Elora Rocks tourny

last year when they had the turny it was the biggest home game turny of the year i think by far like 300 to 400 people this sunday there having it again 40$ buy in sunday doors open at 9am turny play starts at 11


  • I played last year, is it being held in the same place? Is there a web site link with details?
  • dont think theres a website but yes same place elora arena
  • Do you have a contact person who we can get details from or perhaps pre-register?
  • Compuease,

    How was it last year. I know that it is a lot of people, but how was it run? Is it worth going to??
  • Hey Al, I think it was fine last year, however I can't recall the structure. Larry the wineman also was there.... Not sure if I can swing playing both Saturday at g2's and Elora though...
  • I was planning to play at Brantford Charity Casino this Sunday, but if anybody knows the structure and other details of this Elora turny, please post.
  • last year when they had the turny it was the biggest home game turny of the year i think by far like 300 to 400 people this sunday there having it again 40$ buy in sunday doors open at 9am turny play starts at 11

    FYI, this tournament was postponed for 2 weeks. Thanks for putting this here without confirming it Cole...
  • u dont think i was mad when i showed up today ready to play and find out there postponed it today they left it to the last day to post pone it not my fualt i was just posting this for people intrestd in going i dont care if anyone does i just was being nice and letting people know about it sorry
  • No problem Cole, but we drove a little farther than you... Is there a contact person we can get details from? I remember last year it was on the Elora Rocks website page..
  • merve scarrit iam not sure of hes number but if you call the elora community center they will have it the turny is now on the 27th in fergus arena ,
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