Full Tilt Notes

My notes on players at full tilt seem to disappear. Are they only good for the session you are playing or is this some other problem.


  • i only use color code
    color code does not disappear.
    as for notes, I am not sure.
  • I'm 99% sure that the notes dissapear, I started off keeping notes on nearly every player i played against. After a while i staretd recognizing names but had nto notes on them, i'm pretty sure they just last for the session you're in. This is one thing full tilt definatley needs to change, doesn't Stars let your notes on players last forever? Definatley needs to be changed.
  • Everyother site my notes stay for ever. I was beginning to think it was just me. Thanks, time to open notepad and keep my notes on players there.
  • It could be with upgrades to their software that there was changes on how the notes were kept and old notes were erased.
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