Rocks Vegas trip report Feb 25th, 2007

Rocks Vegas Trip, Feb 25th to Mar 1st, 2007

Bob S, Paul P and I left Milton at 11am heading for Buffalo airport, Bob driving. We had some concerns as to if we would get out of Buffalo ahead of the snow storm moving in from the mid west. Weather was fine all the way to the airport although we did run into some traffic delays at Lewiston that held us up for 20 min or so.
12:50PM – arrived at airport in plenty of time for our scheduled 2:40 departure. (this year paid $234. CDN total, a little more than last year). No issues checking in or clearing through security. As you may remember last year Paul had a scare at security as they thought they detected explosive residue on his shoes and hands. He made real sure this year that he had clean hands and shoes. Paul and I had something to eat while waiting, Bob did a crossword, as usual, he never seems to eat. (or sleep).
2:30 – boarded a few minutes late as inbound flight was several minutes late. We did have some concerns over this as our connection from JFK to Vegas had us only 35 min at JFK. Was going to be close. This was a small commuter jet, 4 across, perhaps 30 rows, so small plane.
After several minutes the captain came out of the cockpit to tell us because of worsening weather conditions on the eastern seaboard and him being unable to get a clearance into JFK he was going to ask us to deplane and wait for clearance inside the terminal. Loud groans from everyone on board. Turns out that at least ½ the plane, maybe 50 people were all looking to make that JFK to Vegas flight. As we were standing up and pulling belongings from overhead racks, no more than a minute later, call came through that we now had a clearance for JFK and we would be under way shortly…. Jeeesh, scare for nothing…. Lets get the door closed and get outta here before someone changes their mind. We took off, probably 40 min late but landed at JFK probably only 20 min late, he must have had the pedal to the metal all the way….
We’re wondering if we would make our connector in time and if the weather would even hold long enough to get us in the air out of JFK ahead of the storm. Thinking, just don’t strand us in NY, no casino there….
4:30 – landed at JFK, scheduled departure 5pm, this was gonna be close… Finally get off the flight, not even sure the wheels had stopped turning. Ran into terminal and all the way to a different concourse, phew, made it. Doors slammed behind us and we were airborne on a real nice Delta 757, equipped with TV’s in the seat backs. We heard later that Washington was already virtually shut down and JFK shut down later that evening. A close call but we were on the way.
8:30pm Vegas time, landed pretty well on schedule….. No issues collecting our luggage, nor finding a hotel shuttle, arrived at Excalibur, checked into one room, (they didn’t know all 3 of us were staying together.. lol.. who really even needs a room anyways). For 4 nights with all 3 of us in the room we paid a total of $280, including taxes, phone, etc…. Not bad split 3 ways. At checkin time I even convinced them to upgrade us to a deluxe room which gave us a little more space and a couch, which I slept on… I wasn’t spooning with another Rock!
9:30 – just threw our luggage in the room outside we went to catch the Duece ($5. 24 hr passes is the way to get up and down the strip) and head to Caesars for the 11pm tournament.
This was a great tournament to start with, 75 runners, $70. cost, 2500 chips and 30 min blinds.
Classy room, well run, good structure.. I almost tripled up fairly early when I flopped a set, which boated up on the turn, and by the river I had 2 other guys all in by the river. Check raised on the turn to get them committed and put them in on the river. One had flush, not sure what the other guy had. Cruised to final table playing mostly small ball with marginal hands and big pots with big hands…. Both Bob and Paul busted out in the first couple of hours but railed me the entire time afterwards. Thanks guys…
Play did tighten up when we got to about 15 players, and I managed to maybe steal a pot or two, one of them was with an 8,5 suited from the cutoff…. Scary thought for a Rock.
Shortly after that a bigger stack pushed into me when I was holding Rockets and of course I folded…… Pause here!… lol… No I called, and doubled through. Nice. We got down to 12 (pays 10), switched to hand for hand, I was probably 3rd or 4th biggest stack, feeling good.
Seemed to take forever to get there but we finally formed the final table at about 3:30am. Felt great, in the money in my 1st tournament but it had been a long day. I was now almost 24 hrs since waking the previous morning and running on fumes….. Paul and Bob were great, giving me thumbs up and encouragement whenever they could. Wish I could have played that final table a little more aggressively, but really didn’t get much in the way of playable hands and ended up out in 8th at 4:30am. Not bad, payed $170. played 5 ½ hours, a good start. This probably ended up being a 6 ½ to 7 hr tournament for $70. excellent value… Much better than the Sahara for similar cost.
Headed back to the Excalibur, where Paul and I turned in for a while, while of course Bob, our senior citizen who has more stamina than any of us, and probably most of you youngsters, hit the Excalibur poker room. We found him there when we went down at 8:30am.

