Casino Windsor $500 tourney

This is just a reminder that this Friday March 30th is our $550 buy-in tournament and it starts at noon. Players will start with 5000 in chips and the blinds go up every 30 minutes with no re-buys or antes. We will cap the tournament at 100 players. 60 players or fewer and we pay the top 5 spots. 61-100 players and the top 10 players get paid. Email back or call the poker room (1-800-991-7777 ext. 22969) to reserve a spot.
We also have daily tournaments Monday-Friday at 10am. Mon & Fri are $110 buy-ins and Tues/Wed/Thurs are $55 buy-ins. 60 player maximum for all days with the top 5 players getting paid.
Just a reminder that we also offer Sit & Go tournaments. These run 24/7 as player demand permits and buy-ins are $50+10, $100+10, $200+20 and up.
We also would like to announce that we are now offering Satellite Tournaments for entry into the monthly tournament. These will be offered daily at noon as well as throughout the day depending on demand. These satellites will be either a $65 buyin with one winner getting their entry into the $500 tournament or $120 buyin with top 2 getting their entry paid.
Every Friday/Saturday night we have a $500 minimum buy-in NL Holdem game with $5-$10 or $10-$20 blinds. This game generally begins between 6pm-8pm.
Any questions or suggestions, please feel free to call or visit.


  • Hi Tyler:

    Maybe planning a trip to windsor for next month. Just curious to know if you guys spread any limit action and if so how high? The greektown 20-40 used to be my bread and butter when they first openned so it'll be nice to see how things have changed over the years. Lots of renovations from what I hear.

  • Smooth

    The 3 rooms in the area are all basically spreading NL action. On Friday and Saturday nights the Windsor NL game is soft and has tons of action. Our highest limit action is 10-20 usually on weekends only and even then its only based on player demand, which isnt too often. The 20-40 at Greektown is probably still your best bet, but I think that mainly runs a few scheduled days a week and is Round by Round.
  • Hey Tyler,
    I have started playing Windsor about once or twice a week for the last month now....I love the room and the dealers.
    My question is a little off topic.
    Where can a guy learn to be a dealer in our Area?
    I'm in Leamington and have totally fallen in love with the game over the last couple years and I want to take my skills to the next level.

  • Warren

    To learn to deal is one thing that can be taught, however, with OUR Casino being unionized, even if you are the best dealer its next to impossible that you or anyone else would be hired as a dealer. We currently still have dealers on layoff, so chances are slim that any new hirings will occur. If you just want to learn how to deal the game, that can be arranged too.
  • I'm not looking for a job, just looking to learn the game from the other side of the table.
    Do we have a school in our area? St. Clair etc.
    I forgot about you being union, hopefully the expansion will bring some of those dealers back.Will there be any changes to poker place?
    BTW the renovations are looking great and I should be there next week for one of your daily tournaments....been trying to make time for one for a couple weeks now.

  • hey Marino,

    Thanks for coming around and posting some usefull info about Casino Windsor.....when does it become Ceasars? WHen will you be changing the name and chips and logo's etc. Is that this summer? Any info would be great.
  • Warren

    I run the daily tourneys, so just ask when you come in and I can probably set up something for getting you trained to deal, etc.

    We will not 'officially' become Caesars until all the renovations and the new addition is complete sometime in 2008. Once the Poker Room renovations are finished, hopefully by the end of April you will see some new changes to our room as well as some exciting new events and 'advertising' in the room. I cant really say much more than that, but I believe it will attract more players to our room.
  • We ended up with 67 players on Friday, 1st place paid a little over 10k, although there ended being a 5 way deal to end the tourney. Hope to see more of you guys next month.
  • Hey marinow,

    can you post the blind structure or PM it to me?
  • All levels are 30 minutes with 5000 starting chips


    Lots of play IMO, tourneys have been lasting appox 6-8 hours depending on number of entries. Friday's tourney was over after 6.5 hours and ended with a 5 way deal.
  • marinow13 wrote: »
    Lots of play IMO, tourneys have been lasting appox 6-8 hours depending on number of entries. Friday's tourney was over after 6.5 hours and ended with a 5 way deal.

