Rama Tourney... Back to Back Rockets

Made the drive up to Rama Monday morning to play the $300 event with a friend. Luckily I got through the whiteouts on Hwy 11. Anyway I check in and grab a bite to eat then head to the room as the tournament is getting ready to start.

First Orbit...

Table seems tight and I don't recognized many regulars so I play aggressively preflop and grab some early blinds.

Second Orbit... blinds 50/100

Two hands of note, Raise in mid position with AK suited get 2 callers and flop come J 7 3 its checked to me I continuation bet and both fold.

next hand pocket 5's and limp in everyone folds to the small blind who completes and BB checks. Flop 5 A Q rainbow SB checks, BB bets 250 I call and SB folds, turn is a 10 and BB checks I bet 400 (1/2 the pot) as a straight draw is out there now and he mucks after deliberating for a while.

Third and final orbit... blinds 50/100

Dealt AA in mid position.. 2 players limp and I make it 400 to go, its folded around and 2nd limper thinks then shows 44 to me and says he doesn't feel like gambling. I show my cards (first uncontested hand I have shown so far) and we move on to the next hand.

Next hand... AA again and I just finished reading a magazine in the poker room that stated the odds of getting dealt AA back to back was approx. (48,000 to 1) so anyways on to the hand, again 2 limpers at 100 and this time I make it 450 to go and the next player to my left quick makes it 900 so its folded around to me and my thinking is there is no way this guy puts me on AA after showing it the hand before so after a minute or so I ask him what he has left and basically try and show as much weakness as I can to get him allin preflop (even though he is the only stack at the table that can bust me). Its pretty funny at this point as I count my chips then knock them over as I restack them and then announce ALLIN , he insta calls and flips over QQ, so I got what I wanted and he stated he put me on a low pair and that I looked uncomfortable. Anyways the flop was 8 3 2 TURN QUEEN river K and down I went.

Not a bad beat story, I basically got what I wanted which was a call from a hand I had dominated but a friend who was at the next table said my mistake was showing my AA the hand before. I can't see how that would have mattered in this case, if the guy was willing to call the 3rd reraised (allin) with QQ then there was no way he was going to fold even if I smooth called and pushed on that flop.



  • Can't disagree with you there, just sucks. Even if he had show you his Q's, would you have played it any differently? Of course not! You can always look back at a tournament result and 2nd guess yourself. However if you can't think of a better way to play it, you get in as clear favorite and still get drawn out on, so be it. I would be happy, well not happy but you know what I mean. Next time you take it all down.
  • If you smooth call then push he calls. YOu got your money in ahead then the cards did the talking and you did the walking. Congrats on your 48,000 to 1 shot for back to back rockets
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    If you smooth call then push he calls. YOu got your money in ahead then the cards did the talking and you did the walking. Congrats on your 48,000 to 1 shot for back to back rockets

    LOL.. yeah its quite a feat. Oddly enough and as hard as it may seem to believe I almost hate being ALLIN with the best hand in a spot I can get knocked out, I really like the opportunity to outplay players post flop and to rely on my reads and such. Its served me well in the past and hopefully the future. That said ... this is just one of those situations you chalk up to the random luck of getting drawn out on. I am not the first to lose in a spot like this and sure as hell won't be the last.
  • It appears as the money would've went in on the flop either way wth both players having overpair. You got what you wanted, but showing the AA before could've helped him with the insta-call, but it worked to your favour either way.
  • no matter what i have i always lose to QQ
  • Voodoo wrote: »
    Not a bad beat story,

    but a friend who was at the next table said my mistake was showing my AA the hand before. I can't see how that would have mattered in this case, if the guy was willing to call the 3rd reraised (allin) with QQ then there was no way he was going to fold even if I smooth called and pushed on that flop.


    I just checked and it seems that AA is the best starting hand pre flop for this hold' em poker thing. This would lead me to believe that one would not want to just buy a preflop pot with it but perhaps isolate one player for all their chips..
    But I could be wrong.
  • Thanks for the report. Are the starting chips still only 2500 with 25-minute blinds? Isn't the third level 75-150, then 100-200, 200-400 and 400-800?
    Voodoo wrote: »
    Third and final orbit... blinds 50/100
    a friend who was at the next table said my mistake was showing my AA the hand before.

    If your friend meant that he would not give free information especially if it made opponents feel great about making the correct play, then I would agree with him. In this case, you got very lucky with the 1-in-48,841 chance of getting AA back-to-back. After getting AA in the previous hand, many players will think that the likelihood of you getting AA in the next hand has somehow become less likely, but it is exactly the same chance as before - 1 in 221. Your opponent insta-called your all-in reraise without seriously considering that you may have AA again.
  • You do consider it. I don't care if I've just seen AA I'll consider it. It's still a long shot when you've got a great starting hand. Personally with QQ I don't want to get into a pissing match with AK AQ AJ AT. I"d rather see the flop and ensure A or K don't come out. If they do it becomes easy to get away from.

    If the flop is 666 in a raised pot (you have JJ) do you really put him on an A6?

    I personally believe buddy put you on Ax and decided it was go time.

    Tough one Voodoo, but we've all been on that side of the coin..... Imagine he rolled a 6 when you were a winner with 1-5.
  • BF.. The starting stacks are still 2500 with 25 minute blinds but when I said 3rd orbit I wasn't inferring the 3rd blind level (just incase it sounded that way) it was the 3rd time the button had made it around.

    Again I don't consider it a bad beat or anything like that nor am I upset, I have played enough live hands (never mind online stuff) to know that the best hands aren't always going to hold up. It was just an interesting situation which I thought I would discuss. If I was in his spot I would have at the very least considered the chances of my opponent having AA, KK or AK before shoving my stack in, that said it would take a very good and disiplined player to lay down QQ there.
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