8:30am. Monday

Bob had been playing a table game called Hold-em poker where each player bets against the dealer only, there’s bonus bets, betting on each street, way too complicated for me to figure out, other than there has to be a house edge. Anyways he was up significantly at it, as he was the entire trip. Seems like everywhere we went Bob found the hold-em poker table.
We all registered for the 9am Excalibur tournament, ($35. for 300 chips, 40-45 players), basically a luckfest where you pick your hand a go for it. In any case, if you get a good start a reasonable poker player can cash in this fairly routinely. Typically it pays 5 places.
Paul and I both bombed out but Bob chopped heads up for approx $400. Nice start for him. This was all over by 11am so you can see how quick of a structure it is.

Headed for the Orleans via the Duece to play the the 12 noon O8 tourney. Orleans is very old style Vegas but still clean and spacious. Poker room is a separate area but quite large with approx 40 tables. Registered ($70.) with about 30 min to spare and grabbed a bite to eat at a Subway which was close to the poker room with Bob. Paul found the bar for a quick pick me up.
Tournament started right on time with 76 players, 625 chips, unlimited $20. rebuys (500 chips) for $20., 20 min blinds, limit structure. I really didn’t play much until a couple of hands before break (and final rebuy opportunity). I only had about 400 chips in front of me and I almost tripled up with a flopped straight with a nut flush draw. By the time we got to three tables I had an above average stack and had determined that these people play way too many hands at a full table… Quite comical actually, I basically just sat there, seeing the flop a couple of times a round while most of the rest we’re seeing 50-60% of the flops. Up until we got to 2 tables I don’t think I lost a hand I played past the flop. When I hit, I bet, and got payed off. Don’t think these folks payed any attention to who was playing tight or only betting the near nuts… Paul went out around 25th and Bob and I both pretty well cruised to final table. I continued my very tight play, planning to loosen up and get aggressive once we got down to 4 or 5. At about 6 there was a half hearted
Suggestion from some at the table for a chop, but the massive chip leader, an old Korean guy nixed that. I was probably a middle stack and Bob was short stacked. I think I took out both 5th and 6th place finishers on one hand and suddenly we we’re down to 4 with Bob still short. Bob went out shortly after for $385. I think. So now there we’re 3, A lady who seemed very experienced, ie she played the Orleans regularily, the Korean guy who seemed to be always winning these and me the tourist.
I think the lady and I both had about the same amount of chips and the Korean guy had probably 60-70% of the chips at the table. Looked like we we’re playing for 2nd. In any case after maybe 10 hands or so of trading chips around ( I was betting and raising every 2nd hand by this point and I could tell it was bothering the Korean guy) the Korean guy knocked the lady out and we were heads up, him with a 4-1 chip lead. He offered a chop by giving me $70. more than 2nd place money, screw that I told him, I wanted 1st AND the Orleans jacket that came with it! ( 1st approx $1300, 2nd $670.). He told me it was my last opportunity and I shouldn’t be raising so much in Omaha. I said, bring it it on, or something to that effect. It was kinda neat as there we’re at least 30 people including Bob and Paul standing around watching, I knew the Korean guy wasn’t popular so enjoyed everyone rooting for me. There was even a Korean lady standing off to the side who finished early at final table who was rooting for me according to Bob. We probably traded chips back and forward for 15 min, with him getting me all in at one point, and my battling back all the way to even. One memorable hand I recall was flopping quad Q’s on a QQ4 flop. I bet, he raised I re-raised, turn came another low card, almost got us both all in before another low card came on the river to save him. We ended up splitting there. Couple more hands, we we’re about even and he finally proposed a chop but wanted the jacket. I said it was already fitted to my size… So the tourney director, a very nice lady from Sault Ste Marie originally, proposed that we play 1 hand face up for the jacket. Bingo, I never lose those….. Got the jacket, and split 1st and 2nd for $985. apiece. Two cashes and we haven’t even been here 24 hours!


