High Speed Advice

I am an internet 'oldie'. I've had an email address since 1987, which is longer than some of you have been alive. I remember surfing the net on Mosiac, which at the time was text only. However, until now I have never given up my modem.

I've been scamming my ISP for the last 8 years for unlimited dialup @ $9.95/month, lol. But that ended yesterday when I got my first bill for being overlimit to the tune of $200. Not so lol.

So...I am finally going to move to high speed. So I am looking to all those internet 'newbies' who can say 'what the hell is dialup' for advice.

I have pretty much settled on 3web, with long distance, it will be $24.95/month. However, being a cheap bonus chasing bastard I don't really feel like buying their modems and low-pass filters.

I am looking for recommendations on what modem to buy and where and also where to get low-pass filters cheap. I am also still open to going to a different ISP, if you can recommend one. It has been suggested that a Motorola 5100 is a good choice because it doesn't have any reported problems downloading torrents. Opinions?



  • btw the 3web service is for 5mbps - not internet 'lite'
  • moose wrote: »
    I am an internet 'oldie'. I've been scamming my ISP for the last 8 years for unlimited dialup @ $9.95/month, lol. But that ended yesterday when I got my first bill for being overlimit to the tune of $200. Not so lol.

    Dude, how the F can you multi-table and d/l porn while on dial-up???? Welcome to the milenium brother!!!!

    As for services I can't really comment, I use execulink at work and they have been very reliable and cost effective, I use Rogers at home and I hate them! Primus had a decent deal recently including High Speed, long distance, and local calling...a guy at work here tried it and it was a nightmare according to him. 3Web looks very interesting....I'm going to have to investigate further :)

    As for modems are you going cable or DSL?

    SMC also makes a good cable modem, the 8004 (wired) and 8014 (wireless) are both highly rated, the Motorola is also highly rated. Linksys also has some decent product and that's what I use, they were acquired by Cisco so they make solid stuff at decent prices. As for DSL modems, I think Thomson (516) makes a good line?
  • moose wrote: »
    I am an internet 'oldie'. I've been scamming my ISP for the last 8 years for unlimited dialup @ $9.95/month, lol. But that ended yesterday when I got my first bill for being overlimit to the tune of $200. Not so lol.

    Dude, how the F can you multi-table and d/l porn while on dial-up???? Welcome to the milenium brother!!!!

    As for services I can't really comment, I use execulink at work and they have been very reliable and cost effective, I use Rogers at home and I hate them! Primus had a decent deal recently including High Speed, long distance, and local calling...a guy at work here tried it and it was a nightmare according to him. 3Web looks very interesting....I'm going to have to investigate further :)

    As for modems are you going cable or DSL?

    SMC also makes a good cable modem, the 8004 (wired) and 8014 (wireless) are both highly rated, the Motorola is also highly rated. Linksys also has some decent product and that's what I use, they were acquired by Cisco so they make solid stuff at decent prices. As for DSL modems, I think Thomson (516) makes a good line?
  • Good question. I thought I had to go dsl but I guess cable is better because no filters required? I have to see if 3web does cable to Cambridge.

    lol it was Execulink that I was scamming for the unlimited. However since they took over from Golden, I guess they decided to fix up their accounting, which finally caught up to me last month. Their prices for high speed are terrible.

    btw you can 12 table across 3 sites, no probs with dialup. But porn - definitely no porn. For porn I have to go to work. Please don't email boss@work.com.

    I was going to do the Primus since my ld is with them but the $35 package 1. it is for high speed lite and 2. they don't have local phone yet in Cambridge. :(
  • You can get free filters from Bell. Phone them up, tell them you wanna switch from rogers to sympatico and if they have any deals. You should be able to get them for 29.99/mo with no contract. Get the filters, cancel the bell deal and go with the other cheapies.

    Also, buying the modem is +EV longterm.
  • I also think I have two or three filters you can have Moose if you do go DSL? I'll check at work...I know I had some sitting around just can't remember how many. It might cost you a couple slices of pepi's :)
  • Which is better? dsl or cable?
  • moose wrote: »
    Which is better? dsl or cable?

    I prefer cable myself.
    With DSL the further you are away from the central switching station the slower it gets.
  • I agree with Hobbes, if cable is an option I would take it over DSL. If DSL is the only option it's still a very good one, lemme know and I'll dig up the filters.
  • I like bell sympatico (mostly because I hate rogers cable). And at present don't pay for my cable at home and didn't want them coming to my house. I have no problems with Bell, and use it for work and home. As with all large company's their customer service SUCKS a$$. I have had minimal down time with them which is always good. If your going to set up a mini network they want you to buy/rent their router modem at additional costs. It isn't necessary but they will tell you it is.
  • I went with dsl with these guys:


    $18.95/month if you prepay for the year, includes a modem ($50 deposit). If the service sucks you can cancel. No ports blocked, unlimited dl, 5 mps.

    I'll let you know how it is. They have a referall program. :)

    Btw anyone looking for a cheap dsl modem/wireless router:


  • High speed got connected today.
    The unspeakable abominations download much faster now.
    Plus my phone is not busy now and I can surf. :)


    only gives me 2575 or so download. I wonder if it is my service or if another provider would have been faster. Oh well. $19 a month.
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