Fallsview Casino Trip Report

My trip report to Fallsview.

Day didn't start off very well, with a short traffic jam just outside Hamilton. The tour bus was very stuffy, with people talking loudly at the back. So needless to say, the day wasn't off to a very good start as I was hoping to get an hour or so of sleep in.
Got to Fallsview at a little after 11, and put my name on 1/2 and 2/5 NL. Was delighted to hear that they were about to open a new 1/2 table as the list was a good 12 player long, with 2/5 having a 6-7 player waiting list as well. Chose seat 2 while others were still heading to the cage as I'm usually a big fan of the corner seats as oppose to the middle seats.

Hand 1:
Second hand of the day. Dealt 4-2o on the button. With 6 limpers, I decided to limp and see a flop.
Flopped 9 4 2 rainbow. Player in EP put a feeler bet of $10 and was called by myself and one of the blinds. Turn was a K, checked to me and fired a bet of $30. Blind folds and EP calls. River was another 4 to give me a boat. Player in EP leads for $40 and I push rest of my chips in. He flips over K-9 for a turned 2p and I sucked out...w00t!

Hand 2:
In the CO with KK. 3 limpers and I made it $12. 2 of the limpers called to see a 10 high rainbow flop. Checked around and all folded to a bet of $25 and I showed my Ks.

Hand 3:
The player from hand 1 rebought $40. 4 limpers (or it might've been 3) and I made it $12 with 10-10. BB called and so did one limper. Flop was 998 with 2 clubs, I threw in a $25 bet, called by the BB and limper pushed for his last $3. Both players called the extra $3 and turn brought the Q of clubs. BB pushed and I folded my 10-10 face-up. Limper showed KJc while BB mucked. Thought about asking to see BB's cards but thought better of it.

Hands 1-3 were the second-fourth hand of the day. I picked up quite a few hands in the first two orbits and built my stack to almost $200. Even the hands I was folding was hitting (9-3 would flop 2p, 4-5 turns a straight, etc). Proceeded to go card dead for the next hour and just kept tossing in blinds/session fee.

Most of the players that started the day were still around after two hours. Here is what I felt each player were like.
Seat 1 (AKA quite dude): Young player. Very loose player. Seems passive preflop, but aggressive post-flop if he feels his hand is good (most of the time its not). Often raised and/or called down with TP no kicker. Very quiet and doesn't say much.
Seat 2: Hero
Seat 3 (AKA TV player): Inexperienced player (said so himself). Learned how to play by watching poker on television. Seems to have a firm understanding of starting hand values and played straight-forward ABC poker. However, he was unable to recognize times when players would show obvious tells of strength and only play the cards and not the players.
Seat 4 (AKA internet player): Online player with limited live B&M experience. Had to be reminded regarding string bets and verbalizing action etc etc. Was very tight and did not play many pots.
Seat 5 (AKA Casino regular): Seems like he was a regular at the casino. Very aggressive when involved in a hand, but would always have the goods to backup the aggressiveness. Seems to be a solid player with some understanding of how to play other players based on their tendancies.
Seat 6: Loose-passive player. Would always limp in preflop and call any raise to see a flop. If he has any kind of a hand (TP or better), he will most likely pay you off.
Seat 7: The one seat that had several players in and out throughout the first couple of hours...each leaving after dropping a buy-in or two
Seat 8 (AKA E-Dog look-alike): Friend with seat 4. Solid player, a player I wanted to avoid playing against along with seat 5. He kind of looked like E-Dog. Did not play many pots, but won most (if not all) the pots he was involved in.
Seat 9 (AKA Buffalo Sabres fan): ABC player.
Seat 10 (AKA the old LAG): VERY laggy player. He was probably involved in 70% of the pots while he was there. Would often come in for a raise of $10-$12 regardless of position. He would ALWAYS bets if checked to, but will fold alot of the times when players play back at him. Had a very reliable tell with his betting patterns. If his continuation bet is similiar to his preflop raise, he has air. A pot-size bet meant that he had a hand that he will bet to the river. A same betting amount on the flop and turn (usually when he makes air-cont-bet) means he still has air, and raise will take it down. He will bet all the way to the river and folds to min-raises.