  • Sounds like a great trip so far and congrads on your finish in the first tournament ther, can't wait to here the rest of the trip.

  • Damn...

    I knew there was a reason I loved Bob.. wanna hit the bars with me and "Itsame" this weekend Bob? Catch some ladies?



    P.S. - I'm only kinda kidding.. serious Bob!
  • Nice report so far Jeff!
  • Congrats on making the FT, Jeff!
  • Some one on this Forum really needs to organize a Vegas trip!
  • Great report so far! I love that Bob pulled an all-nighter.

    Congrats on the final table - on your first night, no less!
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I knew there was a reason I loved Bob.. wanna hit the bars with me and "Itsame" this weekend Bob? Catch some ladies?



    P.S. - I'm only kinda kidding.. serious Bob!

    Bob is busy, g2 finally set Bob and I up with the Russian sisters for Nude Mud Wrestling

    Milton "No Beer" Slim
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Great report so far! I love that Bob pulled an all-nighter.

    Congrats on the final table - on your first night, no less!
    Umm, it wasn't just an all nighter, it was more like an all-weeker. Paul and i calculated that between Sunday morning and Friday morning when we got back, Bob had a total of 10 hours sleep...... I would defy any young buck to do that, never mind our 70+ yr old rock... More on that to come..
  • Rock related...pretty sure that /g2 mentioned that he slept only 5hrs the week before in Vegas...

    You guys rock.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    Rock related...pretty sure that /g2 mentioned that he slept only 5hrs the week before in Vegas...

    You guys rock.
    Pretty sure you were wasted when I told you that, can't believe you remembered. And yeah, it was 5 hrs from 7am Friday morning to midnight Monday night, so 5 hrs over an 89 hour period. VEGAS ROCKS!

  • I think Bob needs to teach us all about Stamina.

    Bob is the Rock that rocks.
  • g2 wrote: »
    Pretty sure you were wasted when I told you that, can't believe you remembered. And yeah, it was 5 hrs from 7am Friday morning to midnight Monday night, so 5 hrs over an 89 hour period. VEGAS ROCKS!


    I'm a machine /g2, I remember all, cept for pkrface dealing in RII.

    Enough of that.

    Bob is the Rock that Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Props to /g2 as well as he was able to find my wife at an offsight location for some "alone time" while still having the alibi that he was at Royal III.

    The kid is clever

    Rocks Rock.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    Props to /g2 as well as he was able to find my wife at an offsight location for some "alone time" while still having the alibi that he was at Royal III.
    I dunno if I would call it "alone time"... after all, I brought a friend! Mrs. Wolff sure is friendly :D

  • didn't i see those pics posted on another site?
  • added to report.
  • nice report, jeff. congrats on the results so far!
  • ********** Continued from page 1 *************

