Wanted: Computer Nerd!

Hey guys,

My girlfriends computer went on the fritz and she's having a hard time finding anything that she had saved ie. resume, pictures etc. I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with it as I'm not a computer nerd (ie. smart). If anyone wants to make a couple extra bucks and would be willing to come down to the Pioneer Park area to check it out sometime this weekend or Friday after 4pm I would love you (emotionally, possibly physically) forever!

Post here or PM me or call my cell 589-1080 (shannon)

Thanks all.



  • Damn.. tempted by the loving offer, but not sure I'd be all that helpful...

    More details thoguh, is it running fine? Boots up, and you can run programs and such still, just lost some data? What happens when you search for the stuff? Can you see it but not access it?

  • Plug it in.
  • ok but i get any pictures i recover, i get a copy of...
  • When she tries to turn it on it says "it cannot find windows file". Then it says press 'R' for recovery. Options: Recover with back up or without, she chose with. It took an hour to backup. Reinstalled all of her programs whenshe restarted it however she cannot find any of her files. I dunno if that makes sense or not...

  • Kind of make sense.

    Sounds like she used a recovery CD from the manufacturer.

    open your My Computer icon on the desktop.
    Do you see a drive letter like X: labelled recovery (or backup)?
  • Sounds like the hard drive could be dying.
  • That's what I thought BBC....

    If it backed it up, look for the backup file as Hobbes said - if you find it, burn it to a CD or something ASAP (not the whole thing, just whatever you want back).

    Then buy a new hard drive.

  • get off your wallet and buy her a new one!
  • Nothing says I love you like the ability to dl porn onto a new laptop.
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