Flopped quads in donkament

$20+2 party, the players in this are just plain terrible. Results are irrelevant, I got lucky and someone caught something. Do you like my line here, or should I be bumping it a bit against this many opponents?

***** Hand History for Game 6040092182 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 33832973) - Thu Jun 07 01:19:42 EDT 2007
Table 194033 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: TheBigH (5640)
Seat 2: Hero (7670)
Seat 3: Godster (3470)
Seat 4: vcobra2 (2540)
Seat 5: nightowl96 (2690)
Seat 6: easytom (1780)
Seat 7: lausfloh (3190)
Seat 8: ChinnyQ (2820)
Seat 9: DaddyTree (2880)
Seat 10: Siensi (6690)
lausfloh posts small blind (30)
ChinnyQ posts big blind (60)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 7c ]
DaddyTree folds.
Siensi folds.
TheBigH folds.
Hero raises (300) to 300
Godster calls (300)
vcobra2 folds.
nightowl96 calls (300)
easytom folds.
lausfloh calls (270)
ChinnyQ folds.
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, Kd, 7d ]
lausfloh checks.
Hero checks.
Godster checks.
nightowl96 checks.
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
lausfloh bets (120)
Hero calls (120)


  • Do you like my line here

    No because I assume that you usually c-bet the flop when you PFR. You've got a King and a flush draw that may want to play. Why can't you play the hand the same way you would with AxQd?
  • Because I couldn't stand the thought of everyone folding, unlikely but possible. It's my turn call I didn't like. Is a min raise ok against weak players?, or just start building the damn pot? I've only showed down quality hands and don't want to scare anyone out.
  • Put a feeler bet out there on the flop. I would bet about half the pot. You have to bet to build the pot and with 2 players in position on you could easily get some one to put some more money.

    His turn bet looks like a last ditch shot at the pot. $120 into a $630 pot? You probably won't get any money out of him here so you might as well smooth call and hope he catches a piece of something on the river.

    Why did you raise 6 X BB prelop? It smells exactly like what you have. A weak pair or a weakish Ace. If anyone had any balls they should have re-popped you pre-flop and took it down.
  • because this is a 4 way pot i dont mind checking the flop... i mean if you had a hand like AJ how often are you gonna c bet into 3 other players? that being said i prefer betting the flop... a K isnt gonna fold on the flop and a diamond draw probably isnt either... even a hand like 99 could still call the flop. The thing with these bad players is they dont really bluff often... they just call down light. I mean you raise preflop... check the flop and just call a tiny turn bet... it is pretty obvious that you are huge. Most of the players in these 20 dollar buyin party tourneys arent thinking players and wont realize this though. These players dont like to give you credit for a hand so you can just bet it and they will call you down light... i mean if they all fold there isnt really a turn card that can come that will result in you winning much of a pot anyways.
  • lol your line is ridiculous, you raise preflop, check the flop and smooth call the turn, what are you trying to represent... any player who actually pays attention here could put you on KK or 77, these are the two MOST likely hands you have. you aren't ever checking a flopped flush draw when you make a PFR, and you aren't ever smooth calling the turn light with two players behind you... IMHO a much better line here is to represent the flush draw, make a standard flop continuation bet of 2/3 of the pot or something, then check call the turn, and try to get it all in on the river... i mean if you don't get a chance to get all your chips in on the flop or turn.
  • It's my turn call I didn't like. Is a min raise ok against weak players?, or just start building the damn pot?

    Kyle is right, and a min. raise on the turn would have been about the ONLY way you could have played the hand worse.
  • Yeah, my line sucks that's why I posted the hand. Trying to not be results orientated. All feedback is appreciated as always. Pfr was standard 5x the bb in this trny for whatever reason.

    Everyone likes betting out on the flop, I still don't mind my flop check here. It was the turn call where I figured I was playing the hand like crap. I certainly agree that any decent player see's a turn min raise as KK here and insta mucks. However, I don't seem to be playing against even half decent players here.

    Reason for posting I guess was.... As played what should I be doing on the turn now?

    As mentioned, results matter not because the hand played itself.

    Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, Kd, 7d ]
    lausfloh checks.
    Hero checks.
    Godster checks.
    nightowl96 checks.
    ** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
    lausfloh bets (120)
    Hero calls (120)
    Godster raises (1040) to 1040
    nightowl96 folds.
    lausfloh folds.
    Hero raises (1840) to 1960
    Godster raises (1840) to 2880
    Hero raises (1840) to 3800
    Godster calls (290)
    Godster is all-In.
    ** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
    Creating Main Pot with $7720 with Godster
    ** Summary **
    Main Pot: 7720
    Board: [ 7h Kd 7d Js 5c ]

