Anyone Using PokerOffice

I recently decided I would try out PokerOffice software to help improve my game and check for leaks. I enabled the live tracker auto dection mode but I still dont see any stats. Is there a minimum time limit you have to play before stats register? Can you think of anything I might be doingwrong? The version is licensed to me and I am the only user (ok well so far it hasnt worked - so I am not exactly a "user" yet, lol). Any advice would be appreciated.


  • I use PokerOffice and I do really like it. What site are you playing at? Does the live tracker window come up when you open a table and display stats but not update to the database after you close the table or does the live tracker window not show stats at all? Depending on the answers it could just be that the site is not supported yet, of course not all sites are. There is also a setting (in preferences I think?) for the minimum number of hands before stats are kept so your database doesn't fill up with a lot of 1-time opponents...this can be changed...but your stats should show up regardless.
    If I had to guess I'd say the site isn't supported yet or live tracker doesn't work with the can also import hands from hand histories have you tried that?
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