Cena Or Hbk

I Gotta Take Hbk I Gotta Pray For Him Cenas A Joke But Ill Bet Anyone Any Money That Taker Wins 100% Over Batista


  • Taker's beating Dave
    HBK is gonna put over Cena.... Cena retains.

  • how is hbk goona put over cena and cena still retains
  • Put over = let the other guy beat you to gain a higher staus in the ladder...
  • Kinda like how HBK has been putting over EVERYONE since his Survivor Series elimination chamber match from about 4 years ago now?

  • thats that stupidest thing i must be confused why would hbk need status hes a legend and cena has had the title for to long now no one wants to see him the champ
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