So with that out of the way, a few more interesting hands:

Hand 4:
Hero started with just under $200, seat 5 has hero covered and seat 7 has around $100. Button on seat 3 and Seat 7 raised to $11 ($10-$12 seems to be standard), called by seat 10 and I look down at AA. I re-raised to $45 and quick mucks over to seat 5. He hums and haws and seems to be deciding between raising or calling. He eventually calls, seat 7 calls and the old LAG folds. Flop Q 7 5 (or might've bene Q 6 4) rainbow. Checked to hero who bets $70. Seat 5 again takes awhile to decide between calling or raising (it appears), and calls, so does seat 7 who is now all-in. I now put Seat 5 on either AQ (least likely), or KK. I did not think he had QQ because it felt like his "hums and haws" were genuine from a previous hand when he flopped a set and his body language is completely different. Hero bets his last $90ish, and seat 5 folds very reluctantly. Hero remarks "did you have KK", and seat 5 responded "yes". Guys between us did not believe he would fold KK in that situation, but he might be the one guy that could fold KK. I don't know, but I am incline to believe him for now. Anyways, seat 7 mucks and hero rakes the pot.

Another few orbits without playing too many hands. The table was very very loose passive. It was not uncommon for a hand to be 7-8 handed unraised to the flop. Raises of $10-$12 were standard, and usually would get 2-4 callers.

Hand 5:
4 (or 5) limpers to hero in the cutoff with red 66. Hero decides to limp, and blinds come along for the ride. Flop of 885 with 2 diamonds. Checked around to seat 10 who leads for $15. Hero flat called as does seat 6. Turn was the 3d which completes the flush, checked to seat 10 again whom leads for another $15. Based on previous hands, hero decides seat 10 was on air and promptly raises to $45. Seat 6 calls and seat 10 folds. At this time, I should've known that seat 6 either has a 8 or a flush, but with the Jd on the river, the monkey brain persuaded hero can get seat 6 to fold his small flush and bets $50. Seat 6 quickly calls and shows his 9-4 of diamonds.

Definitely should've shut-down on the river.

For the rest of the afternoon, I did not play too many hands. Was card dead for a good couple of hours, and just played a few small pots fluating between $200-$300.

Hand 6:
Most of the guys who started the day between have left. Only seat 2-4, seat 6 and seat 8 remains. Hero is in the BB with J3s and saw a free flop with many limpers. Flop J 3 2. Hero leads for $15 and was called by seat 6. Turn brings a 4 and a bet of $30 was called. River brings another 4 to counterfeit hero's 2p. Hero checked to seat 6, whom did not verbalize his bet, and threw out $20 while reaching back for more. Hero knew he was beat, but wanted to see how bad it was, getting 6-1, hero decided to donate and seat 6 tables JQ.

Hand 7:
One raiser to $11 and with one caller, hero mucks 7-2o in the BB. Flop was 2 2 5. Bet/called. Turn 2. Another bet/called. River A. Reluctant bet and a reluctant call. Players tabled 99 and 10-10. Damn it for being a nit and folding 7-2. Both players remarked I probably would've stacked them had I stayed in...why am I such a nit? :D

Right before I was about to leave, seat 7 appeared to have slow rolled seat 1, now I won't be the judge, since seat 7 did seem surprised he had a straight, but Seat 1 certainly did not seem happy with it. Not exact wording, but close
Seat 7: you called? you probably have me beat then *looks back at hand*...well...I got trips...but I think you have me out-kicked. oh! nevermind! i got the straight *and tables his cards*

Throughout the day, I was looking to switch over to a 2/5NL table if possible, but there was barely any movement and I just settled with the 1/2NL since a few players had more than $400 back and the game at times was playing like a 2/5NL with the postflop betting amounts.

Ended the day up $150 after all was said-and-done. Proceeded to dinner (the buffet line was way too long by the time we got there) so settled to eat at Famous (figured we didn't want to risk walking out and missing the coach back to Toronto). Food was definitely overpriced (expected) but portions and quality was decent. Dinner ended early and being the degenerate we are, we wandered back into the casino and looked for a game to play. Only 1 craps table was opened and with a new roulette table just opened, we decided to kill time at the roulette table.
ddmilcan wrote: »
TPut $5.00 on 17 the first time you pass a roulette, I'll collect my winnings later.

17 did not hit once while I was there. Maybe because I was a nit and was putting singles instead of nickels. In any case, my friend and I was the only ones at the table for majority of the 45 minutes, so we goofed around a bit and had a good time. Dropped a few $ but at least the day ended on a good way with my friend dropping a few bills in slots and table games before making a bit back in 1/2NL.


  • Sounds like an interesting day (what day of the week was it?). I haven't been to Fallsview myself but I'll be going to some of the casinos around Toronto in the summer. Is it mostly just NL in Fallsview or are there any decent limit games as well?
  • westside8 wrote: »
    My trip report to Fallsview.

