Goodbye and Good Luck

Hey folks,

I just wanted to take this chance to say goodbye to everyone here on the forum and the players I've met at the Great Blue Heron over the past 10 years. I've resigned from the GBH and am headed out to Calgary in a week.

I've accepted a position as Casino Manager of a new Casino being built in the SW area of Calgary. The name will be Eaglestone Casino and we will have a 15 table Poker Room. The scheduled opening is Sept. 1, 2007.

I want to thank all of the players who have supported the game at the GBH, it was great meeting some of the forum members and I will definitely miss you folks. I'll keep reading the Forum and will post a bit once we are close to opening to let the players know what we are up to.

Take care and only the best of luck to all of you.




  • Good luck!

  • Hey Lee,

    All the best in Calgary! Thanks for all your prompt emails.

  • Lee,

    Its been a pleasure having you on this forum. Wish you all the best in Calgary and hope you see you around.
  • there's a big boom out there in calgary, good luck!
  • It has been a pleasure getting to know you over the last few years. Good luck with your new position.

    I will look you up next time I am in Calgary.

  • Good luck in Calgary Lee!

    Last time I checked this was "Canada's Poker Forum" and Calgary is still part of Canada right? Stick around the forum and let us know whats going on out west.
  • Good Luck GBH Lee
    Never did meet u at Blue Heron but certainly find your postings here useful for my enjoyment at Blue Heron. Certainly glad that u as someone at the dealer/casino's end of the table letting us know whats happening there and your perspectives.
  • All the Best Lee! It was great knowing you and hopefully we meet up at a big tourney in the future.
  • Your efforts to improve poker in our area were well acknowledged, we need more room managers like you.

  • good luck Lee !!
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