Card fell off the table - what's your call?
At Rama, player A goes all-in, player B calls and shows trips at the flop; player A flips out and throws cards on the table (showing top pair with crap kicker), where one of his cards bounces off the table onto the casino floor. Is the hand now dead or playable to the river? There is $500 in the pot on a 1/2 table and the card bouncing on the floor is clearly an accident.
it was an obvious accident and wasnt he the underdawg?
so i think its fair and should be allowed. let him loose his money
See point 14 under "Irregularities" here
If the card went off the table during the deal,
it should be handled as an exposed card.
I would imagine that the dealer called it dead cause the gu flipped out and threw his cards (poor ettiquite)
In a home game, I'd leave em play. But I think the hand should be dead.
How did the hand play out; the turn was a Jack giving the card dropper three Jacks; he went wild with excitement when he realized he had trips and after all his effort, he felt justified in making such a big stink and making everyone wait for 10 minutes to get the issue settled. When we pointed out to him that the other player now had a full house, he was cool and confused. The river changed nothing.
So I guess the Poker God's over ruled the floor manager then.
*If you are a jerk off then you lose...that should be the rule!
Note: I probably would have lost hands due to my rule!