum # of participants, I would like to see at least 10 before we proceed. So that’s $200** right there, not bad for some Christmas shopping money for the Survivor! There has been some good interest in the NFL Thread so I am pretty confident we can have at least 10 folks, if not more, to get this Pool up and running when the time comes.

So what’s next?

If you have any questions, feel free to post here or PM me like I said. If you have no other questions/concerns and would like to join, simply make a post indicating that you want to join the Pool and proceed to arrange the payment at your convenience. I will update the thread regularly with names of participants (paid and unpaid) as well as any other details that surface. If you have any friends who want to join, by all means invite them...Facebook, Myspace, blogs, other forums, wherever, spread the words, the more the merrier and remember, the bigger the pot! As the season approaches, I have no doubts more pools of this nature will pop up but if you want to join a friendly, personal, comfortable Pool on one of the best site on the 'Net: This is the place to be, my friends.

This should pretty much cover all the points for this Pool. Like I said, it’s a very simple Pool and designed to make you enjoy the NFL season even more. So let’s make this a memorable and exciting time. If you have any questions, feel free.

westside8 - <$50
Blazing 72 - 3 x $20
Prophet 22
Haddon - <$50
sweetjimmi - $20
JohnnieH - $20
AcidJoe <$50
nordique - $20
Whitehorse - $20 PAID

*there is probably a few players that want to bump up the stakes. I will welcome a max. entry fee of $50 per team. if players want to have a higher bet, that will be between the participants.
**the assumption is for $20 per team for 10 teams


  • how exactly does it work?

    what are the pmt options?
  • Each participant will pick one team per week in each scheduled matchup as the winner. If they correctly picking a winning team, they will move on to the following week, with the players picking a losing team eliminated. Participants are only allowed to pick one team once during the season.

    Payment option will most likely be Stars as the ideally choice to keep all the money in/money out uniform. With the dollar almost at par, I also don't mind getting EMT or paypal, but again, Stars is preferred.
  • I'm interested.
  • always interested, there was never enough intrest from people here on the fourm, but put me down.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I'll donate $20. However, that would be a chuck of my Stars account. Could we pay at Bristol in the fall?
  • Count me in.

  • I'm in.

    Never lost an NFL survivor...but up against Brent....

    Kind of bad table selection :D !!!

    Oh well...I'll donate up to like...$60-80...
    But $20 is cool too.
  • Looks like we got 6 so far. I think we can definitely get a few more in before the season starts. If people want, they are more than welcome to field two or more teams as long as entry fee is paid.

    As far as entry fee goes, it seems like standard would be $20, but if there are few selected individuals who want to go higher, I can also work that out for you guys similiar to what we did in the hockey pool and biggest loser.

    With this number of teams, I think there is a chance that we can do two this season, with the second one commencing in week 8, but that will come later on.
  • iam in id like to play
  • I"m in and maybe one more that I know of. I'll have to ask to find out. Whatever you guys want to play for it's all good.
  • OP now updated with our league rules which I ripped off from my other survivor pool.

    I will begin accepting payments in August (approximately 1 month before the season starts). Signups can take place anytime from now until 24 hours before the first game.

    If you haven't mentioned how much you are "in" for, please indicate.
  • I'll play for whatever upto $100 bucks per season.
  • im in wes no prob
  • Alright, seems like we have 10 players right now. So we can definitely run 2 this season, with the second one commencing week 8 of the regular season. For the second survivor pool, we will stretch it into the playoffs if necessary. If anyone opposes that, please let me know.
    Otherwise, I will begin accepting payments/picks in August (too early right now and I will probably lose it playing online :D)

    Again, for those who haven't indicated how much they are in for, please do so.
  • In for $20

  • im in for 20 dont have a stars accnt any way youll be at bristol wes
  • 20 bucks is good for me
  • For those who have signed up, I will now be taking registration fees. Yes, its still 6 months before the season starts, but I'm going to start now to give people ALOT of time to pay up. Your picks will not register until I have received your payment.

    For those with Stars, my stars name is wesleyw, so please send the money that way. For those without a Stars account, with the exchange rate what it is right now, I will also accept PayPal or EMT. I prefer to keep the transaction over the internet since there will be trails/evidence of the transfer, for your protection and mine. But if you really prefer to do so in person, please shoot me a PM. Otherwise, thats it for now.
  • Hey Wes I am in this.

  • BLAZIN 72 wrote: »
    Hey Wes I am in this.

    Been waiting to hear this for awhile! =)

    All players. The season will begin in a little over 3 weeks. Please feel free to start sending your money over Stars, or begin making arrangements with me in how to get money to me. If you do not have money into me (or made arrangements with me) by kickoff of the firs game, you will not be included in the first go. The "second season" will begin in week 8 with playoffs being included, a slight variation of the rule will be posted soon to include playoff implications.
  • PM sent to all interested participants to confirm and arrange payment options. For all others, there is only a handful of days left before the season begins, so don't hesitate and join now.

    I will PM everyone my e-mail/cell phone number next week so you may submit your picks if you can't get on the forum/forum is down, etc etc...
  • Wes, can you activate my pm so I can get in please?
  • Wes, can you activate my pm so I can get in please?

    Should be good to go now.
  • I have only received confirmations from about 5 of the interested participants so far. Season is 10 days away, so please confirm ASAP.
  • I only have 5 confirmed entries so far. If I do not get anymore before Thursday, I will be refunding whitehorse' entry and cancel this pool.
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