LHE 6 max - some nonstd lines

A few recent hands where I took a few non-typical lines that I probably wouldn't have made if on autopilot. Feel free to tell me the good, the bad, or if I'm somehow surrending to FPS... :)

Hand 1:

Honestly I think I may use this more (against the right opponents). Not much of a read on opponent, other than he seems to be aggressive.

POKERSTARS GAME #10442619726: HOLD'EM LIMIT ($3/$6) - 2007/06/15 - 01:55:25 (ET)
Table 'Ankaios IV' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 2: leno30 ($143 in chips)
Seat 3: ScoobyD ($266.50 in chips)
Seat 4: Hadican ($138.50 in chips)
Seat 5: Usonababeach ($112 in chips)
Seat 6: joohyeon ($107 in chips)
leno30: posts small blind $1
ScoobyD: posts big blind $3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ScoobyD [2s 2c]
Hadican: folds
Usonababeach: folds
joohyeon: raises $3 to $6
leno30: calls $5
ScoobyD: calls $3
*** FLOP *** [6h 2d Ts]
leno30: checks
ScoobyD: bets $3
joohyeon: raises $3 to $6
leno30: folds
ScoobyD: calls $3

Normally I'll probably either 3 bet the flop or more likely call and CR the turn, but since villian is aggressive I called the flop with the intention of donking the turn since it just looks so odd, most villians will raise a TP type hand and some aggressive ones are capable of raising either as a semibluff, or a very marginal holding for a free SD. So ya, I'm double donking with the hope of 3 betting the turn...

*** TURN *** [6h 2d Ts] [9s]
ScoobyD: bets $6
joohyeon: raises $6 to $12
ScoobyD: raises $6 to $18
joohyeon: calls $6
*** RIVER *** [6h 2d Ts 9s]
ScoobyD: bets $6
joohyeon: raises $6 to $12
ScoobyD: raises $6 to $18
joohyeon: calls $6

2: This is a little bizzarre too. Preflop is meh. BB is fairly TAGish post flop, button limper is a LP fish. I hate raising there because I'm probably getting called by both with no info on their hands and I'm OOP. Given how BB is aggressive I should likely just fold, but I figure if an A flops my hand is reasonably disguised and I can get paid off. But ya, marginal.

POKERSTARS GAME #10441887349: HOLD'EM LIMIT ($5/$10) - 2007/06/15 - 00:46:46 (ET)
Table 'Gisela III' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: floresur16 ($229.50 in chips)
Seat 2: IPokeher2 ($169 in chips)
Seat 3: Yooo BC ($818.50 in chips)
Seat 4: ScoobyD ($324.50 in chips)
Seat 5: playholdem ($60 in chips)
Seat 6: texar ($218 in chips)
ScoobyD: posts small blind $2
playholdem: posts big blind $5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ScoobyD [Ah 4c]
texar: folds
floresur16: folds
IPokeher2: folds
Yooo BC: calls $5
ScoobyD: calls $3
playholdem: checks
*** FLOP *** [9s 9h 9c]
ScoobyD: bets $5
playholdem: calls $5
Yooo BC: folds
*** TURN *** [9s 9h 9c] [Ad]
ScoobyD: bets $10
playholdem: raises $10 to $20
ScoobyD: calls $10
*** RIVER *** [9s 9h 9c Ad] [Ks]
ScoobyD: checks
playholdem: bets $10
ScoobyD: raises $10 to $20
playholdem: calls $10

Normally I'd probably go ahead and 3 bet the turn, but that just can't be right. The turn raise just feels like such BS, that I decide to call and let him throw in another on the river, after which I figure I can raise for value in case he actually has a pair or a K. Of course I probably throw up a little if I get 3 towned, but meh...

3: OK, in hindsight looking at this my line is pretty garbage (I should have popped the turn with the 2 flush draws), which is what I "normally" would have done. But again this felt like another "He's a mile behind and I might as well let him bet it out the whole way and stick him to the pot when I throw in my river value raise (in case he caught something)"

POKERSTARS GAME #10442231543: HOLD'EM LIMIT ($3/$6) - 2007/06/15 - 01:16:37 (ET)
Table 'Ankaios IV' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: forbuddy1 ($118 in chips)
Seat 2: gnu sister ($164 in chips)
Seat 3: ScoobyD ($286.50 in chips)
Seat 4: Hadican ($129.50 in chips)
Seat 5: Venom007 ($63 in chips)
Seat 6: FlareMVP ($293 in chips)
forbuddy1: posts small blind $1
gnu sister: posts big blind $3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ScoobyD [Tc Kc]
ScoobyD: raises $3 to $6
Hadican: folds
Venom007: folds
FlareMVP: folds
forbuddy1: folds
gnu sister: calls $3
*** FLOP *** [6d Kd Ks]
gnu sister: checks
ScoobyD: bets $3
gnu sister: raises $3 to $6
ScoobyD: calls $3
*** TURN *** [6d Kd Ks] [7s]
gnu sister: bets $6
ScoobyD: calls $6
*** RIVER *** [6d Kd Ks 7s] [2s]
gnu sister: bets $6
ScoobyD: raises $6 to $12
gnu sister: calls $6

4: OK, I hate this hand. Villian is a spazzy aggro preflop (55/25/0.9), but generally more passive post flop, although he does frequently get out of line. The turn 3 bet is obviously my dillema. I know he's easily capable of CRing a worse 2 pair there, but it's possible he could have been playing a str draw this way (or less likely a set). I of course want to vomit when he caps the turn since I'm never getting away from my hand vs a guy capable of overplaying A4 or A5 this way. I don't know, calling down to the turn CR feels too weak with top 2 vs a bad player, but three betting puts us in a bad spew spot a LOT.