    From here we headed back to the Excalibur, played some of the 2-6 spread game, while Bob played some more of the Hold-em poker table game. I believe Bob was up a hundred bucks or so while I may have been up 20-30. After a while we decided that we were going to head up to the Venetian to see if we could get into the 9pm super satellite into one of the following day deep stacks. Got there around 8pm to find out that there were not enough entries but they had an $80 SNG about to start that had 1 spot open. Bob and Paul declined but I decided to give it a whirl since I was already up so much. Nothing too exciting, guy to my left was a big stack almost from the start and I just waited my chance. Doubled up once with JJ , then down to 4 ppl where I went out when my Q’s we’re busted by big stacks A,10. He raised, I pushed, he called, A on flop, I’m out. You have to see the 2nd floor of the Venetian though, very impressive, beautiful ceilings, indoor gondola rides. The women would love it. Bob and Paul again graciously waited…. Thanks guys… Paul even suggested I should just buy my way in and he would buy a piece of me. I declined, just would feel funny playing with effectively someone else’s money.
    We headed back to the Excalibur, played some more 2-6 spread, about even until around 2am when I turned in. Bob was still going, just like the Energizer bunny.. He finally came up about 4am I think.
    Around about 7am or so Bob was already up and showering. Paul and I we’re awake but Bob didn’t know it. We we’re commenting about how could Bob try and sneak out on us…. Just cause he didn’t need sleep. A plan popped into Paul’s evil mind. Hide Bob’s shoes! Up I got looking for a place to hide them. It’s not easy in a hotel room, only so many places. We thought about outside the door, naw somebody might take them and clean them.. Couldn’t have that. Finally we decided on an empty drawer…. Back under out respective covers, pretending to be asleep. Bob came out of the bathroom, finished dressing and obviously looking for his shoes, he wandered around the room. Both of us were having a rather hard time staying quiet but somehow managed. At one point Bob came over to Pauls bed and stared down at him. I was sure he was going do something drastic but no, Bob is way too “nice” a guy. Anyone else woulda been hollering long before this. I probably would have filled up a garbage pail with water and dumped it! Finally we heard the door open, I was sure Bob was just gonna go down to the poker room shoeless.. Nope he was only checking to see if they were outside. He came back in, sat on his bed and didn’t move for a few minutes. This was getting uncomfortable.. Both Paul and I were sure something was up. Finally Bob got up pulled open drawers and found his shoes. He put them on and out the door he went, closing it quietly.
    After he was gone, Paul and I we’re up dressed and out the door within 15 min…. We found Bob in the food court at Mc D’s buying us breakfast to bring back to the room. Paul and I just looked at each other…. Did he really not suspect us? Throughout the day we kept firing hints at Bob but he never showed any reaction or any suspicion towards us… Very Strange…
    We all signed up for the 9am Excalibur tournament, but only I cashed, 3rd for $110. somehow this tournament doesn’t seem as much fun anymore. The only thing it has going for it is it’s close and very poor players…. At 11 after I busted out we took the Deuce and went all the way downtown. Maybe next time we’ll take a cab, this trip took over an hour with all the traffic and frequent stops.
    Arrived downtown about 12:30 and wandered in and out of a few of the original Casino’s, Golden Gate, Golden Nugget, Four Queens, Fremont and Binions. We we’re looking for a suitable afternoon tournament and decided on the 2PM Binions. $70. plus $40 rebuy or add-on, about 38 runners, apparently this was about 20 less than normal due to the heavier traffic on the strip generated by the deep stack tourneys at the Venetian and the Wynn Classic. However it was very well run…. All 3 of us made final table, Paul and I had avg stacks while Bob was short. For the final table they moved us to the tv table which was on a raised platform and had hole cams, and all the trappings that you would see from a televised tournament. Really neat.
    I would recommend this tournament to anyone, just something about playing at the home of modern hold-em amongst all the pictures of past and current greats.
    At final table they paid 5, 1st three went out fairly quickly. I wasn’t seeing anything playable in position until poor Bob, who was on my right picked up pocket 9’s, He pushed for maybe 5 times the blind after one early limper. I looked at my cards, rockets…. Now what do I do? Really didn’t want to bust Bob so close to the money but can’t fold…. Since there had been one limper I decided to just call, after showing a real reluctance and concern. I was hoping that at least one more would come along for the ride, especially the big stack at the opposite end of the table. Sadly no one else called and Bob tabled his 9’s. Sorry Bob, rockets… Mine held up and Bob was out… Lol, he took it very well. This guy is just too classy to be a poker player. First we hide his shoes, he shows no reaction, then I bust him out at the tv table of Binions, he just shakes my hand and wishes us all well…. Jeesh Bob, get mad or something. Round and round the table we go with someone pushing almost every hand. The blinds we’re escalating to the point where only a couple of ppl could afford to play post flop poker. Finally we we’re in the money at 5, Paul short stack and I was probably 2nd. A chop was proposed but we never could get agreement. Paul doubled up once, another short stack busted in 5th, then a few hands later, Paul busted in 4th. Three of us we’re left, roughly with the same chip stacks. Again a chop was suggested and we agreed. 3 way even chop for $670. I got the Binions winners sweatshirt as neither of the others cared…. This was now 5 tournaments played, 4 cashed for me….. I felt like I was on fire… In any case I insisted I buy dinner, find a nice place and sit down for a while.
    We decided on Tony Roma’s since it was right there and looked good. We had a really great dinner and discussion. We finally owned up to Bob what we had done with his shoes that morning…. Lol.. He really took the fun out of it by telling us that he had really thought he had put his shoes in the drawer when he turned in. He had thought his shoes had smelled bad, they did, and though they would less likely bother us if they we’re in a drawer.
    We asked him what he would have done if he hadn’t found his shoes? He replied that he would have just have sat on his bed until we woke up… lol… Bob you are too much! In any case you had to have been there, it really seemed a lot funnier at the time.
    After dinner we went outside on Fremont street to watch the light show. Fantastic.. ya gotta see it at least once.
