Question for those who attend West Side Poker Events

We had a lot of great comments with the format this past weekend at our 3rd anniversary tournament with the 45 minutes blinds. well people like the 10,000 chips to start the tournaments, we are finding it difficult to have the perfect setup

Here is a poll for our next tournament.

1) 10,000 chips and the same blinds as last weekend

2) 5,000 chips and 45 minute and West Side normal blind structure

you can view the normal blinds at

Brent and Cam


  • Put me down for the Anniversary game.
    Loved it.
  • The 2nd option with 45-minute blinds is definitely much better for players. Its "Patience Factor" is 43, :h: while the first option with only 20-minute blinds has a Patience Factor of 11.
    1) 10,000 chips and the same blinds as last weekend
    2) 5,000 chips and 45 minute and West Side normal blind structure
  • I'm interested in the 5000 chips with 45 minute blinds.
  • 5000 in chips, with 45 min blinds sounds great to me. Will mean abit less loose play early on, but it makes up for in play time.
  • Hey Buddy, I defer to your greater poker mind on the 'patience factor' but my perception of the tournament is a little different.

    I liked getting rid of the unnecessary antes (25-50-75)...

    but I still found that the beginning stages were TOO fast. WSP dropped something like 4 of the first ten levels.. and it was beginning to feel a bit too aggressive particularly when juxtaposed against the strong, fair, tournament it used to be.

    Maybe an option C?

    you re-instate most or all of the lower blind levels dropped (without the hassle of baby antes) and then do something like option B. (dream: hopefully WITH the 10k stack)

    Westside tournaments seem to finish at a reasonable hour and I even recall you capping the blinds early at a FT a couple months back. There doesn't seem to be a great reason for speeding the tourney up further?
  • I like the way it was done this past weekend. The 45 minute blinds later on were great, lots of chip movement and ample recovery time for when my bluffs got busted.

    And Kristy's point about the baby antes is spot on too.
  • I really didn't like the setup this past weekend at Westside. The blinds got so high that it took a lot of thinking out of the game, way to early. I like the way you guys ran one tournament in particular, I think it was the one Mark won. The stacks started with 10,000 and the blinds were 30 minutes, but you also made people aware that after the lunch break the blinds might go to 20 minutes depending on number of people left.

    This way it gives a lot of play to start and even if the blinds are moved to 20 minutes later, the stacks are big enough to allow for some good poker to be played. This is just my opinion anyways! If I had to choose between the two available options, I would choose option 2.

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