    TheBigH balance 5640, didn't bet (folded)
    Hero balance 11920, bet 4100, collected 8350, net +4250 [ 7s 7c ] [ four of a kind, Sevens -- Kd,7s,7c,7h,7d ]
    Godster balance 0, lost 3470 [ Jd Jh ] [ a full house, Jacks full of Sevens -- Jd,Jh,Js,7h,7d ]
    vcobra2 balance 2540, didn't bet (folded)
    nightowl96 balance 2390, lost 300 (folded)
    easytom balance 1780, didn't bet (folded)
    lausfloh balance 2770, lost 420 (folded)
    ChinnyQ balance 2760, lost 60 (folded)
    DaddyTree balance 2880, didn't bet (folded)
    Siensi balance 6690, didn't bet (folded)
  • ugly.........make someone chase.
  • Edit: Obviously I don't know what to do on the turn because I didn't bet the flop. You guys are right,just bet the flop.
  • _obv_ wrote: »
    because this is a 4 way pot i dont mind checking the flop... i mean if you had a hand like AJ how often are you gonna c bet into 3 other players?

    The answer to this is simple. I probably C-Bet this flop after being the pre-flop raiser about 90% of the time. You will never get a better flop to C-bet than this one.

    _obv_ wrote: »
    that being said i prefer betting the flop... a K isnt gonna fold on the flop and a diamond draw probably isnt either

    Why would a draw probably not fold on a paired board? A paired board is the only spot he could be drawing dead

    _obv_ wrote: »
    These players dont like to give you credit for a hand so you can just bet it and they will call you down light...

    If you really believe this then why check the flop? Take'em on a one way bus to Valuetown.

    I am not harping on you here. It is a good question and I think the answers that you are getting are solid.

    I realize as well that you origionally were asking how to proceed on the turn and wanted an answer on that issue. Unfortunately the reason you don't know what to do on the turn is because you dropped the ball on the flop. 9 times out of 10 when you find yourself in a spot that you don't know what to do it is because of a mistake you made on an earlier street.

    Good luck. Good question. LOL Donkaments
  • $20+2 party, the players in this are just plain terrible. Results are irrelevant, I got lucky and someone caught something. Do you like my line here, or should I be bumping it a bit against this many opponents?

    ***** Hand History for Game 6040092182 *****
    0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 33832973) - Thu Jun 07 01:19:42 EDT 2007
    Table 194033 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
    Total number of players : 10
    Seat 1: TheBigH (5640)
    Seat 2: Hero (7670)
    Seat 3: Godster (3470)
    Seat 4: vcobra2 (2540)
    Seat 5: nightowl96 (2690)
    Seat 6: easytom (1780)
    Seat 7: lausfloh (3190)
    Seat 8: ChinnyQ (2820)
    Seat 9: DaddyTree (2880)
    Seat 10: Siensi (6690)
    lausfloh posts small blind (30)
    ChinnyQ posts big blind (60)
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 7c ]
    DaddyTree folds.
    Siensi folds.
    TheBigH folds.
    Hero raises (300) to 300
    Godster calls (300)
    vcobra2 folds.
    nightowl96 calls (300)
    easytom folds.
    lausfloh calls (270)
    ChinnyQ folds.
    ** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, Kd, 7d ]
    lausfloh checks.
    At this point I think... pot size is about 1200

    I want to get my stack all in.
    What's the best method.

    Seat 2: Hero (7670)
    Seat 3: Godster (3470)
    Seat 5: nightowl96 (2690)
    Seat 7: lausfloh (3190)
    Lets see. I have about 7K... but the effective stacksize is a max of about 3100.

    Name of the game... get all of that lovely cash into the centre..

    Do I break it into 3 chunks or 2 chunks?

    2 chunks would be about 600, 0, 2500 (stop and go)

    The idea here is you make a standard continuation bet of half the pot and then since you get called you check the turn to feint weakness .. and then you decide you ... make like you are attempting to steal the pot.

    3 chunks would be something like 400 1200 1500, or 300, 900, 1900

    Here you make a 1/3 pot bet probe bet. It's designed to reveal nothing about your hand but get the pot a little bigger.

    It offers 4 to 1 so you are more likely to be called.
    Hero checks.
    Godster checks.
    nightowl96 checks.
    ** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
    lausfloh bets (120)
    Hero calls (120)

    Huh?? What are you trying to do?
  • Been away. Thanks Caddy and all for the insight. If playing a few thousand hands per week and picking through to post the most poorly played hands of the bunch makes me look like a donk...So be it.

    I like this line a lot.

    2 chunks would be about 600, 0, 2500 (stop and go)

    The idea here is you make a standard continuation bet of half the pot and then since you get called you check the turn to feint weakness ..

    I'm pretty sure I've read Negreanu discuss this exact same line. Maybe didn't put it in my playbook because he's lag and I'm not. However, I think this is the perfect line based on the table image I project. Good post Reef!
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