    Now it was about 10pm and we headed back for the Deuce back to the strip. We decided to get off at the Sahara and play the 11pm $62, tourney. I think there we’re about 90 players, all three of us busted out by the 2nd break and we headed back to the Deuce stop to head for the south end of the strip and home base. After about 30 min waiting, and it was cold, Paul kept suggesting a cab. Stubborn Bob and I kept saying it will be along any minute, but nope, after another 10 min or so we gave up and went back into the Sahara to hail a cab. It was only about $15. to go the entire length of the strip at this time of night so I really don’t know why we waited…. Lol… I was frozen…. And in Vegas… Jeesh.
    Back at the south end of the strip Paul and I went and played some ½ NL at Luxor while Bob played some table hold-em again. He loved that game. Think I was down some but not a lot. We headed back to the Ex about 4am where we checked with Bob, who was up a couple of hundred so didn’t want to turn in. Paul and I turned in leaving Bob playing. I think he finally came up at 6am.
    At 8 Wed morning we we’re all up and back down for breakfast at McD’s and register for the 9am Ex tourney. St the last minute I decided to leave them playing there and head to the Venetian to see if I could try another SNG to that afternoons deepstack. After I got there I found that they wouldn’t be able to get any more going so I gave up and headed to the MGM for their 11am $60. buyin. I had played it on a previous trip and found it to be decent. Just before 11 Paul and Bob showed up and registered as well. Funny thing was both Bob and Paul ended up on my immediate right a couple of times during the tournament and even though I didn’t tangle with them, they were nervous.. lol.. In any case I think we started with about 60 players. Paul and Bob we’re both out before we got to 2 tables and I was short stacked when the following massive hand saved me. I was in the big blind with AKo, raise, re-raise and a couple of all-ins before me, had to call at this point. There we’re 5 of us all in, only 1 shorter than me, think he only had about 1 ½ the blind.. I think there was 2 pairs, 10’s and 6’s, a Q,J suited and a smaller A. A King came on the flop so I was ahead, 10 on the river which gave the shortest stack the win, but I pretty well quadrupled up from the side pot, off to the races. Made final table with lots to spare, but went out in 6th when maybe I got too aggressive. I had pocket K’s early at final table but got no action. That could have made the difference. Paid $170.
    We spent the late afternoon and evening playing 2-6 spread at the Ex and ½ NL at Luxor. I think I was roughly even there. I think I turned in around 3 with Paul, again Bob came up a couple of hours later.
  • Up and downstairs at around 8:30 am Thursday . Bob was now up to a massive 10 hours of sleep in 4 days… No idea how he was still standing but you sure wouldn’t know it looking at him.
    We all played the 9am tourney, but no cashes… Was the big run over? In any case Bob and I decided to go back to the Orleans and play the 2pm $70 buy in NL tourney since we had had so much success there. Paul stayed behind to do some shopping, site seeing, drinking, etc….
    Both Bob and I busted out within a minute of each other at about the 2 hour mark, both on failed bluffs.. I had pocket 4’s in the cutoff, called the blind after a couple of limpers ahead of me. Button raises 4 times the blind, both limpers call so I do too. Pot is about ½ my stack. Flop 9, 6, 3 rainbow. Checked to me, I peek at the button and he doesn’t seem too interested. I push hoping he’s on a big A. He took at least 5 min before calling and I was sure I was ahead but he turned over A,9, and I go home now. He said he was quite sure I had tripped up, that’s what I wanted him to think but said he wasn’t good enough to lay down top pr top kicker…. Lol.. wish he thought he was a better player…
    One other interesting I had at my first table maybe an hour in. Aggressive player across from me had amassed a big stack and had eliminated 3 or 4 players to this point, big talker, obnoxious, you know the type.. Guy to my right, similar stack to mine had just double up through him by taking a risk slow playing Pocket K’s, played the rope a dope to perfection and succeeded. Anyways this hand comes up, I’m under the gun with pocket J’s, limp hoping mr talker would raise so I could isolate. Well he did min raise but young tight player 3 to my right on the button re-raises about the pot. Now what do I do? I decided to re-raise again representing a limp re-raise with A’s. Mr talker folds and young guy just calls. This was not really the plan.. Flop comes K10 rag. I push for about twice the pot, representing my A’s or Kings. He tanks for about 5 min before folding KQ faceup. I show my J’s, but whispered to him afterwards that was not to show him up but to show loudmouth that old guys can play too. He nodded knowingly and took it very well. He put my on either A’s or AK so it worked. Even though I didn’t cash in this one I felt good about my play. If my 2nd bluff had worked, good chance I would have cashed again.
    Bob and I went back to the Ex to spend our last few hours there but didn’t find Paul right away. We decided to go play some of the Luxor ½ NL game again. Started new table with about 6 of us, Bob to my right. Maybe 2nd round and I get pocket K’s. Bob ahead of me raises to $10, I re-raise to $20. this is virtually how we always signal to the other, big hand, get out…
    Usually this works and we avoid big pots with each other. Anyways all fold back to him, he pushes the rest of his $50. buy in. Now what do I do, I already have $20 in and it costs me $30 into a $75. pot. I know what his re-re-raise means but can I really lay down K’s preflop? Nope, I’m a donkey, besides I’m up about $1500. US to this point and don’t mind sharing with Bob, at least that was my thoughts. I call, turn over my K’s and sure enough Bob has A’s. At least this time he’s ahead. Lol.. Should have know, flop rag rag rag, turn rag and of course…… K on the river. Wiped Bob out again, can’t believe that guys luck, and how well he takes it.. We played for maybe another hour and headed back to the Ex about 6. Found Paul who didn’t want to play any more, he had a rough trip….. We spent our last couple of hours playing the 2-6 spread game at a great table, fun bunch who kept re-buying. Wished we could have stayed all night. Bob was up over a hundred and I was up about $80. playing probably 50% of the hands, way more than I normally would have. Great fun though. Caught a cab to the airport about 10 for our 11:45 flight and goodbye Vegas.!
    We had about a 2 hr layover in Cincinnati where I bought breakfast, short hop to Buffalo and home about noon. Now to start planning the next one.
  • I have a question for you compuease. Never being to Vegas before, but would love to go, how did you find out about all the tournaments and what their buy ins were? Is there a book or flyer you can pick up somewhere while there that tell you the times, places and buy ins for these tourneys? I would love to go to Vegas in the near future but I'm not much of a cash game player and prefer tourneys so this information would help me a lot
  • awesome report Jeff.

