Toronto Poker Club (TPC) Tourney this Sat.

There is likely going to be another tourney much like the one that was held on Sunday, but this time it's on Saturday (the 4th).
It will be a $20 buy-in NL Tournament. I hope to start earlier - afternoon - but it depends on people's schedules.
Let me know if your interested - the location is Spadina and Bloor.


  • where exactly are you located at spadina and bloor?

    is it a house or an apartment or something?

    ill be downtown once school starts so i might check it out if youre having more (cant make this saturday's)
  • I would love to play. How do I get involved?
  • What kind of turnout are you expecting?
    How many starting chips and what's the blind schedule like?
  • Hey Tyler, I'm very interested, although I was unfortunetly bad beaten out of your last tournament, I'll try again just for the company! Just kidding, everyone should come
  • The TPC tourney has been changed to Sunday at 4pm
    to reserve you seat.

    $15 buy-in - $1000 in chips - blinds start at $5-10 go up every 25min - NL style - starts around 4 - 5 pm - limited of 30 seats.
    located 1 min from Spadina subway station (Bloor and Spadina)

    Robert St. one street west of Spadina and Bloor.
  • The turn out is expected to reach 15 people
    but it all depends on if you come right!

    It could easily get up to 20.
  • Sorry, what is the date of this tourney and the general location? (house, etc)

    no rebuys allowed?
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