    Final 5 with same stacks I suppose?
  • Actually, 1st place had approx 3/4 of the chips in play with 5 left, they gave him $9500 and other 4 took home $4300 each.
  • I'll be there tomorrow (friday) for the $110 tourney.
    anybody else going?
  • I'm going this Friday for the $500 event. If any of you will be there feel free to say hi... I'll be wearing a grey hat with an orange "American Duct Tape Council" logo emroidered on it.
  • Yes, yes I do. Busted out of the tournament middle of the pack in unspectacular fashion. I lost most of my chips when I called someone's all-in bet on an Ah6h3c flop. I was holding AcQc, my opponent, KhJh. The turn bricked off, and my opponent started to get up. As fast as you can say: "Don't bother getting out of your chair, your heart will come on the river, I can almost guarantee it", his heart came on the river.

    That pot left me shortstacked, folded to me in MP with KhJh (coincidence?) and I move in for about 5XBB. Guy from previous hand busts me when he wakes up with KK in BB. (2 hearts on the board, again, just to make it heart-wrenchingly interesting... alas, no heart for me on the river.)

    Overall, the tournament is OK... they had 80 starters, which was great. The structure isn't so great though, but I guess that's to be expected as it is a regular monthly tournament, not a special tournament series of some sort. The floor staff was great as always.


    5K chips to start, 30 min. levels.


    I can't comment on where it goes after that, as I didn't get that far.

    Then I played in a NL cash game, $500 max. with $5/$10 blinds. (Shouldn't the max be 1K? I dunno...) Anyway, a few limpers, and I limp the button with 5h6h.

    Flop: 4 7 8 with two clubs. I flop the nuts. MP bets $60, LP calls $60, I make it $160, folded to MP who folds, LP calls in a heartbeat.

    Turn: offsuit nine. LP checks, I move in for my remaining $160 or so, LP calls and table TJ off. Hit the gutshot nut straight on the turn.

    Granted, I could have raised more on the flop, but really given my stack it was either raise to $160 or move in, and when you flop the nuts, you kind of want action... like, you want people drawing to one of the four 9's in the deck for $100. Don't you? I really don't know anymore.

    I think his flop call was brutal anyway. Two overs (which were useless), and a gutshot for $100. If we each had 1K behind, maybe it's a better call because of implied odds, but that was certainly not the case.

    I said: "how did THAT happen?" and left.

    My friend Mike lasted longer than me in the tournament (he always does these days, although in my defence, he waits for QQ, KK or AA while he gets blinded out... it takes a while... he would tell you the same...) but failed to make the money.

    Off we went to BCC, where I booked a small win playing $20/$40 LHE, and some blackjack at the end of the night.

    My favourite hand from this session is not one that I won... nor is it one that I necessarily played particularly well, but here it is:

    I have AJo in EP and limp. Sometimes I'll raise here, sometimes I'll limp here, sometimes I'll fold here. I hate AJ, and I hate it more in EP. ANYWAY, the tightest player at the table limps behind, solid player raises, a call or two back to me, I call as does tight player.

    Flop: J 7 3 rainbow. Blinds check, I bet, tight player calls, initial PFR raises, one of the blinds calls, I make a confused call, tight player now 3-bets.

    So, he check-re-raised. Terrifying.

    Solid player just calls, as does the blind, and after putting $40 in on the flop with only $20 more to call, I decide to fold. I just couldn't see tight player check-re-raising with anything less than a set.

    3 of them to the turn: an ace.

    Despite my read and laydown on the flop, I groaned inwardly... one of those "I think I made a good laydown but I'm going to be sick if this turn gets checked around..." kind of inward groans.

    The turn gets checked around. Now I'm like WTF???? Tighty check-re-raises the flop and then the turn gets checked around?

    River is a five. Blind player bets out, tight player says: "I'm going to very reluctantly call", and solid player disgustedly mucks.

    What do you think they had?

    Blind player had 46 for the nuts, making a straight, and dragging the pot.

    Tight player had JJ for flopped top set, and checked the turn because he honestly felt that solid player had AA and only AA, which meant the turn would have made a higher set. His call was reluctant on the river not because he put the blind on 46, but because he was sure the solid player was going to raise the river.

    Solid player said he had KK.

    I'm glad I didn't see that turn card, because read or no read, it is very hard to get away from top two pair on an uncoordinated board. Money saved is money earned and all of that.
  • That 20/40 hand was ridiculous. Nice laydown. A tight player isn't smooth calling/3 betting that flop with anything less than a set. Who limps in with JJ after a limper? And who in God's name ever worries about set over set? Weak-tight nitty live players are hilarious.
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