    Congrats on the success.
  • This should get you started.

    /g2 <-- too slow
  • excellent posts on the trip, jeff. sounds like you had a great time. i want to party hard with bob!
  • compuease wrote: »
    g2 wrote: »
    This should get you started.

    /g2 <-- too slow

    Thanks boys...much appreciated
  • compuease wrote: »
    This was now 5 tournaments played, 4 cashed for me

    Nice rampage, Jeff!

    Thanks for the awesome report.
  • Thanks for the fun report, compuease. I thought you told me that you won two tournaments, but I didn't know that you pwned Las Vegas! Congratulations on all the money finishes.

    I have been to Las Vegas around four times, but it was many years before I had learned to play poker, so I am now tempted to go back. I am considering going there with a group on July 8-12. Harrah's is offering U$60/night for two people. I have read that airflight is currently $500 from Buffalo (American) and $332 from Detroit (Northwest). What is the best website or travel agent to find the best prices?
    compuease wrote: »
    I’m up about $1500.
  • Here.

    and here.

    and here.

    We paid $198. cnd all taxes in 1 year ago and $234. cnd all taxes in this time out of Buffalo. both were 1 stop connectors

    Keep in mind that prices vary every week and day, so you have to look and be prepared to move. Seems like about 4-6 weeks before travel is optimal.
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