HBK Team

Thanks to my team and well wishers throughout the tournament. It was great to see everyone and even though I was exhausted afterwards I had an awesome time. Oh yeah, even though I was also very dissapointed in my play I had an awesome time! Some excellent players there and nothing to be ashamed of regardless of the outcome.

Congrats to Tyson from my team for winning our team MVP prize.

Thank you, once again, to all of the organizers!

See you next time!



  • Thanks, I had alot of fun!

    The surprising part is I only laid one bad beat during my three wins.
    I handed that to Pinhead, during our heads up game. I had been pounding him with great hands and he got a hand to reraise me with.

    I had A5s against his TT.... needless to say I sucked out and wrapped up my 3rd win of the day.

    Hope we can do better next year, but wouldn't care if it is just as fun as this year!

    Thanks Sandro and to the other HBK.
  • Hey Kids,

    It's a new year and who can believe we'll be playing in our 4th, YES 4th Royal Cup!!!

    The following HBK's that have committed thus far are:

    Flint Bones
    Shtebs (alt.)
    LaBeach2002 (alt.)
    Ryan_yo (alt.)



    I appreciate those loyal members (not to say that others aren't) that have volunteered to sit out this year if they're not needed. As Shtebs put it, "I love this team and want to put the best one forward, if that means I sit then I'm all for it." I paraphrased there a bit but that's pretty much what he said. We do plan on putting our best team forward this year and getting back to what we know we can do, winning this damn thing!!!

  • I've already started my playoff (Royal) beard. Bring it on boys!!

  • Uh oh...we're all scared ;)

    Do you have a confirmed 8th yet?
  • Actually I have confirmed 10, we can only take 8 though. I'll let everyone know soon who the 8 are....


    p.s. be afraid, be very afraid.....
  • In all fairness to Pinhead's team...

    It would appear that they took the weak link from their team and got him some intensive training in a team game format... apparantly they've gotten Daniel Negreanu teaching him in Barcelona or something?

  • Damn, now you know our secret...to get one member trained at a top level and have him relay that info back to the rest of the team :)
  • Looks more like watts is schooling the teacher...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Looks more like watts is schooling the teacher...

    Who is this Watts guy you are speaking of?
  • April 5th a good day for any of the previous HBKer's? Let's see who is available...

  • April 4th is Jays home opener, think your team can handle it?
  • I can handle anything.

  • I'm sure you can. The rest of us would need time to change after the night of the Jays game though, while you would likely just need to get in the car in your boxers and proceed to KW.

    I say "likely" because I know Mario is coming too so you may not even be wearing the boxers...
  • That just makes it more of a weekend to remember....

    ...kinda like that movie 'a walk to remember', except the remembering part.

  • that weekend runs into exams. Could we try for after th 18th:)
  • vb,.mnxlkcnbvklxncljnbmzxNCMBnzmxcnbmnzvmnbm,cvnbmxncmvbnmxcnmvbxcnm
  • can wee make it for any weekend after the 18th.

  • I'm in for another run to LAST PLACE!
  • Not an ideal date, but I'll make sure I show up.
  • I think this date actually works for me...back at it after missing the past two! woooo!
  • Looking for a replacement player as one of ours can no longer make it. You can play stud or Omaha, we're flexible.

    Send me a PM or post.

  • Thanks for all of the replies everyone, appreciate the help :)

    Steve 'Shtebs' will replace 'Flint Bones'

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Thanks for all of the replies everyone, appreciate the help :)

    Steve 'Shtebs' will replace 'Flint Bones'


    Welcome (back) to the team Steve-O!
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Thanks for all of the replies everyone, appreciate the help :)

    Steve 'Shtebs' will replace 'Flint Bones'


    Did you really get multiple replies? Because we're still short a player afaik

    Also, is Shtebs playing Stud for Flint?
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    Did you really get multiple replies? Because we're still short a player afaik

    Also, is Shtebs playing Stud for Flint?

    I am still awaiting that response from Shtebs. From what I remember he sed to play Omaha so in that case, I would switch to stud and he would play Omaha.

    I got multiple replies however most of them were suggestions on who to possibly ask or people telling me they could not after I pm'd them. Why don't you try BBC.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Why don't you try BBC.


    Done and done, he was already on our roster. I think we're good to go now
  • Glad to hear that BBC is making it out.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    Glad to hear that BBC is making it out.

  • Seriously needs a player. Trevor can you bring Jenn? 519 2398901

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