Credit card deposits

Is there any way to deposit money into a site using a credit card or do you have to go through a bank account?


  • try netteller??
  • spelled: (only 1 t)
  • some credit cards won't let you deposit, like my stupid (former) mbna mastercard. apparently online gambling sites aren't trustworthy enough for them or something. but lots of credit cards let you deposit. and starting a netteller account (using your credit card) is a good idea to do at some point.
  • It won't let me deposit directly with my Mastercard nor will it let me deposit to Neteller either.
    This is getting pretty frustrating.
  • It's really up to your individual credit card company whether or not they choose to process gaming transactions. Some will not allow such transactions at all, some that do allow these transactions are now adding surcharges to such transactions.

    Furthermore, many credit card companies recognize the various "online wallets" (e.g. Neteller) who deal with gaming sites, and may treat transactions with such merchants similarly.

    Neteller can be linked to Canadian bank accounts for both deposits and withdrawls.

  • Yeah.. that's what I ended up doing today.
    Just hooked up my bank account.
    Thanks for your help.
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