Anti Bobby Orr Campaign site. Can this be real?

This is friggen ridiculous.

No More Orr -



    Bobby Orr was, and still is by a LONG shot, THE GREATEST HOCKEY PLAYER THAT EVER PLAYED THE GAME!!


    The little pricks who set up that site are all a bunch of grade school modern day hero worshipers who have NO clue what it took to play the game before multi million dollar contracts were awarded, and where the skill of the game was measured in POINTS and not dollar signs!! A web site dedicated to removing a hero from the Hall should be considered a Hate Site!

    But what made Bobby THE BEST wasn't just what he did ON the ice, but his dedication to the game and to young players OFF the ice as well. He was a hero to my generation, and will always BE my hockey hero. A trip to my rec room will prove that!!

  • the guys a loser, plain and simple. Why can't he find a better use of his time maybe setting a website to raise funds for a charity or something to that nature.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    the guys a loser, plain and simple. Why can't he find a better use of his time maybe setting a website to raise funds for a charity or something to that nature.

    Did anyone notice the severe number of spelling and grammatical errors in his site.

    The guys a douche, plain and simple.
  • Cool your jets guys...

    Just some leaf fan who learned that the old pornbox is multi-purpose.

    He'll probably start a site next week about how it's BS that Maurice Richard got a movie about him, and yet there's nobody scripting the Wendel Clark Story

  • We need to join his forum and start posting porn and poker cheat spams...:)
  • Great restraint!! Silence speaks volumes!

    Milton Slim

    errant fingers, should read ERIC not Eroi
  • I just saw this for the first time today....and I speechless and pissed, I'm flat out sp-issed!!!!!

    I almost joined the site just to voice my opinion but realized it'd be wasted on some young punk that has no clue and honestly wants people to post so he can flame them with lame comebacks.

    Nobody can deny what Bobby Orr did for hockey as a game and a business, he changed the game, period. He was also instrumental in starting the whole player-agent relationship for good or for bad, and he helped turn a dying franchise around. There's so much more, I could go on for pages.

    Not even considering all the great players of the 60's and 70's I'd respect anyone who says players like Gretzky or Lemieux were the greatest, although I'll a way. I may agree either Gretzky or Lemieux was the greatest offensive player to ever have played, their offensive talents are spectacular but that is only one aspect of hockey and does not make a complete player....take away the goons Gretzky always had around to protect him...would his career been as long, his point totals the same, perhaps but perhaps not. Lemieux was a little tougher but not much. someone like Crosby has the offensive talent to re-write the record book, he's still not a complete player. I think of a player like Steve Yzerman, when he came on the scene he had tremendous skill, I hated him. It was not until the second half of his career when he learnt to become a more complete player, back checking, thinking of defence as well as offensive that I came to really appreciate him and like him and think of him as a truly great player as well.....but I will always think of Orr as the greatest complete PLAYER to play the game, period.....and as a die hard Bruin's fan that suits me just fine! :)
  • Eric, I couldn't have said it better myself.

    I DID join up to voice my opinions on that suckass site. Felt I had to say something. Hell, even notice Mario had voiced his opinions too (at least I am hoping it was him).

    Needless to say, that idiot is trying to rewrite history, most likely because he wasn't there to witness it, therefore it isn't worth it. But your post Eric nailed it!!! Thanks.
  • Guys guys..

    There's a quote I read somewhere that applies here..

    "Don't argue with fools, it takes you down to their level and then they beat you with experience."

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Guys guys..

    There's a quote I read somewhere that applies here..

    "Don't argue with fools,


    You're right Mark. I shouldn't have done it. Fit of angry at the time, nothing more.

    Still, that moron had it coming!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Eric, I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Thanks AJ, us Bruin fans have to stick matter how bad we're doing now we had Bobby Orr and dammit, nobody is taking that away from us hehe!

    This reminds me of an incident last year with my Son, he was in grade 2 and had to do a little project on a great Canadian...well, my son is a huge Bruins fan through osmosis of course so he did it on Bobby Orr. It was so cute, he ended the presentation by saying "#4, Bobby Orr, the best hockey player ever.". The f-ing teacher had the nerve to pull him aside after and tell him that he was wrong, that he lied, and that Wayne Gretzky is the best player. coming from a teacher this was inexcusable. He was in tears thinking he did something wrong and it took me a few days to get a point across to him but it finally sunk in...everyone has a different opinion and in a sense everyone's opinion is right, (or they have a right to it) but it's not fair to say someone's opinion is wrong, just say you disagree and be prepared to give reasons why. He got over it and to this day when we have a difference of opinion he always says...'well Dad, you know, everyone has their own opinion, different people like different things". It always makes me laugh...I love the innocence of kids!
    He still thinks Bobby Orr was the best ever, he's a smart kid!
  • Big E wrote: »
    The f-ing teacher had the nerve to pull him aside after and tell him that he was wrong, that he lied, and that Wayne Gretzky is the best player. coming from a teacher this was inexcusable.
    He should have jersey'd that teacher on the spot!

  • g2 wrote: »
    He should have jersey'd that teacher on the spot!


    God knows I would have!!! Teacher must have only been 25 yrs old, and how DARE a teacher tell a kid that!

    Anyone who does not consider Orr to be the BEST ALL AROUND HOCKEY PLAYER EVER either has a brain tumor, or is too young to know any better.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    God knows I would have!!! Teacher must have only been 25 yrs old, and how DARE a teacher tell a kid that!

    Actually she is an old wrinkled b#$ch! I think she's been a teacher for far too long and has just lost all patience..she needs to retire. The only reason I didn't take it further is beacause I wasn't there to hear exactly what was said...I believe my kids tell the truth (at least for now) but the exact wording can easily be lost in translation.
    I wanted to wear my Orr jersey in and cross check her into the blackboard ;)
  • I don't know why Big E is getting so pissed off, wasn't Bobby Orr a Blackhawk.

    Go Habs GO
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    I don't know why Big E is getting so pissed off, wasn't Bobby Orr a Blackhawk.

    Yea, for like 3 months!!
    Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Go Habs GO

    Ohhhhhhhh, dem's fighting words! ;)
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    I don't know why Big E is getting so pissed off, wasn't Bobby Orr a Blackhawk.

    Go Habs GO

    That hurt Dave, that just plain hurt!

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