    Hand 1:
    Second hand of the day. Dealt 4-2o on the button. With 6 limpers, I decided to limp and see a flop.
    Flopped 9 4 2 rainbow. Player in EP put a feeler bet of $10 and was called by myself and one of the blinds. Turn was a K, checked to me and fired a bet of $30. Blind folds and EP calls. River was another 4 to give me a boat. Player in EP leads for $40 and I push rest of my chips in. He flips over K-9 for a turned 2p and I sucked out...w00t!

    Wow really strange hand.

    Why didn't you bet your vulnerable 2 pair on the flop?

    Fabulous trip report thanks!!
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Ended the day up $150 after all was said-and-done. Proceeded to dinner (the buffet line was way too long by the time we got there) so settled to eat at Famous

    Tip: Run to the buffet, get a preseating ticket about 1-1.5hr before you plan to eat, run back to your table. :)
  • actyper wrote: »
    Tip: Run to the buffet

    But stay away from the cardboard sushi! Ewwwww! The most disgusting sushi I have ever had in my life!

    Nice TR Wes, thanks.
  • Wow really strange hand.

    Why didn't you bet your vulnerable 2 pair on the flop?

    Fabulous trip report thanks!!

    Sorry didn't reply to this for awhile. The reason I didn't bet is because the blinds gave off the "very-quick-glance-at-the-chips-followed-by-picking-it-up-and-playing-with-it" tell. So I thought he would've gone for a check-raise but I got lucky for my mistake.

    Another trip report coming up from today...
  • Fallsview seems to be getting their stuff together. I went last night and it was a fine experience.

    Called ahead so when we arrived we both walked right onto a table (albeit we got there at probably 8pm).

    I was playing 5/10 NL and on the table I was on there was no money (everyone had between 200-500 bucks :/) so I requested a change to another table with money and it was done quickly and painlessly (would have been nice to get a rack for my chips but meh whatever).

    The 5/10 NL game had pretty awful play, too, worse than I expected.

    All in all, things seem much improved there.

  • ryanghall wrote: »
    Fallsview seems to be getting their stuff together. I went last night and it was a fine experience.

    Echoing that remark. Been going pretty early in the day so haven't had much experience with long lists yet, but been able to get seated within 15 minutes of arrival the past few times.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Echoing that remark. Been going pretty early in the day so haven't had much experience with long lists yet, but been able to get seated within 15 minutes of arrival the past few times.

    I went back last night and it was *crazy* busy because of it being the night of Canada day.

    We called ahead an hour before and when we arrived we weren't on the front page of the list on the screen. We waited a few hours and still weren't on the page (we did ask to make sure we were on the list). Waits for 5/5 and 5/10 NL must have basically been 5+ hrs.

    Eventually, we decided to leave and the room manager was nice enough to comp our parking even though I didn't play anything, which I appreciated. I still think Fallsview could use some more tables but obviously poker doesn't make as much money as other stuff (remember, of course, that poker players bring people to the casino though!) I also think if it's insanely busy (50+ ppl on some waitlists) like it was last night that it's not a good idea to run WPT SNG satellites. Less people get to play on the table then (because eventually the field gets whittled down to 2) and tables end up sitting empty while it's being organized. So I guess that's the constructive criticism I have.
  • Was at Fallsview today and played a $90 step one. Interesting thing happened in the 3rd (or 4th) hand of the SnG. Player on in MP limped along with 3-4 others including the CO. MP ended up all-in after caling button's river bet and they ended up chopping. In the process of dividing the pot, the dealer told the players to take back their river bets. but apparently player on the button took an extra black from MP as MP actually had less chips after the chop than starting (since he was in seat 1 - button first hand..and first hand he played). But in any case...after all the confusion...first orbit about the 7th hand..the following happened.

    EP (the guy who supposedly took an extra black from earlier hand) raised 300 (first level 25/50)...a player pushed all-in and hero looks down at AKs. With blinds about to go up to 50/100, hero decided to gamble. As a result of the confusion and the player still argueing about that hand...EP decided to call out of frustration and flips over 88, while the first player all-in had KK. Hero decides to flop a nut flush...but EP ended up catching quads after flopping a set and IGHN.

    Just one small complain about today's visit. I switched between 3 cash game tables, and I'm not sure why that is, since today is the first time it happened, the dealers seemed really slow. Was only able to get an orbit or so per session (30 minutes). Granted, the automatic shuffler were buggy (and 2 of the tables they didn't bother to use it), but it felt like the dealer were not doing a great job keeping the players alert on their action...just an observation from today that I have never notice/felt on previous visit.
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