POKERSTARS GAME #10442437452: HOLD'EM LIMIT ($3/$6) - 2007/06/15 - 01:36:34 (ET)
Table 'Anius III' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: ScoobyD ($459 in chips)
Seat 2: foldit ($25 in chips)
Seat 3: fishon7 ($125 in chips)
Seat 4: xxxLOLxxx ($368.50 in chips)
Seat 5: MH252525 ($166 in chips)
Seat 6: ZAJACTION1 ($199.50 in chips)
fishon7: posts small blind $1
xxxLOLxxx: posts big blind $3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ScoobyD [Ac 8c]
MH252525: folds
ZAJACTION1: calls $3
ScoobyD: raises $3 to $6
foldit: folds
fishon7: folds
xxxLOLxxx: calls $3
ZAJACTION1: calls $3
*** FLOP *** [As 8d 5c]
xxxLOLxxx: checks
ZAJACTION1: checks
ScoobyD: bets $3
xxxLOLxxx: raises $3 to $6
ScoobyD: raises $3 to $9
xxxLOLxxx: calls $3
*** TURN *** [As 8d 5c] [4h]
xxxLOLxxx: checks
ScoobyD: bets $6
xxxLOLxxx: raises $6 to $12
ScoobyD: raises $6 to $18
xxxLOLxxx: raises $6 to $24
Betting is capped
ScoobyD: calls $6
*** RIVER *** [As 8d 5c 4h] [3s]
xxxLOLxxx: bets $6
ScoobyD: calls $6

5: Villian is 24/19/1.5 TAG who I figure is a showdown monkey. I can't envision how I'm possibly behind by the river. Normally I'd just check it down, but yes, I'm making a sexy value bet on the river since I'm expecting a lot of A high calldowns.

POKERSTARS GAME #10408594353: HOLD'EM LIMIT ($5/$10) - 2007/06/12 - 23:18:46 (ET)
Table 'Leonce' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: BuffOrange ($257 in chips)
Seat 2: aaranator ($201.50 in chips)
Seat 3: ScoobyD ($547.50 in chips)
Seat 4: Riveritis ($219.50 in chips)
Seat 5: Pvilar ($532 in chips)
Seat 6: Tango7 ($200 in chips)
Pvilar: posts small blind $2
Tango7: posts big blind $5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ScoobyD [Ac Kh]
BuffOrange: folds
aaranator: folds
ScoobyD: raises $5 to $10
Riveritis: calls $10
Pvilar: calls $8
Tango7: calls $5
*** FLOP *** [4h 9d 3h]
Pvilar: checks
Tango7: checks
ScoobyD: bets $5
Riveritis: folds
Pvilar: folds
Tango7: calls $5
*** TURN *** [4h 9d 3h] [6h]
Tango7: checks
ScoobyD: bets $10
Tango7: calls $10
*** RIVER *** [4h 9d 3h 6h] [4c]
Tango7: checks
ScoobyD: bets $10
Tango7: calls $10

7: This is pretty standard I guess. Villian is fairly aggro 32/17/2.7. Betting the turn is an option, but I hate getting CR'd there when I have no idea what it means. When he checks behind the turn, my ace is obviously good, and the river couldn't have helped him.

POKERSTARS GAME #10442090381: HOLD'EM LIMIT ($5/$10) - 2007/06/15 - 01:03:57 (ET)
Table 'Gisela III' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: floresur16 ($221.50 in chips)
Seat 2: IPokeher2 ($54 in chips)
Seat 4: ScoobyD ($461.50 in chips)
Seat 5: chezlaw ($364 in chips)
Seat 6: texar ($329 in chips)
IPokeher2: posts small blind $2
Lucky_Dogggg: is sitting out
ScoobyD: posts big blind $5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ScoobyD [Ad 8d]
chezlaw: folds
texar: calls $5
floresur16: folds
IPokeher2: calls $3
ScoobyD: raises $5 to $10
texar: calls $5
IPokeher2: calls $5
*** FLOP *** [6c Td Kc]
IPokeher2: checks
ScoobyD: bets $5
texar: calls $5
IPokeher2: folds
*** TURN *** [6c Td Kc] [3s]
ScoobyD: checks
Lucky_Dogggg leaves the table
texar: checks
*** RIVER *** [6c Td Kc 3s] [Ks]
ScoobyD: checks
texar: bets $10
ScoobyD: calls $10

Alright, that's enough for now, feel free to critique away!


  • First off a qualifier: Me and limit poker go together like catfish and welding.

    That said I like your thought process through all of these hands. It is hard for me to comprehend a lot of A high value betting. But that is simply my ignorance.

    I do agree that you need to bet the turn in hand 3 with two flush draws on board.

  • I love your double-donking on hand #1. I think it gets you paid more than the avg set does headsup. But I also think it can't be used as a std line too often or it will quickly stop working.

  • It is hard for me to comprehend a lot of A high value betting. But that is simply my ignorance.

    FWIW, my hand was no good (I lost to 22), which I guess in hindsight is one of the few hands that would make some sense that had me beat. I just figured most aggros would have bet a pair on such a raggy board at some point. I'm pretty sure I get a few A high calldowns as well, but ya a value bet is pretty thin there.
  • Hand 2 I would play the same as you until the river where I would bet/call just like on the turn. My reasoning is to keep the pot a bit smaller since the majority of the time you're chopping the pot. Agreed? I haven't played any 6-max so I can't say for sure.

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